Huge congratulations go out to our level 2 practitioners and Accredited Early Years SENCOs in the third certified cohort.
 They were awarded their certificates by Liz Robinson, Head of Inclusion, at a ceremony in the Guildhall on Thursday, and are highly equipped to continue the vital work they do in our early years settings to meet the needs of young children with SEND. The Early Years Inclusion Team are incredibly proud of each practitioner's dedication and commitment to SEND, and it is a fantastic achievement that over 30 accredited Early Years SENCos have now been trained in Portsmouth.
 Children's mental health training available for staff and volunteers - Places remain available for free online training on supporting young people with their mental health.
Anyone who works or volunteers with children and young people in Portsmouth can join the sessions, which will empower them to spot the signs that someone is struggling and know how to best to support them.
Flexible options are available to complete the online course in one full day, or to split it over three morning or two evening sessions.
Schools, childcare settings, sports clubs and other clubs and community groups can sign their staff up. Currently there are sufficient places for groups of staff to join together.
 Applications for childminders to request support from the DfE's COVID-19 recovery childminder mentor programme are now open for the Autumn term.
Please email eydelivery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk by 28 July 2023, to let us know if you are interested in taking part and we will then refer you. You will also need to complete an application form via the Hempsall's website. If you have any queries, email childminders@hempsalls.com.
 Take a look at the Neurodiversity Team's training programme for the Autumn term.
 If you have a family visit your setting looking for an early years place and parents make you aware that their child has additional needs, please complete the nursery request for health visiting review form. This will enable you to engage with health professionals and find out the kind of needs and best support and advice for that child before they start in your setting.
In the section titled, "concerns/issues raised (what would you like the health visiting service to do?)" advise that you are requesting information from health on the child's needs so you can ascertain whether you can meet those needs before the child attends your setting.