Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 21 March 2018

1. Safe sleeping in the early years setting

The most up-to-date information about safe sleeping practices within an early years setting can now be found under the ‘General Health and wellbeing guidance’ section of the WSCC website. 

The guidance outlines safe sleeping practices for all children in the early years setting including children with additional needs and children at higher risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, and can be used as part of your safe sleeping policy for best practice.

2. Early Years and Childcare Business Conference - uncollected item

A delegate from Saturday’s Early Years and Childcare Business Conference purchased an item from Commotion Distribution, however did not collect the this before the end of the day.

If this was you please email Katie.crompton@westsussex.gov.uk, confirming what the item you purchased was, and we can then arrange for this to be posted to you.

Thank you to all the delegates for turning out on a very cold, snowy Saturday! We hope you enjoyed the conference.

3. University of Chichester Early Years Initial Teacher Training: Graduate Employment Based & Assessment Only

The University of Chichester offers the Graduate Employment Based (GEB) and Assessment Only (AO) routes to Early Years Teacher Status (EYTS).

A highly skilled workforce is seen as critical in supporting outstanding early years provision. This makes Early Years Teachers ideally placed to fulfil the need of employers for high quality professionals working with young children aged 0 – 5 years.

To be awarded EYTS, trainees must meet robust standards designed for high quality education and care. The GEB route is fully funded and includes a £7,000 employer incentive to cover release and other costs. If you are an experienced practitioner you may prefer the self-funded (£2,600), three month AO route.

Entry Requirements:

  • Employment in an eligible early years setting which fully supports the application
  • GCSE or recognised equivalent in Science, Maths and English at Grade C or above
  • A degree equivalent to UK standards at the start of the programme
  • Passed Professional Skills Tests in Maths and English prior to entry
  • Confirmation that appropriate suitability checks (including DBS) have been undertaken by their setting

To register your interest for the 2018/19 course, or for further details, please email EYTS@chi.ac.uk or tel: 01243 812011.

Attachments: Flyer (PDF)

4. University of Chichester Early Years Information Evening

Do you or your employees hold a L3, L4, L5 qualification or a degree? Are you interested in progression and learning more to further enhance children’s experiences and gain a higher qualification?

We have the programmes for you:

  •  L4/L5 Foundation Degree in Early Years (Reduced fee & student loans available)
  • L6 BA (Hons) Early Childhood L6 Top Up (Student loans available)
  • L4/5/6 BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (Student loans available)
  • Postgraduate Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) Graduate Employment Based (Fully Funded)
  • Postgraduate Early Years Initial Teacher Training (EYITT) Assessment Only (£2,600)

To find out more about these programmes, how they are taught, what we expect, how they are assessed and financial advice, please join us anytime between 4.30-7pm on Thursday 19 April 2018 - Academic Building, Room 1.03, Bishop Otter Campus, College Lane, Chichester. Light refreshments will be available.

Book your place online, or for more information email eyts@chi.ac.uk

Attachments: Early Years Foundation Stage Poster (PDF)

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Upcoming Key Dates

Date                    What's Happening?

03/04/18              Training and Support Programme opens
w/c 2/4/18            FE estimates payments due for release

Previously on the Weekly Broadcast

Below is a list of headlines from recent broadcasts. Click on the date to view a copy:

Wednesday 14 March 2018

  • Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimates – Reminder
  • Business Conference Parking Permit
  • 2018/19 Training and support programme
  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Conference 2018 (Day Nurseries, Pre-School Playgroups, and Childminders Only)
  • Minding the Gap Early Years Conference 2018
  • Online Provider Portal workshops
  • Professional Development video (Communication Trust) 

Wednesday 7 March 2018 

  • Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimates – now open
  • 30 hour codes deadline for next term – please remind parents 
  • Booked to attend the Early Years and Childcare Business Conference? Read Me!!!
  • Contact Details for the Healthy Child Programme Team
  • Lullaby Trust Safer Sleep Week
  • Introduction to Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Radicalisation & Extremism

Wednesday 28 February 2018

  • Opening Soon Free Entitlement Summer Term Estimates
  • Last chance to book your place!!
  • Minding the Gap Early Years Conference 2018
  • Training Level 3 Diploma in Playwork
  • Digital Support for Childminders

Wednesday 21 February 2018

  • Spring term Free Entitlement Payments – advance notice
  • Reminder: Spring Term Inclusion Funding
  • Have you booked your place yet? 
  • Makaton Foundation Workshop for Professionals
  • West Sussex Affordable Warmth Scheme is now OPEN!
  • Bognor Regis Nursery School Conference 19 April 2018