People News... 20 December 2018

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Xmas hats ppl

People News is only as good as what you send in! The next edition of People News will be published on Monday 14 January 2019. Please send items for inclusion to by 10 January.

Business Updates


Cabinet agrees new Children Looked After strategy and Care Leaver Offer

Today the council's Cabinet approved the new Children Looked After Strategy and Care Leaver Offer. The Strategy and the Care Leaver Offer are intended to ensure all Children Looked After access the opportunities that enable them to realise their aspirations and move into adult life successfully.

Both the Strategy and Care Leaver Offer have been co-designed with Children Looked After and Care Leavers to ensure we are focusing on the issues that matter most to them. A range of partners such as the NHS, DWP and GLL leisure have also contributed to ensure young people can access the same services and activities as other young people across the county.

These documents align with the new Children and Young People’s Plan being developed by the Children’s Trust Board in order to create a collective commitment to improving the outcomes for all Children and Young People across Cumbria.



SEND inspection update from AD Dan Barton

"Many of you will have heard about the LA SEND Inspection process, and many of you will not. I’d like to take this opportunity, then, to give you a whistle-stop tour.

First, and probably most importantly, what is the LA? Contrary to what colleagues might think, in this context, LA means Local Area, and not Local Authority. Bear this in mind… "


dan barton

People Roadshows 2019

Book your place now

At the end of January, John Macilwraith and Assistant Directors will be hosting three 'roadshow' events around the county. The events are open to anyone in People and are an opportunity be updated on the developing plans for the directorate and share your views about priorities, problems and successes.

  • Monday 28th January, 2pm - Whitehaven Golf Club
  • Tuesday 29th January, 2pm – Cumbria House
  • Friday 1st February, 2pm – The Forum, Barrow

Venue capacity varies. If events are over-subscribed we look at additional events. 

+ Please email if you would like to attend a roadshow, stating your preferred venue.

People Survey - in case you missed it


Our survey said...

In case you missed the results from the recent People Survey, all the findings and feedback from Assistant Directors can be accessed below.



A note on survey anonymity

Some of the feedback following the publication of the results has been about whether the survey is genuinely anonymous. The short answer is yes, but here's some detail just in case:

  • It is impossible to track IP addresses on council computers because they are dynamically assigned when you logon. There is no single IP address associated with you.
  • Only one person (Kieran Barr) can access individual survey responses, everyone else only receives an aggregated summary of the responses.
  • The number of demographic questions is deliberately limited to ensure there would insufficient detail to identify an individual in any event.
  • Written comments are reviewed and any details that would potentially reveal someone's identity are removed before the feedback is shared.


People News

Thumbs up for ICCs from NHS National Director

This week the NHS England National Director for Integration Michael Macdonnell and his team visited ICCs in Eden and Copeland and were hugely impressed by what they saw of the joint working taking place and the impact this was having on service delivery and people's experiences.

As soon as they left they were already tweeting about their visit! Well done to all involved.


icc tweet
anne hilton

Secretary of State praises apprenticeships team

The apprenticeship team have had a Christmas boost from the Secretary of State for Apprenticeships and Skills, Anne Milton, who last week wrote to congratulate the team on being  "one of the top performing apprenticeship employers in the country" and praise their  "commitment and enthusiasm for apprenticeships".

Well done!



AMHP training approach recognised

UCLan, the Council’s new teaching partner for Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHP), have been so impressed with the quality of the work done by our AMHP team to develop AMHP Practice Education that the team were invited to put forward a paper for consideration by the International Conference on Social Work in Health and Mental Health.  The Team have now been invited to present their work at the conference - putting Cumbria front and centre on the international stage!


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Celebrating Social Work conference report

This year's Celebrating Social Work conference was attended by 120 people which was fantastic . There was great input from external speakers and colleagues from the directorate.

Dez Holmes from Research in Practice who has spoken previously at our conferences said: “I came to your conference 5 years ago, and it was full of external speakers telling you how great they were. This year I’ve had the privilege of being the only external speaker and I have listened to your own social workers talking about the fantastic work they do every day for the children of Cumbria - you should be very proud”. 

A People Social Work conference is planned for the first half of next year.


wosp sanitary

WOSP sanitary bag appeal success

You may recall in a previous edition of People News that Whinfell Office Skills Project appealed for support to help their sanitary bag for homeless people project.

Since then 62 bags have been put together and distributed around the Kendal area to Manna House,  South Lakes Forum and Town View Fields hostel. Well done all!

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Regional Adoption Agency in the news

Plans for the new Regional Adoption Agency have made the news this week as interest builds in what it will mean for children and families. Also this week the RAA published its latest stakeholder update newsletter.

Consultation also continues on the name and brand options for the new agency.


Youth station visit Inglewood care home

youth station

Residents at Inglewood Care Home received a visit from the Wigton Youth Station earlier this month. The girl section provided an afternoon tea party for all the service users, entertained with singing and dancing (flossing, of course!), there was a music quiz name that tune and a Christmas memory board of service users memories of by-gone years.

Focus Family

Focus Family Team supporting project to improve the lives of Children in need

Volunteers for Project Linus North Cumbria have been busy creating hundreds of blankets and quilts for children in need this year. The blankets provide a sense of security, warmth and a comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatised, or otherwise in need. The Focus Family Team met with the volunteers to share a Christmas lunch and collect dozens more blankets for distribution around the festive period. 


Partner news

Operation Encompass - protecting children exposed to Domestic Violence

Operation Encompass is a process by which “Key Adults” in schools and academies are informed that a child attending school in Cumbria, may have been affected by domestic abuse.


op encompass

Real story has real impact for Board

This week's 5 minute briefing describes how testimony from a young adult with learning difficulties had a real impact on the Cumbria Safeguarding Adults Board.


Council business

Forthcoming council meetings relevant to People

Assistant Director workshadowing reports

Pam McCall

Cath Whalley, Assistant Director Adults visits Pam McCall from the Brokerage Team (Carlisle and Eden) and Sarah Caton from the Community Finance Team (Carlisle, Eden, Allerdale and Copeland).



Cath Whalley

"The shadowing project really brought to life for me the vital work that the Brokerage Team and the Community Finance Teams do, and the challenges that they face on a daily basis, balancing the different responsibilities that they have. It was a great morning, and there was so much to talk about that we quickly ran out of time. I want to thank the team for making me feel so welcome and for talking so openly and honestly with me. During the morning, I asked the teams two questions. 
1. If you could change one thing about your job what would it be?
2. What motivates you to come to work every morning?
In response to the first question, I have taken away ideas and suggestions that I will ensure are fed into plans for developing these vital service areas in the future, which include potential opportunities to improve the systems the team use. What came across loud and clear in relation to the second question was ‘the people’. Everyone in both teams are passionate about doing the best job that they can, and ensuring that vulnerable people have the information, advice, care and support that they need to enable them to live their lives as safely and independently as possible. That was hugely motivating and inspirational for me.”

Pam McCall

“Cath learnt all about the successes we have and the difficulties we face on a daily basis. What was really great was how approachable and friendly Cath is. She has worked her way up from starting her career as a clerk typist and this means she truly understands all the difficulties that people have working on the front line. The one thing that I will take away is the strong sense that ‘we are all in this together’. We all want to be here to make a difference to people in Cumbria. Cath said something that really struck a chord – ‘the day she comes to work and doesn’t want to make a difference to people is the day she should not be here’.”

Sarah Caton

“Cath was more than happy to listen to all the issues we face, and we showed Cath that we are all passionate about our work and care about the people that we deal with. As team leader, I found it helpful that Cath talked about the difficult financial position faced by the Council, because for front line staff it can be difficult to understand the reasoning behind some of the decisions made. Me and my team enjoyed the morning and we are grateful to Cath for taking the time to listen to us, and we know that she now has a better understanding of our work and challenges.”

BA 101

Colin Cox, Director of Public Health visits Barry Arnison and Abi Reed, Health & Wellbeing Officers

Colin Cox

“It was really good to spend the morning with Barry and Abi from the Early Help and Targeted Youth Support Team. They made me very welcome on a really wet and miserable morning in Workington! It was helpful to see how the team work with young people who are at risk because of drug or alcohol misuse. They talked me through the service, describing how they’ve moved from being mainly focused on picking up referrals of young people who’ve had to attend A&E as a result of using drugs or alcohol to a much wider range of referrals, including from schools, the police, and other parts of the children’s services system as well as some self-referrals. In total in 2017/18 they worked with almost 400 young people, helping educate them and get them thinking differently about drugs and alcohol. I then had the privilege of being able to sit in on a session in which Barry was working with one young person, who’d been referred to the service by his school after some of his friends expressed their concerns about him to a member of staff. It really showed the strength of the approach, with Barry, the school and the parents obviously working well together to support this young man to think differently about his actions. There’s definitely more we can do to make sure that this service is well connected into other parts of the system, such as our Health and Wellbeing Coaches and the integrated public health and early help services for children and families that we’re currently redesigning, and to make sure they’re part of the growing family of strength-based services that the Council runs. So a really positive experience – and many thanks to Barry and Abi for the opportunity to see them in action!”

Barry Arnison

“As a front line team working in early intervention it is important to us to be valued and feel we are making a difference to those young people and families we are working with. It was good to be able to invite a member of the senior management team to spend time with us it gave us the opportunity to discuss our work and more importantly, how we can improve the service. At the end of the session the school head joined us for a chat and described how he feels the service supports the pupils and staff when concerns are raised about risk taking behaviour. Back at base we reflected on the day as being very positive and I was pleased that we had taken the offer of being shadowed."

Jess Morton

Dan Barton, Assistant Director Education & Skills visits Jess Morton, Health and Wellbeing Coach

Dan Barton

“We started our shadowing experience in the office at Cumbria House, where I heard about the principles underlying the HAWC service, and the logistics of carrying out the role from day to day. I was struck by the varied nature of the work! From one day to the next (from one HOUR to the next) Jess, and other HAWCs like her, could be working with a victim of domestic violence, supporting someone with agoraphobia , or enabling someone with significant mental health needs to learn how to manage their life.

The key word here is support. From my shadowing experience, I was able to see first-hand  how expertly the  coaching methodology was put into action. The HAWCs in Cumbria are a really successful example of where we have moved away from the “Do For” model of the mid-twentieth century, to the “help to do” model which we hope to espouse today. I was left in awe of Jess’ professionalism, dedication and kindness.

In terms of ‘take-aways’, there are lots.  In particular, through different areas of my services, I am thinking about how best to implement the principles of asset-based and co-production approaches -  the HAWCs are a great model for this, and I will very much bear this in mind as I continue with this work. Thanks again to Jess Morton for putting together a really authentic and impactful shadowing experience for me.”

Jess Morton

“I am beaming with pride today following such lovely feedback and I think it truly reflects on why I do the job I do! It was great to provide Dan with the opportunity to gain insight into just a small part of what we do. I am pleased Dan was able to take away so much information from the session in just a short space of time. One of my personal frustrations is that many professionals out there still don’t truly understand what our job entails. It was really nice to give someone that real life insight into our role and I think we really need to do this more. This will allow more people to see how differently we work and I think other professionals would really benefit from seeing how we implement our strength based, coaching approach.”

Compliment of the week

Praise for Castle Mount

Always nice to share a compliment, this one came from the family of a resident at Castle Mount Care Home.


People News back issues

Your feedback

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