LBSS Weekly News - May 8, 2020

Update from Dr. Smith

Hello Lake Braddock Families!

This week we had another successful week of distance learning and we celebrated our outstanding teachers for Teacher Appreciation Week.  We also engaged more families through our Virtual Parent Coffee and discussed various topics: grading, Class of 2020 Graduation and celebrations, student item pick-up and supports during distance learning.  If you were not able to make it, please click on the recording in the link below.  

FCPS continues to work on how we will celebrate and honor our senior class and how we will be able to facilitate students coming to the building to pick up their personal belongings.  Please know that these are division level decisions and we are working hard to support our students and families during this difficult time.  Thank you for your patience as these decisions are being made.  Email communication will be sent to families as soon as we have the final details. 

If you or your students are have challenges or concerns regarding distance learning, please reach out to their teachers, counselor or administrator.  We want to ensure your families has what they need to be successful with distance learning. We are here to support you! 

United as Bruins,

Daniel W. Smith, Ed.D.



Congratulations to Lake Braddock freshman, Charles Nguyen, who was awarded a Bronze Award and Certificate of Merit in the 2019-2020 National PTA Reflections contest. Charles entered the Photography division with his photo entitled Synapse.

Congratulations also go to former Bruin, Ben Tobin (Class of 2015), who was recently awarded a Pulitzer Prize for his article in the Courier Journal in Louisville, Kentucky. 

Important This Week

Lake Braddock Virtual Parent Coffee

Thank you to those who joined us for our Virtual Parent Coffee on Thursday, May 7. Here is the link for the recording. Stay tuned for the date and time of our next Virtual Parent Coffee.


report cards

Report Cards

Report cards will be mailed for both third and fourth quarters unless you have opted to "Go Paperless." To go paperless, log into ParentVUE, go to "My Account," and select "Go Paperless." Every parent who has a Parent VUE account for a student must choose Go Paperless to avoid having report cards mailed.

Information for All

Final Day of School

The final day of school for Seniors is May 29 and the final day for 7th through 11th grade is June 12.

Office Hours for Parent Questions

Our administrative assistants are available to answer parent and student questions via Blackboard Collaborate. Please use one of the following links to access the sessions:

  • Monday-Friday 9:00-11:00 am

  • Tuesday-Friday 1:00-3:00 pm

  • Monday 5:00-7:00 pm

Distance Learning Graphic

Distance Learning Resources

The following resources are updated as needed to keep you informed during this period of distance learning.

   • Lake Braddock Secondary School Distance Learning playlist: two videos for students: one from me about Lake Braddock's Distance Learning Plan and one that is titled "Online Learning 101." 

   • Continuation of Instruction Student Support: instructional schedule; office hours for teachers; office hours and contact information for counselors, other support staff, and technology support; and contact information for administrators. 

    •  LBSS Tips for Working and Learning from Home: a compilation of resources for you and your students sharing ways to make the best of this time together.

    •  LBSS Digital Planner: a planner for students to structure their day.

    •  How to access the NEW Virtual Classroom in Blackboard

tech support 2

School Counselors Available

Any FCPS parent may schedule a 30-minute phone consultation with a school psychologist or school social worker, for either themselves or their middle or high school student.

Consultations provide an opportunity for parents to receive guidance on how to support their child’s emotional well-being during their time away from school. Student consultations will provide support and strategies to students who may be experiencing difficulties with anxiety, mood, behavior, or peer or family interactions during this unprecedented and challenging time.

Note: Parent consultations are available for all grade levels. Student consultations are only available for middle and high school students. Schedule a phone consultation online.

Lake Braddock Counselors are available to support you as well so please email them if you need support.

My SchoolBucks Meal Account Refunds

If you wish to request a refund from your child’s MySchoolBucks meal account, please click here.

Support for the Community From One of Our Students

One of our very own 10th graders, Michael Weon, has been volunteering his time to make washable handmade masks. The masks have been donated to senior centers, police departments and the Children's National Hospital. If anyone would like to pick up a mask, they are available at 2985 District Ave. Fairfax, Monday through Saturday 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. In addition, Michael has set up a go fund me page (Free Masks for the DMV) for donations toward supplies and Children's National. 

Field Trip Refund Request Process

FCPS understands this is a difficult time financially for many of our families. The Department of Financial Services has received various inquiries from schools and parents about the refund process for canceled field trips due to the COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent school closures. Any field trip related reimbursements to FCPS are subject to contracts terms with travel brokers/vendors and non-refundable fees. These factors must be evaluated to determine potential balances available for refunds to students and parents. 

LBSS will settle each field trip with the travel broker/vendor to determine the amount (if any) available for field trip refunds. Once we have determined the amount available for field trip refunds, your refund will be processed according to your method of payment. Those field trip fees we are able to recover that were paid through MySchoolBucks will be credited to you through the MySchoolBucks platform. Those field trip fees we are able to recover that were paid with cash or check will be refunded by LBSS, in the form of a check mailed to the enrolling parent unless we are instructed otherwise.

PTSA Updates

PTSA Award

Safety and Wellness Award

Our very own PTSA is a winner of the FCCPTA Safety and Wellness Award. The PTSA will receive $1,000.00. Congratulations! 


All PTSA information can be found on the PTSA web site:

MS Information

Bruins Stay After Meets Virtually

Check out the MS After-School Program Google Classroom for lots of fun, engaging and FREE material!!  The classroom code is: rdax7rb.

Bruins Stay After on Instagram

Join the MS After-School Program: Bruins Stay After on Instagram @bruins_afterschool. Tag @bruins_afterschool to be featured!! We want to know what our Bruins have been up to! Don’t have an Instagram account? No problem! Please email Ms. Bryan at to submit. 

bruins stay after take 2

Mathcounts is back! Interested in accessing our Mathcounts Google Classroom?

We will meet on Monday afternoons from 3-4pm. Mr. Edwards provides the problems and you provide the snacks! 😊 If you are interested in attending remotely, the Google Classroom Code is: uoxemrw

FCPS Learning Packets and Going Paperless

A reminder that electronic copies of the Middle School learning packets can be downloaded from Blackboard by clicking here. If you would like to opt-out of receiving the paper packets at home, please click here to complete the form. 

HS Information

Seniors Opportunity “National Graduation”: 

Seniors Celebrate Together: The class of 2020 has faced a senior year like none other in history. The XQ organization has partnered with The Lebron James Family Foundation and the Entertainment Industry Foundation to celebrate high school seniors throughout the country with a first-of-its-kind national graduation that will air simultaneously on network television, social media and streaming platforms on Saturday, May 16 at 8:00 p.m. EST. The event will feature LeBron James, Malala Yousafzai, the Jonas Brothers, Yara Shahidi, H.E.R., Megan Rapinoe, Bad Bunny, Lena Waithe, Pharrell Williams, Ben Platt and others. Former President Barack Obama will give the commencement address.

Here's how you and your students can participate:

--Ask your seniors to submit photos for the first-ever National High School Yearbook in partnership with JR’s global Inside Out participatory photo project. 

--Share your stories about remote learning quirks, inspiring tales of educators going above and beyond, or anything else that you think needs to be told on Graduate Together’s website. 

--Encourage your seniors to submit photos and short video segments that tell the stories of their achievements.


AP Testing Guide

The College Board released this guide, which details all information needed leading up to and including exam day. Links in the video description go to important documents students will need.



The high school yearbook is still available for pre-order using MySchoolBucks or via the online site ( using school code 5061). Not sure if you pre-ordered? Email Mrs. Poquis at and she can let you know.

Want to help us finish the spring supplement? Share your quarantine life photos with us via the online site ( Make sure to give us your name and some background information so we can include it.

Follow the yearbook on Twitter (@lakebraddockybk) and Instagram (@lbyearbook) for more content.

Senior Fees

Dear Senior Parents,

We are in the process of planning a meaningful graduation experience for the Class of 2020 to the greatest extent possible given the current situation with COVID-19. FCPS is considering many options to celebrate this momentous occasion. There are many costs associated with the senior year, including caps and gowns, diplomas, diploma covers, tassels, cords, medals, seals, and programs.

We would like to remind you that, if you have not already done so, please pay your senior fees as soon as possible. The cost is currently $85 and we will not increase the fees as originally scheduled. Any funds not used for the Class of 2020 will be refunded.  The preferred method of payment is Instructions for online payment can be found on here.

We look forward to celebrating the Class of 2020!

FCPS Senior Surveys

All FCPS 12th grade students are asked to complete a brief senior survey at the end of their 12th grade year. Postsecondary plan information gathered in the Senior Survey provides valuable information for our school division as we work to support each student’s academic and career plan, and information from the survey is annually reported to the Virginia Department of Education and the School Board. This survey is mandatory.

There is also a survey for LBSS to gather information on scholarships awarded to students.

The Senior Surveys opened on Monday, April 20 and must be completed by May 22, 2020. The Surveys can be accessed through Naviance. For specific instructions, click here.

Parking Pass Reimbursements

Parking passes will be refunded at a prorated amount. A check will be issued by FCPS to the name and address of the enrolling parent. No additional steps will need to be taken by you.

LB Athletic Booster Club Scholarships

$500 Student Athlete Scholarship Application

$1500 Scholar Athlete Leadership Scholarship Application

Senior Student athletes can apply for six $500 scholarships and two $1500 scholarships from the LB Athletic Booster Club by submitting applications and recommendations directly to To submit transcripts, you can complete the "CONSENT FOR RELEASE OF STUDENT RECORDS IN SUPPORT OF POSTSECONDARY APPLICATIONS," scan it, and send to Jackie Balough (LBSS Transcript Assistant) at She will send all requested transcripts directly to LBABC using the email account. 


Applications can be emailed or mailed to the Booster Club and submitted or postmarked no later than May 15th. Thanks and Good Luck Bruins!

Information from the Career Center

Counseling, College, and Career Distance Learning Resources for Juniors. The Class of 2021 Next Steps Google site is now available. This site was assembled by the College Success Program in collaboration with school staff and the Office of Counseling and College and Career Readiness. The Google site (linked below) will help rising seniors (current juniors), as they begin to explore and develop their postsecondary plans. This site map will be posted on the Blackboard Distance Learning Resource page for parents.
The Class of 2020 and Class of 2021 sites will be updated on a weekly basis from now until June 12, 2020.

Class of 2021 Rising Seniors’ Next Steps
Class of 2021 College and Career Resources for Parents and/or Guardians 

Class of 2020 Next Steps
Class of 2020 College and Career Resources for Parents and/or Guardians

SAT Testing. CollegeBoard has added a new SAT administration for Saturday, September 26, 2020. This date will be for the SAT only, in the United States and internationally, with no SAT Subject Tests™ available. Sunday
testing for religious reasons will be on September 27. 

Registration for the 2020-21 SAT administrations will open the week of May 26. At that point, June registrants will be able to transfer their seat to a 2020-21 administration. All other students in the high school class of 2021 who don't have SAT scores will also have early access to register for the August, September, and October administrations. This includes students who had registered for March or May and had their registrations canceled and refunded. For each administration this year, we're also preparing to significantly expand our capacity.

Our top priorities are the health and safety of students and educators. Please note we'll only move forward with the administrations if it's safe to do so from a public health standpoint.


Click here to view past newsletters from the Career Center.

FCPS Resources

Special Education Resources

Special Education Instruction

Are you looking for ways to support your child during this time of uncertainty? Check out the FCPS Elementary SchoolMiddle School, and High School special education resources which cover a variety of topics for families of students with disabilities such as: reading/ language arts, mathematics, communication, behavior, executive functioning, accommodations, adapted PE, physical and occupational therapy, hearing services, and vision services.


Managing Meltdowns

Does your child have difficulty calming themselves down? Check out our Calming Strategy Activity that can be used to introduce and teach calming strategies as part of self-regulation.


Frequently Asked Question: What are the next steps being offered if I do not wish to sign the TLP?

Answer: The Virginia Department of Education advised school divisions to develop a plan that meets its own individual needs during the time of the emergency school closure. Like other large school divisions in Virginia, FCPS developed the temporary learning plan model to identify what goals, accommodations and services could be provided to students during this time of closure. The TLP is not an IEP and it is not a waiver of rights under IDEA.  Your child’s IEP will be implemented when we resume school. A parent may elect to not provide a signature on the TLP. If you do not sign the TLP, school staff will collaborate with you to resolve your concern. This may include having an administrator, department chair/ lead teacher, and or procedural support liaison (PSL) participate in the conversation.  If necessary, an IEP meeting with relevant members of the team can be scheduled. If you choose not to sign the TLP, the outlined service(s) will still be offered and will be delivered, unless you choose to opt out of instruction.  


Contact Information

If parent(s) or guardian(s) need further assistance, please reach out to the: 


FCPS continues to provide updated information through various links:

  • FCPS Daily updates for the FCPS community

  • FCPS Digital Citizenship for Families Web Page.

  •  FCPS Updated FAQs

  •  The latest Healthy Minds blog – Keeping Kids Occupied During School Closure #5

  • Superintendent Brabrand's message to families – Superintendent's message.

  •  School-Based Social Emotional Learning and Wellness Resources During Distance Learning gives information on how schools are continuing to support social and emotional learning and mental wellness.

  •  Learning at Home: Support for Families

  •  AP updates. In addition, the College Board has assembled the country's best AP teachers to conduct free live and on-demand AP classes and review sessions to help students to still be able to test and earn college credit in 2020. The classes can be found on the Advanced Placement YouTube Channel

  •  The Parent Resource Center is open (virtually) during this time of FCPS Distance Learning. 

  •  Food Resources

  •  Talking to Students about COVID-19

  •  Fairfax County Resources (Assistance from a Distance) 

  •  Ways to Support Local Organizations

  •  Academics and Continuity of Learning Plan


Translation Services Information Lines

Amharic : 571-423-4957

Arabic : 571-423-4952

Chinese : 571-423-4953

Farsi : 571-423-4954

Korean : 571-423-4951

Spanish : 571-423-4950

Urdu : 571-423-4955

Vietnamese : 571-423-4956


FCPS cable channels with learning activities are available. Channel 25 includes middle school programming and Channel 99 includes high school programming. This content will also be available online at

Counselor and Clinical Team Support

During this difficult time, our Student Services teams continue to be available to help support our staff, students, and families. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have student concerns. If you have sensitive information that you do not want to send in an email, you can simply say you have a student concern you would like to address and include a phone number where a counselor or clinical team member can reach you. See Continuation of Instruction - Faculty and Staff Support for contact information and office hours of our Student Services staff.

Other Mental Health Resource Links

FCPS website for Mental Health Resources and information for emergency mental health services:

Mental Health resources

Fairfax County Family Services Resources

The Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board is still operating but with continually evolving changes. Please check their web site for updated support options.

The Fairfax County Department of Family Services has created a resource for how to access their services from a distance.  

The Fairfax County Department of Family Services has a new parenting support line for families of children 0-18:  Parent Support Line

Family Services Parent Line

How to Stay In-Touch

Please stay in touch with us throughout the year by: