Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 27 June 2018

1. Summer term Free Entitlement payments

Please be advised that Free Entitlement actuals payments for Summer term have now been released. Payments can take 3-5 working days to show in your account, so please expect payments at any point during week commencing 25 June.

Disability Access fund (DAF) payments have also been made for all approved applications where evidence was provided. (Please note that in order to approve and process DAF claims we require a copy of the Disability Living Allowance award letter and signed Parent Declaration form).

Don’t forget, even though the Online Provider Portal is now closed for Summer term submissions, you can still log back on to view your payment summary.

If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk.

2. Free Entitlement Autumn term Estimates – reminder

The Online Provider Portal (OPP) is now open for you to submit your Autumn term estimates for Free Entitlement (FE) 2, 3 and 4 Year Olds: www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal

Headcount Day for Autumn term: 20 September 2018.

Our quick and easy video guide explains how estimate payments work, and then shows you how to submit your estimate claim via the OPP. Alternatively, you can use the Estimate help guide PDF version. Both can be accessed from here 

The deadline for estimate submissions is 6 July 2018.

If you have any questions, please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk or phone the Family Information Service on 01243 777807. 

3. Updated Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance

On the 21 June, the Department for Education published updated statutory guidance for Early Education and Childcare.  

It supports the introduction of 30 hours free childcare for children in foster care, and makes clear that the eligibility of children in foster care will be determined by the responsible local authority. West Sussex are now working on the local processes and will update you all as soon as possible to ensure eligible families can access a place from the Autumn term 2018.

The statutory guidance also includes updated content on charging to ensure that the guidance aligns with current policy (set out in the early years entitlements operational guidance published in 2017), and provides guidance for local authorities when parents have applied for 30 hours before the deadline and received their eligibility code after the deadline.

4. Is your setting inclusive?

Want to stay up to date and inclusive? Whether or not your setting receives inclusion funding, it’s a good idea to refresh and update your knowledge. Including all children is a requirement of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Code of Practice. There are spaces left on these upcoming courses that can support your setting, available under the Training Subscription Scheme or for a one-off payment of £50:

EY214S Me and My Team   |   03/07/18 and 10/07/18   |   09:30-16:00   |   The Park Centre, Burgess Hill

EY209S The Role of the Inco   |   06/07/18   |   09:30-16:00   |   County Hall, Chichester

EY211S Parents as Partners   |   11/07/18   |   09:30-16:00   |   Bognor Regis Children and Family Centre

EY207S No Shocks No Surprises   |   12/07/18   |   09:30-16:00   |   Horsham Children and Family Centre

For more information on these courses, see the Course Brochure. To book on, call the Customer Service Centre on 01243 777807.

5. New Inclusion Training Course – Practical Steps, Positive Outcomes – Understanding Inclusive Practice

We are running a new Inclusion course for Early Years Practitioners. The first session is due to run in Crawley on 4 July between 9.30am–4.00pm.

The course is called ‘Practical Steps Positive Outcomes – Understanding Inclusive Practice’ (EY222S.)

This course supports practitioners to explore key issues working with children to identify barriers to inclusion and consider planned support and progress towards positive outcomes.

By the end of the day you will be able to:

  • Reflect on personal and others attitudes to inclusion
  • Identify barriers to inclusion and consider planned support
  • Reflect on your own provision, practice and practical strategies and discuss successes and challenges
  • Implement strategies that impact positively on maximising children's progress

This course is now available to book via the Online Provider Portal.

6. Coming Soon – Fire Extinguisher training for Early Years settings

The following course is for Early Years settings who have joined the Training Subscription Scheme and IPEH staff only.

We have two Fire Extinguisher for Early Years Settings training courses coming soon on:

  • Monday 10 September 2018 – Worthing
  • Wednesday 7 November 2018 – Crawley

You will be able to book onto these courses via the Learning and Development Gateway.

If you would like to be alerted when this course goes live please email: IPEH.practice.improvement@westsussex.gov.uk

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Children, Young People and Families (IPEH)

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(May 2018)


Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

W/C 25/06/18       FE actuals and Inclusion Funding payments for Summer term due
02/07/18              Inclusion Funding Panel

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 20 June 2018

  • Free Entitlement Autumn Term Estimates – now open
  • 30 hour codes for Autumn 2018

Monday 18 June 2018

  • Special Broadcast - Children's Learning and Well-Being Audit

Wednesday 13 June 2018

  • University of Chichester EY Initial Teacher Training  Graduate Employment Based and Assessment Only
  • LADO changes

Wednesday 6 June 2018

  • Summer term actuals - Online Provider Portal re-open for checks (6-8 June)
  • Disability Access Fund (DAF) claims
  • Helicopter Stories
  • EYPP Summer term claims reminder
  • DAF Disability Access Fund claims
  • MMR Vaccination reminder

Wednesday 30 May 2018

  • Safeguarding and Child Protection for Early Years and Childcare Practitioner
  • Prevent for Early Years Settings
  • Early Years Education and Childcare Workforce Recruitment Event - Winchester