People News... 12 November 2018

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The next edition of People News will be published on 26 November. If you have information you'd like to feature, contact .

People Survey 2018


Have your say now!

Thank you to the 600+ people who have already completed the survey. If you haven't yet, there is still time. Your are invited to complete the online questionnaire by 19 November. It will take less than 10 minutes to complete. Your response is anonymous.


+ If you have any questions about the survey please contact

Business updates


Promoting Independence Programme

This week it is anticipated that papers will be published in advance of the 22 November meeting of the council’s Cabinet. These will include the council’s draft budget for 2019/20 and associated budget consultation. It is expected that the papers will include reference to the Promoting Independence Programme (PIP) currently underway in People and which Team Managers have been briefed about previously.

The PIP approach is based on the principles set out in our Commissioning Strategy for Care and Support delivered by Adult Social Care 2016-2020 (section 4.5) and involves detailed face to face discussions with service users to understand their strengths and their needs with the aim being to increase their independence; consider of who should be responsible for funding their care; and determine whether their current provider is delivering the required services.  Reviews also consider value for money and if we believe a more cost-effective service could meet people’s needs we will discuss this with them. As in previous years the draft budget is likely to generate local media interest and there will be further communication with you following publication of the papers.

tick list

Quarterly Performance Reports

Earlier this month the directorate's senior team reviewed the first People Quarterly Performance Reports produced by each service area.

Work is currently underway to summarise the very substantial amount of information included in each presentation into a more digestible briefing note for each area.

These will be shared in the next People News on 26 November.

health and wellbeing strategy

Consultation on Joint Health and Well-being Strategy 2019-2029 now live

The draft strategy outlines how the Health and Wellbeing Board will work together to improve the overall health and well-being of the county’s residents and reduce health inequalities over the next 10 years.


in the know

Are you you in the know?

Our Essential and Supporting Information (EASI) process aims to identify external documents relevant to our work, both adults and children. It's an incredible resource of academic research, policy and legislation. To access a full list of all EASI documents identified since 1st April follow the link below.


People News

xmas fayre

Be quick! Christmas Fair at Ulverston today

If you are in the Ulverston area you still have time to pop along to the Ulverston Day Services Christmas Fair. It runs until 4pm at the Coronation Hall.

This brilliant event put together by service users and staff and includes performances by our MAKATON signing choir.

The fair includes includes 50+ craft stalls made up of the general crafters of Ulverston and District.

Allotment project in the media

Botcherby allotment

Inspired by the short piece in the last People News, the Communications Team popped down to Botcherby to do a bit of filming with Claire Bastiman and Richard Darling from the Target Youth Support Service to find out more about the project. They weren't the only ones interested ITV Border and That's Cumbria TV are also now lined up to film the project. Stardom beckons.



Find out what the 5-19 public health team are up to

It has been a very busy and productive year for Public Health 5 - 19 service so we thought it was about time we let you all know what they have been up to, what they have been working on over the summer holidays and their plans for this academic year.

Read their area newsletters:


Fire cadets looking for new recruits

fire cadets

No, they're not impostors, Cumbria's fire cadets programme in Workington is actually run by People's Jason Ferguson, Targeted Youth Support Officer, and they are looking for 10 young people to join the team. New recruits will complete 12 weeks training before completing a passing out parade. Training covers a range of operational drills that new firefighters complete on joining the service.  

On completion of training, the young people receive a National Fire Cadet award, plus additional certificates for completion of social action activities, first aid etc. All current cadets have completed over 100 hrs of community social action activity in addition to fire service related commitments. 


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Care homes team up for £9k activity grant success

Staff and residents at three Cumbria Care homes are limbering up after being awarded a £9101 grant to help support increased physical activity and improve health and well-being.

Inglewood, Park Lodge and Parkside homes will use the cash to purchase a full indoor bowling set up and provide training to staff. The equipment will be stored at Inglewood and the grant will also cover transport costs for staff and residents visiting from other homes. The homes were supported in their application by our own Active Cumbria and Wigton Bowling Club.


ukyp members

Cumbria's UKYP members attend House of Commons debate

Elspeth, Gabriel and Reece, Cumbria's three elected UK Youth Parliament members. Were in London last week taking part in the UK Youth Parliament debate at the House of Commons. Members voted on which issues should be the focus on the UKYP's campaign activity in the coming year - the two motions that were passed were 'end knife crime' and 'votes for 16'.

The three budding politicians were accompanied by Targeted Youth Support Officer, Chris Barry, a long time champion of the UKYP.


maudes meadow

Chairman enjoys cream tea at Maudes Meadow

Council Chairman Elizabeth Mallinson dropped into Maudes Meadow care home last week to enjoy a cream tea with residents and staff.

Cllr Mallinson thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon and took time to speak with all the residents and complimented the cooks on the quality of the cakes!


Awards success for adoption recruitment campaign

The council's communications team is celebrating after it scooped two silver awards at the North West Chartered Institute of Public Relations Awards in Manchester last week. The team was recognised for it digital communications campaign to recruit new adopters, as well as its work during this year's 'Beast from the East'.


cipr awards

Teams celebrate #OTWeek2018

5-11 November was national Occupational Therapy Week 2018 and our OT Teams across the county took to the council's social media accounts to promote their work and share the #OTPledge. Well done for putting yourselves 'out there'!



Creepy crawlies visit Lapstone House

We couldn't resist this picture of Lapstone House resident Muriel getting to know a new friend following a visit to the home from Little Beasties of Ulverston! Just one of the different activities for residents in the past few weeks.


Social Work Conference

Book your place now for children and families social work conference 2018

The conference will take place on 27 November at Carlisle Racecourse from 9.30am to 4.00pm. 

To book: > http://myhr.ccc - login using your network username/password. Select ‘Career & Development’ from the menu options at the top. Click the 'Search courses' button and search for Social Work.

Assistant Director workshadowing report

Pam Duke visits Croftside and Bridge House care homes

On 30 October Pam Duke, Assistant Director - Provider Services took up invites from Croftside and Bridge House care homes to come for a visit. We asked Pam and the home managers Karen Sheperd and Agnieszka Payne for their thoughts on the day.

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Pam Duke, AD Provider Services

"Having spent time now in a number of our residential homes talking to staff and residents and understanding more about how we support and care for our residents what is apparent is that everyone in the home contributes to the quality and personal care that people receive. All members of the team are critical to keeping people safe, happy and content.

"What also comes across is the passion and absolute commitment from our team to care for and look after all of our residents. Increasingly people's needs are higher and often more complex and therefore the level and type of support is so varied for every individual, it really is individual person centred care and we do it so well. All with a great sense of humour and patience... 

"Having spent time chatting to many residents, and they do like to chat and tell you their stories, I realised that having time to do this and the ability to provide varied activities for people to join into if they want to is a huge part of what we do. Yes keeping people safe and helping them to get up in a morning and do the day to day necessities is all part of the job but arguably the more important part is chatting with people, singing along with people, arm chair dancing, Halloween parties and for some even a visit from 'little beasties' who bring snakes and spiders along.... luckily I had left by that point! Links to the communities locally means that often schools are involved and support activities, local community groups host activities in our homes and our residents attend local community events where they can. Being part of and supporting the local community really does benefit everyone.

"So in summary what I've come away with is a reminder that yes we have a highly skilled team that look after, entertain and care for our lovely residents day in day out but they are also a team that is full of ideas and energy and take the time to listen and understand what individually people prefer and are interested in. One of the residents said to me '' I'm so well looked after you know, they do so much to help me and they spend time with us. I didn’t really want to come but I'm happy and settled now"  that's why we do what we do."

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Agnieszka Payne, Registered Manager, Croftside

“When Pam visited Croftside I was surprised at how down to earth and approachable she was. She took the time to talk to all the service users and staff members on duty.  Pam joined in a sing along with all the service users. She made quite the impression as they are still talking about her visit.

"During the visit Pam learnt about all the work we do to make Croftside a friendly and inviting environment for all our service users and visitors.  She made us feel that we are a valued part of the Cumbria County Council family. I feel Pam’s visit was of immense value to all of us here at Croftside.

"Pam appreciated the issues within individual homes and understood that all homes are different, but we all   have similar issues regarding staffing and recruitment”.

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Karen Shepherd, Registered Manager, Bridge House

"We all thoroughly enjoyed Pam’s visit to Bridge House. Pam spent the morning with us  and took the time to speak to every service user and staff member about their experience of living/ working at Bridge House. Pam joined in with some of the preparation for our afternoon Halloween event when we were joined by little Beasties to celebrate. We were all disappointed that Pam couldn’t stay to join us for the Party!

"It was extremely interesting to listen to Pam’s background and what she hopes to achieve in her post. Pam seamed very interested in the problems we have associated with our rural location but also interested in the great links we have with the local community. We hope to see her again soon."

Partner news

domestic abuse

Domestic violence training events target businesses

Cumbria Police are hosting three events across Cumbria to raise awareness of domestic abuse and the responsibilities faced by businesses.

  • South Event - Monday 26th November 2018 at 1pm until 4pm. Large Conference Room, Barrow Police Station, St Andrews Way, Barrow-in-Furness LA14 2LE
  • West Event - Tuesday 27th November 2018 at 9.30am until 12.30pm. Council Chambers Allerdale Borough Council, Allerdale House, Workington CA14 3YJ
  • North Event - Thursday 29th November 2018 at 9.30am until 12.30pm. Training Suite A and B, Cumbria House 117 Botchergate, Carlisle, CA1 1RD

These events aim to support employers in assessing and managing the risk faced by employees.


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Changes to Continuing Healthcare Arrangements arrangements

To further drive and enable improvements in the delivery of CHC services and development of plans for the future an North Cumbria becomes as Integrated Care System, there will be changes to how the North Cumbria CCG and NECS will work together. The purpose of this briefing is to outline those changes and support meetings with staff.


People News back issues

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