For OPI Unit updates please click here.
Superintendent Arntzen joined Governor Greg Gianforte, Commission of Higher Education Clayton Christian, and MSU President Waded Cruzado at the Brawl of the Wild to introduce Montana's 2023 Teacher of the Year Catherine Matthews to the entire state.
State Superintendent’s Message
Please watch Superintendent Arntzen's Thanksgiving message.
Montana Alternative Student Testing (MAST) Pilot Program
The first test window for the MAST Pilot project was completed Friday, November 18. Over 6,500 testlets were completed across 37 districts in Montana. Testlets were completed in both Math and ELA subject areas and participating districts will receive score reports on December 2nd.
On December 14, from 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM the OPI will be holding a virtual feedback session on the first round of test administration. All participating staff members are invited to attend and fill out the survey below.
- No registration is required to attend. The link to join is here and will be on the MAST website.
- Please share feedback using the following link in advance of the feedback session: ANONYMOUS SURVEY.
The next testing window is January 17-30, 2023.
For more information please contact Sam Walsh, MAST Project Manager, at
Preliminary Fall 2022 Student Enrollment Count for the Average Number Belonging
The initial collection of Fall student enrollment contributes to the calculation of Average Number Belonging (ANB) directed through §20-9-311, MCA. ANB is used to calculate funding for schools for the following fiscal year, so the Fall 2022 ANB count will be used for the Fiscal Year (FY) 2024. The following chart shows the Fall student enrollment count for ANB from FY2015-FY2023:
The preliminary Fall 2022 count shows 149,717 students enrolled in Montana public schools. School districts have until December 31 to change or certify their data.
Preliminary enrollment data for nonpublic schools is also available:
Nonpublic School* ** |
Homeschool* ** |
Private School* ** |
2021-2022 |
16,002 |
7,368 |
8,634 |
2022-2023 |
15,992 |
7,663 |
8,322 |
Total Change |
-10 |
295 |
-312 |
*As of November 22, 2022, 55 of 56 Counties have reported Nonpublic enrollment numbers.
**This data is considered preliminary and may change slightly over the next few weeks as school districts have until December 31st to change or certify their data.
For more information please contact Nicole Thuotte, AIM Manager, at or (406) 444-2080.
Chapter 55: School Accreditation
The Board of Public Education (BPE) meeting on November 18, 2022 included actions and responses to public comment and resulted in the board supporting nearly 30 of the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee’s consensus recommendations.
Some of the recommendations that the BPE accepted are:
- New Family and Community Engagement
- Graduate Profile
- Integrated action plan
- Student performance standards definition now include the term “proficiency”
- Variance to Standards now has Charter Schools as a separate rule
In January BPE will continue reviewing public comment on the proposed changes. The rules are scheduled to be adopted during the March 2023 BPE meeting.
For more information please contact Dr. Julie Murgel at or (406) 444-3172.
Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER)
The Final Expenditure Report (FER) for ESSER I was due on October 25, 2022. Please note that if a district's ESSER I FER has not been approved then that district will not be able to draw down dollars from ESSER II and ESSER III.
On November 7, 2022, Districts were sent a monthly overview of ESSER allocations. All district allocation letters can be found here.
Statewide ESSER Allocation through October 31, 2022:
Please remember that ESSER II dollars must be allocated by September 30, 2023, and ESSER III dollars must be allocated by September 30, 2024.
For more information, please contact Wendi Fawns, ESSER Director, at
Math Content Standards Review
Superintendent Elsie Arntzen, with approval from the Montana Board of Public Education, has opened the Montana Mathematics Standards for review. We are excited about this opportunity and we would like for the people of Montana to do this with us. Whether you are an educator, parent/guardian, student, business and industry employee, or a member of the greater Montana community, your perspectives are important to the integrity of this process.
Academic content standards provide a roadmap for what students should know and be able to do. Local school districts can then use these standards to guide the development of their local curricula, along with the professional learning of their educators. We want your voices to be heard as we strive to serve our Montana students and educators with the best-possible mathematics standards to guide instruction and prepare our students well for their lives beyond the classroom.
If you are interested in being involved in this important process, please fill out the Montana Math Standards Review Interest Survey
For updated information on the Math Standards Review, please visit the K-12 Content Standards webpage.
If you have questions, please contact Sonja Whitford at sonja.whitford
Public Comment on Special Education Alternative Assessment Waiver
The Montana OPI is preparing to submit the Initial 1% waiver request per the OSEP memo sent to states on September 20, 2022. The Montana Office of Public Instruction (OPI) has adopted alternate academic achievement standards for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. Montana OPI does measure the achievement of those standards with an alternate assessment aligned with alternate academic achievement standards (AA-AAAS). Federal regulation 34 C.F.R. 200.6(c)(2) requires that, for each subject for which assessments are administered, the total number of students assessed in that subject using an alternate assessment with alternate academic achievement standards may not exceed 1% of the total number of students in the State who are assessed in that subject.
The federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) caps the percentage of students who can take the alternate assessment at 1% of the total students tested. The ESSA also allows states that may exceed the 1% cap to apply for a one-year waiver. Montana has not requested the waiver previously. However, Montana Office of Public Instruction (MT OPI) believes the waiver may be necessary for the 2022-2023 school year. Therefore, the Montana OPI is seeking public comment on the 1% OPI waiver. Please note that responses will be consider formal public comment. The Montana OPI has scheduled a virtual webinar that will be open for public comment at two different times to seek public input. Public comment may also be submitted to the following email at OPI:
Below is a Timeline outlining the process with stakeholder involvement with public comment opportunities as underlined:
- November 7, 2022: Initiate public comment, by sending email to stakeholders and posting information on the OPI webpage with links to the Montana Office of Public Instruction 1% Waiver Request.
- November 9, 2022: Discussion with Statewide SPED Director’s 2:00pm – 3:00pm via Zoom
- November 15, 2022: Education Advocates Meeting – 9:30am – 10:30am via Zoom
- November 17, 2022: Webinar 1 for public input, 4:00pm-5:00pm via Zoom
- November 21, 2022: Discussion with Special Education Advisory Panel via Zoom
- November 22, 2022: Webinar 2 for public input, 4:00pm to 5:00pm via Zoom
December 7, 2022: Public comment deadline 4:00pm
December 13, 2022: Final Draft prepared and submitted to the DOE
For more information please contact JP Williams, State Special Education Director, at or (406) 444-4426.
Data Reporting Calendar
Please mark your calendars and set reminders for all data reporting dates.
- OPI's GEMS Data Collection Calendar can be found here.
- OPI's AIM Data Collection Calendar can be found here.
For more information please contact Nicole Thuotte, AIM Manager, at or (406) 444-2080.
Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools
A Special Olympics Unified Champion School® [] demonstrating commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 standards of excellence receives national banner recognition. This year, only 177 schools across the nation received National Banner School status. In Montana, Great Falls Early Learning Center, Capitol High, and Carroll College received the recognition.
A Special Olympics Unified Champion School has an inclusive school climate and exudes a sense of collaboration, engagement and respect for all members of the student body and staff. A Unified Champion School receiving national banner recognition is one that has demonstrated commitment to inclusion by meeting 10 national standards of excellence. These standards were developed by a national panel of leaders from Special Olympics and the education community.
The primary activities within these standards include: Special Olympics Unified Sports® [] (where students with and without disabilities train and compete as teammates), Inclusive Youth Leadership and Whole-School Engagement.
If your school would like to become a Unified Champion School contact Jeannette Gray-Unified Champion Schools Senior Director, Special Olympics Montana. (406) 396-8082
Cyber Security Threat
Attention School Finance Officials!
The Office of Public Instruction has been made aware of a scam pertaining to school payroll. School finance officials please be vigilant to ensure you are accepting changes from an in-person transaction only. The incidents are reported as being in receipt of an email and electronic form changing an employee’s account number. Once that form is processed by the school and the payroll is sent to the bank, the perpetrator immediately sweeps the money from the account and the employee is left without a paycheck. This notice is sent as an extra effort to make sure schools know of this activity and to be extra vigilant in verifying these important transactions.
If you have any concerns that the integrity of information was compromised please contact your local financial institution.
Study Abroad Scholarship Opportunities
The U.S. Department of State offers several merit-based fully funded internships, career development, and study abroad opportunities for American students. Below, please see a detailed list of our programs to share with your local high schools, colleges, and universities. For high school students, particularly, we have many programs with deadlines swiftly approaching. Please encourage your students to take advantage of these exciting opportunities.
Students can learn more about our programs at [] and stay informed of upcoming opportunities by joining our talent network at [].
High School Student Programs- Upcoming deadlines!
CBYX |The Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange program: An exchange program jointly offered by the U.S. and German governments. CBYX offers opportunities to study and work abroad for high school students, recent high school graduates with a vocational interest, and young professionals. No previous language experience required. For more information, visit []. Application Deadline: Dec. 1, 2022
FLEX |Future Leaders Exchange Abroad Program: Students live with a host family and attend high school in one of three FLEX countries—Georgia, Kazakhstan, or Poland. For more information, visit FLEX Abroad | Discover FLEX []. Application Deadline: December 7, 2022
YES ABROAD | Kennedy-Lugar Youth Exchange and Study Abroad: High School students and recent graduates (age 15-18) live and study for an academic year in the Middle East, Asia, or Europe on a full scholarship. For more information, visit []. Application Deadline: December 7, 2022.
Youth Ambassadors Program: Connects high school students and adult mentors both in-person and virtually from across the Western Hemisphere to promote mutual understanding, increase leadership skills, and prepare youth to make a difference in their communities. For more information, visit Youth Ambassadors Program - World Learning []. Application Deadline: December 12, 2022.
NSLI-Y | National Security Language Initiative for Youth: NSLI-Y provides overseas critical language study opportunities in Arabic, Indonesian, Mandarin, Hindi, Korean, Persian, Russian, or Turkish to American youth. For more information, visit NSLI for Youth | Scholarship to Study Language Abroad []. Application Opens: October 2023 (please consider applying next year)
Graduate and Undergraduate Student Programs and Career Development Opportunities
Gilman-McCain Scholarship: Provides undergraduate students whose parent or guardian are active duty or activated military personnel at the time of application funding to study or intern abroad. For more information, visit []. Application Deadline: January 3, 2023
Rangel Summer Enrichment Program: Six-week summer program that prepares undergraduate students for careers in international affairs. Applicants from underrepresented communities in the Foreign Service with strong academic backgrounds and a commitment to service are strongly encouraged to apply. For more information, visit []. Application Deadline: February 15, 2023
Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship: Provides undergraduate students of limited financial means (Pell Grant Recipients) funding to study or intern abroad. For more information, visit []. Application Deadline: March 9, 2023
Fulbright: Provides grants to graduating college seniors, graduate students, young professionals, and artists to pursue graduate or professional studies, conduct research, or teach English abroad for up to one academic year. For more information, visit []. Application Opens: April 2023.
Virtual Student Federal Service (VSFS): Part-time, virtual internships with flexible schedules. Interns can partner with Department of State diplomatic posts overseas and domestic offices, as well as other agencies.. All VSFS interns are unpaid and volunteer ten hours a week from September to May. For more information, visit []. Application Opens: July 2023.
Critical Language Scholarship (CLS): Offers opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students in U.S.- based degree programs to learn one of 15 languages through immersive study abroad institutes each summer. For more information, visit []. Application Opens: November 2023.
U.S. Department of State Student Internship Program: Paid internships offered during the fall, spring, and summer semesters in Washington, D.C. and at U.S. embassies and consulates overseas. Interns will receive GS-04 pay level, including transportation/housing expenses. Applicants must have completed at least 60 credit hours at an accredited university at the start of the internship, have at least a 3.2 GPA, and be enrolled in school the semester immediately following the internship. For more information, visit []. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.
U.S. Foreign Service Internship Program (USFSIP): Merit and needs-based opportunity available to undergraduate sophomore and junior students with a 3.2 GPA or higher. The program provides two paid internships in consecutive summers. The first will be in Washington, D.C. and the second one will be at a U.S. Embassy or Consulate abroad. Interns will receive pay at the GS-04 level and transportation/housing expenses. For more information, visit []. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.
Pathways Internship Program: Offers paid employment for students while they attend school. Applicants must be at least 16 years old and enrolled or accepted as a student (full-time or part-time) in a qualifying high school, vocational school, undergraduate or graduate program, with a GPA of at least 2.0. For more information, visit []. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.
Colin Powell Leadership Program Internship: The Colin Powell Leadership Program recruits highly motivated individuals from a variety of backgrounds who aspire to and possess the potential to become future Civil Service leaders in the Department. The program provides paid internships to students who are enrolled at accredited institutions of higher education. For more information, visit []. Vacancies are on a rolling basis.
For more information please contact
MTSS High School Forum
The OPI MTSS High School Forum highlighted national experts Hank Bohanon and Dr. Tim Lewis as well as many local speakers who shared what Montana High Schools and Middle Schools are doing to support Montana educators and students through an MTSS framework. There was a great turnout with over 150 participants! Thank you to all who attended!
Montana's 68th Legislative Session
Congratulations to the newly elected Senate Leadership:
- President Jason Ellsworth
- President Pro Tempore Ken Bogner
- Majority Leader Steve Fitzpatrick
- Minority Leader Pat Flowers
Congratulations to the newly elected House Leadership:
- Speaker Matt Regier
- Speaker Pro Tempore Rhonda Knudsen
- Majority Leader Sue Vinton
- Minority Leader Kim Abbott
Education takes precedent in Governors Budget:
Pursuant to section §20-9-326, MCA, annual inflation-related adjustments are required for basic amount for school equity (BASE) aid. BASE aid is the largest state funding component for Montana’s public-school systems and supports the school district’s general fund.
Other requests from the Office of Public Instruction that are included in the 2025 Biennium Executive Budget are:
- Transferring dollars for teacher licensing to support the TeachMontana system
- Funding the repair or replacement of audiology testing equipment used to provide hearing screenings for Montana students. The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) requires schools to have an effective child find system in place for children suspected of having disabilities through age of 21. The OPI Hearing Conservation Program is the primary method for schools to ensure proper identification of students with hearing impairments.
Please join OPI for the following Rotunda Days promoting education during the Legislative Session:
- Montana Parents Day on January 2nd, 2023
- Bi-weekly Education Caucus starting January 10th, 2023
- Weekly Tribal Caucus starting January 12th, 2023
- Indian Education Day on February 14th, 2023
- Celebration of Women’s History on March 22nd, 2023
- Montana Ready Celebration on April 12th, 2023
For more information please contact Tara Boulanger, Legislative Liaison, at or (406) 444-2082.
Click the links below for important updates from OPI's units.
Accreditation & Educator Preparation
Achievement in Montana (AIM)
Career, Technical and Adult Education
Coordinated School Health
Educator Licensure
Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)
Indian Education for All
Montana Autism Education Project
School Finance
School Nutrition
Special Education
Title & Federal Programs
Transformational Learning & Advanced Opportunities
Tribal Relations & Resiliency
Questions? Contact:
Brian O'Leary, Communications Director, (406) 444-3559
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.