Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 23 May 2018

1. IMPORTANT - Subscription to the Weekly Broadcast

You may recently have received an email from West Sussex County Council (WSCC) entitled ‘Do you want to receive email updates? Tell us now’. This email was in relation to updating your preferences for the newsletters you are signed up to receive from WSCC, and was sent in preparation for the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).

As a Local Authority we have a statutory duty to keep you up-to-date with important information relating to early years and childcare. Therefore, please note that all providers will continue to receive the Weekly Broadcast every week regardless of your newsletter preferences. We hope that you continue to find the Weekly Broadcast useful, and we are always interested in your feedback.

2. Updated Privacy Notice - GDPR

As you will all be aware, the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) come into force on 25 May 2018.

We have updated the Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH) Privacy Notice, which previously only needed to be shared with parents accessing Free Entitlement (FE). This has been expanded to cover all aspects of potential data sharing between settings and West Sussex County Council. As such, this must be shared with all parents accessing your provision.

It can therefore also be used by non FE providers such as Out of School Clubs and Holiday Playschemes. For example, this would cover the information you would share with IPEH to access inclusion support or funding for a child.

We recommend that you share this document with parents as soon as possible.

For future reference, this will be available on our webpage here and the version in the  Free Entitlement Provider Declaration will also be updated.

3. Advance notice: Summer term actuals - Online Provider Portal re-opening for checks (FE providers only)

The Online Provider Portal (OPP) is now closed for Summer term Free Entitlement (FE) actual claims. Please note, the OPP will be re-opening between 6-8 June for you to check your Summer term actuals claims.

If you missed the deadline you can submit your actuals between those dates but only for children present during headcount week (w/c 30 April).

Please follow the usual exceptional payment request process for children who have started/wish to start after headcount week. Do not add them to your actuals claim.

30 hour codes: If you experienced issues submitting any 30 hour codes and have added a note to the ‘Notes’ box on the OPP then we will contact you shortly.

Remember, if a parent did not apply or attempt to reconfirm their code prior to 31 March 2018 then they will not be eligible to claim extended FE this term.

If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk

4. Draft School Effectiveness Strategy - Consultation

Consultation has opened on a Draft School Effectiveness Strategy 2018-22. West Sussex County Council wants to listen to everyone that is involved in education provision – have your say.

The consultation will remain open until Friday 15 June 2018 and the outcome presented to the Children and Young People’s Services Select Committee on the 20 June 2018.

5. Early Years SENCO qualification specification

The Department for Education (DfE) has published the Level 3 Early Years SENCO qualification specification. The qualifications developed from this specification are intended to support early years practitioners to gain accreditation for the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to perform the Early Years SENCO role effectively. The qualifications are not mandatory. This recommended specification has been designed by early years experts and stakeholders supported by the DfE.

The DfE has also published a Level 3 EY SENCO job description, which is intended as guidance for early years providers and practitioners to help clarify the role of the Early Years SENCO in non-maintained early years settings.

In addition to this, Action for Children has compiled a set of five case studies which represent some of the work going on across the country to support children with SEND. These case studies give examples of good practice in relation to the role of the setting SENCO.

6. Child Safety Week 4–10 June

Summer is coming and it’s fun to play outside. We all need to keep active to stay fit, but babies and children need supervising whilst they play and explore new things.

Everyone has a part to play in preventing accidents among children and we know that nothing is more powerful than the voice of experience. Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust Child Health Improvement Team would like you to promote the Child Accident Prevention Trust Child Safety Week and share the attached safety messages by displaying resources and talking about ways to reduce child accidents.

Attachments: Child Safety Week 2018

Latest newsletters

IPEH Stakeholder newsletter

Children, Young People and Families (IPEH)

Stakeholder Newsletter 

SEND newsletter

(May 2018)


Upcoming Key Dates

Date                           What's Happening?

25/05/18                    GDPR come into force
06/06/18-08/06/18     OPP re-opens for Summer term actuals checks

Previously on the weekly broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 16 May 2018

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – final reminder
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Summer term claims - reminder
  • New Format for the 2 year Integrated Review
  • Five to Thrive Training
  • Update your Termly Childcare Provider Update form today!

Wednesday 9 May 2018

  • Summer Term Inclusion Funding
  • Funding Panel Response Times
  • Helicopter Stories
  • EY Initial Teacher Training at the University of Brighton

Wednesday 2 May 2018

  • Early Years transition events – booking reminder
  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – reminder
  • 30 Hours extended FE codes Summer term
  • EYPP Summer term claims reminder
  • DAF Disability Access Fund claims
  • MMR Vaccination reminder

Wednesday 25 April 2018

  • Summer term Free Entitlement actuals – now open (FE providers only)
  • Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP) Summer term claims (FE providers only)
  • Early Years Transition Events
  • 2018 – 2019 Early Years Training Subscription Scheme Course Bookings now open
  • Introducing Practice Improvement’s new Facebook page
  • Don’t miss out - final  chance to book these Early Years courses.