Adults using social care services encouraged to take part in national survey
Shropshire Council is asking everyone to encourage adults using Social Care Services in Shropshire to take part in the Adult Social Care Survey, which is taking place right now.
The Adult Social Care Survey is designed to understand more about how services are affecting people’s lives and their impact on quality of life. Therefore it is vital that Shropshire Council ask those who use the services their views. This allows the Council to better understand the impact of services and feedback can identify where service improvement and development is needed.
Not everyone will receive a survey. People are chosen through a random sample technique, and receive a letter explaining how to complete the survey; including key information, with a survey form and freepost envelope.
The views of people who use the Council's services are important to ensure they are getting them right. The results of the survey will be used by the Care Quality Commission, Department of Health, NHS Digital and by Shropshire Council to improve services.
For more information, see the full story on Shropshire Council's website.
People with weakened immune systems urged to come forward for their fourth booster dose
Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin Integrated Care System (ICS) is encouraging people who are immunosuppressed to come forward for their booster dose – three months after their third primary dose of the Covid-19 vaccine – if they haven’t yet already.
Being immunosuppressed means having a weakened immune system and this can be due either to certain diseases or conditions, such as some cancers, AIDS, and certain genetic disorders, or as a result of receiving certain medicines or treatments like anti-cancer drugs, radiation therapy, and stem cell or organ transplant.
A booster dose, which is a fourth dose of the Covid-19 vaccine for those with a weakened immune system, helps to improve the protection immunosuppressed people have from their first three doses of the vaccine.
It helps provide longer-term protection against getting seriously ill from Covid-19.
Those with a weakened immune system will be eligible for their booster from three months (91 days) after their third primary dose.
In Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, immunosuppressed people will shortly receive letters from either their GP or hospital Consultant to advise them they are eligible for an additional dose of the vaccine.
Steve Ellis, Deputy Senior Responsible Officer for the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, is encouraging those that are immunosuppressed to go and get their booster dose of the vaccine, if they haven’t already yet and are eligible to.
“They can go along to a walk-in vaccination site offering boosters. They will need to bring a letter from their GP or hospital Consultant inviting them for either a third dose or a booster following the third dose.”
Further information on the Covid-19 vaccine for people with weakened immune systems can be found here.
A list of Covid-19 walk-in vaccine clinics in Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin, can be found here.
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The King's Fund Athena Leadership Workshops
Join Lydia Morgan and Diana Galloway from Young Women’s Trust in the first of the Athena leadership workshops on 25 February to consider what women want and need from work – and each other – at all stages of their life and career in the health and care system.
The Athena leadership workshops are an opportunity learn about some of the central ideas and concepts in the Athena leadership course and consider how they might apply in your own context.
Sign up to a workshop now for an opportunity to connect with peers, and hear from expert speakers.
Upcoming Conference
Improving Quality of Care: the vital role of people's voices
The King's Fund and Healthwatch England will bring together experts and patients with lived experience from across the UK to discuss why meaningful engagement with people and communities is key to delivering good care.
The Conference takes place between 28 and 31st March 2022 and materials will be available online afterwards for registered attendees.
Click here for full programme, costs and information.
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Qube - 2 positions
Qube is hiring an Operations Manager and an Arts Development Officer. See below more for information on each opportunity:
OM advert - v3.docx
Qube Arts - advert Jan final.doc
Closing date for applications for both positions: Monday 14th February
Community Resource - Head of Service (Wellbeing and Health)
Salary: £32,910 per annum Hours: Full time (37 hours), two-year initial contract
The current postholder is retiring after nearly 18 years and they are looking for an exceptional person to step into her shoes. Does the below sound like you? If so they would like to hear from you.
- A good working knowledge of the Adult Social Care and/or health services
- Management experience in the voluntary and community sector
- Commitment to, and experience of, partnership working
- Strategic thinking with operational experience
- Creativity to develop projects, initiatives and new areas of work around health and well-being
- Good Project management
Job description: Download here
Closing date for applications: Monday 21st February
Application form is downloadable from their website:
Shrewsbury Ark - Volunteer Trustee/Honorary Treasurer
The Trustees of the Shrewsbury Ark are looking for a new volunteer Trustee to become Honorary Treasurer, superintending the finances of this active, forward-looking and highly successful charity. Experience in managing charity finances and/or business experience at a senior level would be an advantage, but we are happy to consider applications from any individuals who have a comparable background and are ready to learn - and who can give their time (perhaps up to two days per week) to help guide the charity forward.
Candidates must be in sympathy with the objectives of the charity, to help support homeless and vulnerable people. Anyone who is interested should contact Ursula Howells, Clerk to the Trustees at
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Shropshire Telford and Wrekin's Holiday Funds Now Open For Applications for Spring
The Shropshire HAF applications have been posted on the Shropshire Council website. There you will find up-to-date application forms and guidance documents for the Spring 2022 term.
Please note the deadline for sending in Spring 2022 Grant Applications is 5pm Tuesday 15th February 2022. The shorter application window is due to the need for a very quick turn around before the Easter holidays.
Please ensure you email the correct supporting documents for your application – whether you are applying for Core Provision or Enrichment Activities.
Please get in touch with to talk through any queries or ideas.
The Telford and Wrekin Council's Healthy Happy and Active Holiday Fund is also now open for applications. The deadline for these is 18th February and more information can be found on their website.
Shropshire Council Invitation to Quote:
'Better Off In Work' Checks, Benefits Advocacy, Debt Advice and Support Service for People in Contact with Secondary Mental Health Services in Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin.
As part of the NHS England continued funding of Individual Placement Support Services (IPS) for Shropshire and Telford & Wrekin, Shropshire Council is commissioning a benefits, advocacy, debt advice and support service.
The contract will be effective from 1st April 2022 and will be for a fixed period of 1 year. Contract payments will be fixed at £20,000 for the Shropshire Council area and £10,000 for the Telford & Wrekin area (£30,000 in total).
Your quote should be returned by email by 12.00pm (midday) on 25th February 2022.
Full details can be found in the official Invitation to Quote.
Shropshire Telford and Wrekin Clinical Commissioning Group Offer Grant for Work With Children and Young People
Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin Integrated Care Service (ICS) are currently working on 2 specific projects in relation to Personalised Care for Children and Young People aged between 5 and 25 in the area. The first project relates to the care of Children and Young People with a diagnosis of Asthma, with the aim of reducing A&E attendances for Children and Young People presenting with an exacerbation of Asthma. The second project relates to the care of Children and Young People who are seeking help in relation to their mental health and have been unable to access clinical support from the BeeU Service (emotional health and wellbeing service for young people) but do not meet the criteria for clinical intervention. There is also a need to support those young people who need support and meet the criteria but are unable to be seen quickly in order, to prevent an escalation.
Social prescribing is a way for services in collaboration with young people to find innovative solutions to the problems that many young people face. Instead of medical intervention we can use sources of non-medical support in the local community such as sport, volunteering, social groups, mentoring, lifestyle balance and advice to help. Although the programme is still in development, they anticipate referrals into the programme coming from the BeeU Service, GPs, Asthma Community Nurses and Schools. To find out more about Social Prescribing please see the following link: RCN - Social Prescribing
They are now looking for providers to tell them what additional provision they could provide for children and young people to connect with in Shropshire, Telford or Wrekin. They are keen for bidders to engage with Children as part of the bidding process to explore how activities could be designed to support their health; bidders who can demonstrate this type of engagement with Children in the application form will be at an advantage in the selection processes.
The closing date for submissions is 18 March 2022 and they are looking to offer workshops to assist with application completion starting the week of 28th February.
Detailed information can be found on the full application.
The Leche Trust Small Grants
The Trust supports the conservation of historic objects, collections and features of buildings and designed landscapes.
In the case of churches, grants may support conservation of items such as monuments, wall paintings, stained glass and historic furniture and fittings.
The average grant is £2,000 but proposals will be considered up to £5,000
Funding is intended to support activities related to:
- Music, theatre and dance.
- The conservation of historic objections, collections and features of buildings which are pre-Victorian in date (pre-1830s).
Next deadline for applications is 29th April 2022.
More information can be found at The Leche Trust - How to Apply
Jordan Sinnott Foundation Trust Grants for Children and Young People Getting Active
Grants are available to clubs, community groups or teams in the UK to encourage vulnerable and underprivileged children and young adults to get active and enjoy taking part in sport.
Grants of up to £5,000 are to enable organisations to build capacity; achieve sustainability; increase their reach and support and develop their vision.
Grants can be used for the following:
- Purchasing sports equipment, kit and gear.
- Transport costs.
- Club membership.
- Sports specific coaching education/training.
This list is not exhaustive. Applications considered on a rolling basis. Find more information on their webpage.
Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust Arts Small Grants
The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust offers funding to UK registered charities whose work takes place in the UK. The funding is intended to support those in society who face the greatest challenges and whose opportunities are the most limited.
In 2022, the focus is on the Arts. There will be a specific focus in the first two rounds on people in the early stages of their career, specifically performers and creatives. The third and fourth rounds will focus on projects that seek to address the under-representation of BAME people in all sections of the arts.
Round 1 of funding will close on 28 February 2022
Details and further information can be found on their website: The Austin and Hope Pilkington Trust
Shropshire Council Tender Opportunity: Independent Living Service
The priorities for Shropshire’s Draft Health & Wellbeing Strategy refresh 2022-2027 are focussed on taking a whole population health approach to delivering care, alongside the draft Shropshire Plan 2022-2025 which puts supporting of independence a key priority. To achieve these priorities, actions will include delivering appropriate health and care services, and key to this taking primary preventative action and support for those on waiting lists, which will involve those pre and post intervention. In addition, the Council’s Corporate Plan priorities include ‘Care for those in need at any age’ and ‘More people with a suitable home’ which means that people should be enabled to be as independent as they can be in a home suitable for their needs. The availability of an Independent Living Centre service will support these priorities through helping to increase the availability and use of aids and adaptations through promotion and signposting, as well as its core activity of undertaking occupational therapy assessments, or ‘consultations’, for adaptations and equipment.
Shropshire Council wishes to contract with an organisation which can help it to achieve these aims through the following elements: 1.Provision of a Core Independent Living Centre Service 2.Provision of an Independent Living Worker/Facilitator service to provide rapid and intensive support and practical assistance for people with complex ‘independent living’ needs
Funding for this contract is capped at £293,500 per annum (Elements 1 and 2 aggregated) although up to an additional £30,000 per annum may be made available to expand Element 2 at the discretion of the Council.
For full information, please visit the Shropshire Council website.
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