Early Years and Childcare Broadcast

Early Years and Childcare Broadcast header

With you, with the child. Every step of the way.

Weekly broadcast for Early Years and Childcare settings from the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help Service.

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Wednesday 3 October 2018

1. Children Starting School in September 2019

This week, all FE providers should have received copies of the Starting School Questionnaire and the School Admissions leaflet to give to all families of children in your setting born between 1st September 2014 and 31st August 2015. More information about what to do with the leaflets can be found in the letter accompanying the leaflets.

The numbers of leaflets sent to each provider has been calculated using the number of children in this age band accessing FE in your setting last term, plus a proportion to take into account children who are starting to access FE from this term. If you do not have enough leaflets for all of the children in your setting, or are aware of any children not currently accessing FE who are within this age band, feel free to make copies of the leaflets you have, print more from the link above, or you can contact your local Children and Family Centre to ask for additional copies.

Last year there were 600 late applications for school places – and most of these children were attending early years provision. Please support your parents to understand the processes and timescales for applying for a school place so that their experience, and the experience of their child starting school, is a positive one.

The on-line application is open from now until 15th January 2019. Any applications received after that will be considered after places have been allocated to all of the children whose applications were received before the deadline.

Staff in the Children and Family Centres can support parents to complete the application. Any specific queries from families should go through the Schools Admissions Team - Contact Pupil Admissions - West Sussex County Council.

A copy of the Starting School Poster 2019 is attached for you to display in your setting.

2. LAST CHANCE TO APPLY: Extended Free Entitlement Awards 2018

One year into delivery of the Extended Free Entitlement (FE), we would like to celebrate the fantastic work that is happening across the county. Over 5000 families benefited from this funding in the summer term and, without you, all this would not have been possible!

With this in mind, we would like to share all the good practice, and are excited to announce the Extended FE Awards 2018.

  • Would you like to win £1000 to help you develop your setting?
  • Would you like a FREE Training Subscription Package for 2019/2020?
  • And a FREE place on the Developing Emotional Health and Well Being in Early Years Conference on Friday 15 March 2019 (saving £75)?

If the answer is YES then we want to hear from you! How to put your setting forward for an award:

  1. Read the Extended FE Award guidance.
  2. Complete the online application

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 7 October 2018.

Please contact free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk if you have any questions related to the awards and include “Extended FE Awards” in the subject line.

3. Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals (Stage 1-4 and additional vocabulary)

  • Duration: This is a TWO FULL DAY course and will take place over two weeks
  • Date: 16 and 23 November 2018
  • Time: 9.00 am – Finish: 16.00
  • Venue: Bognor Regis Nursery School, 85 Victoria Drive, Bognor Regis, West Sussex, PO21 2TB. Tel: 01243 642925
  • Cost: The cost of the course is £185 which includes materials (lunch is not included).
  • Tutor: Noriko Bayes (SSC nursery nurse at BRNS and Makaton Regional Tutor)
  • Entry criteria Participants need to have an understanding of early communication skills but no signing experience/knowledge required.

 Please see here for further information, and here for a booking form.

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Date                 What's happening?

08/10/18          Inclusion Funding Panel

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 26 September 2018

  • Autumn term Free Entitlement actuals – final reminder 
  • Ofsted webinars for Childminders and committee members
  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Helicopter Story training
  • Stoptober 2018
  • Developing Emotional Health and Wellbeing in Early Years – 2019 Early Years and Childcare Conference
  • Extended Free Entitlement Awards 2018

Wednesday 19 September 2018

  • Autumn Term Free Entitlement Actuals and 30 Hour Codes 
  • Extended Free Entitlement Awards 2018
  • Solihull Approach – For All
  • Book now! Introduction to Children’s Learning and Wellbeing Audit (CLaWBA)
  • Make our website a ‘Favourite’ today
  • Early Years Equipment Sale
  • Stoptober 2018

Wednesday 12 September 2018

  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Helicopter Story training
  • Cross border inclusion funding arrangements
  • Disability Access Fund – Autumn term claims
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Autumn term claims
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals
  • SEND questionnaire

Wednesday 5 September 2018

  • FE Reminder