- Budget Bills
SJR 916 - Adjournment Resolution.
- The House and Senate of the North Carolina General Assembly will reconvene on the following dates:
- Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 12:00.
- Monday, July 29, 2024, at 12:00
- Monday, September 9, 2024, at 12:00.
- Wednesday, October 9, 2024, at 12:00.
- Tuesday, November 19, 2024, at 12:00.
- Wednesday, December 11, 2024, at 12:00.
- The 2023 Regular Session of the General Assembly will adjourn sine die on Friday, December 13, 2024.
Useful Acronyms
DPI = Department of Public Instruction
GS = General Statute
HB/SB = House Bill/Senate Bill
JR = Joint Resolution
LB/LOB = Legislative Building/Legislative Office Building
LEA = Local Education Agency
NCGA = North Carolina General Assembly
PCS = Proposed Committee Substitute
PSU = Public School Unit
SBE = North Carolina State Board of Education
SL = Session Law
For the glossary of education acronyms/terms, click here.
For the glossary of legislative terms, click here.
K-12 Education Bills
K-12 Educaton Bills that have become Session Law
Bills Eligible for Consideration by the General Assembly during the 2024 short session
Bills presented to the Governor this week:
HB 98
Right to Try Individualized Treatments.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
HB 199
DMV Proposed Legislative Changes.-AB
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
HB 250
Public Safety/Other Changes.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
HB 591
Modernize Sex Crimes.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
HB 900
Certain CIHS Partners/Regulate Tobacco Prod.
Pres. To Gov. 6/27/2024
HB 971
Human Trafficking Changes.
Pres. To Gov. 6/27/2024
SB 166
2024 Bldg. Code Regulatory Reform.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
SB 332
2023 Appropriations Act Changes.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
SB 355
North Carolina Farm Act of 2024.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
SB 357
Adjustments to the 2023 Appropriations Act.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
SB 425
HHS Omnibus.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
SB 559
Charter Schools/Pension/ESOP.
Pres. To Gov. 6/28/2024
Bills that became Session Law this week:
SB 915
General Assembly Appointments.
Ch. SL 2024-12
SB 912
Elections Changes for Watauga Ed & County Bds.
Ch. SL 2024-13
HB 1064
Various Local Provisions III.
Ch. SL 2024-14
HB 237
Various Criminal and Election Law Changes.
Ch. SL 2024-16
HB 834
Juvenile Justice Modifications.
Ch. SL 2024-17
Bills with action this week:
HB 74
Constitutional Amendment/COS Vacancies.
Re-ref to House Rules
HB 207
Discipline Changes.
Ref to House Rules
HB 317
Adjustments to the 2023 Appropriations Act.
Ref to House Rules
HB 563
Hemp-Derived Consumables/Con Sub Changes.
Ref to House Rules
SB 90
Schools for the Deaf and Blind Transition.
Conferees Changed
State Board of Education
State Board of Education Vision: Every public school student in North Carolina will be empowered to accept academic challenges, prepared to pursue their chosen path after graduating high school, and encouraged to become lifelong learners with the capacity to engage in a globally-collaborative society. State Board of Education Mission: The mission of the North Carolina State Board of Education is to use its constitutional authority to guard and maintain the right of a sound, basic education for every child in North Carolina Public Schools.
State Board of Education July Meeting
- Thursday, July 11, 2024 - Virtual meeting
About the State Board of Education
YouTube recordings of SBE meetings HERE.
Charter Schools Review Board
Charter School Review Board - No July or August meetings
Next meeting: Monday, September 9 and Tuesday, September 10. *In person meeting
- For questions regarding meeting logistics and agenda, please contact nicole.niewinski@dpi.nc.gov. If your board/school has an innovative or exciting program you'd like to showcase, let us know! We are always happy to have schools present to the board.
Education Articles and Briefs
EdNC - Hannah Vinueza McClellan | June 27, 2024: A new fiscal year begins July 1. What’s the state of the budget and teacher pay?
On Thursday, the Senate passed a bill to confirm funding for school employee pay during the new fiscal year, including new bonuses for school principals.
Despite not having a new compromise budget, this bill will allow districts and schools to move forward with pay raises laid out in the 2023 budget. Pending the governor’s signature, these raises will become effective on July 1. Exactly when employees will see them in their paychecks may vary, but the raises will be retroactive to July 1.
EdNC - Mebane Rash | June 27, 2024: ‘Highlights’ is out with answers to lots of your questions about the budget for public schools
On the webpage, where the reports — from 2004 through 2024 — are posted, it says, “A report that presents charts and tables which describe how state and federal funds are distributed to North Carolina’s Public Schools.” It’s so much more! In the report, you can find out how many students, teachers, and schools we have; the maximum amount of money your superintendent can make; class size ratios; how many districts are considered low wealth or small; how much state money goes to each charter; who received Needs-Based Public School Construction Grants, and more.
K-12 Dive - Anna Merod | June 24, 2024: USDA’s updated nutrition standards will cost school districts $206M annually
The largest driving factors are the gradual requirements on new limits for added sugars and sodium reductions in school meals — starting in 2025.
K-12 Dive - Roger Riddell | June 26, 2024: Summer Reading: School cybersecurity threats on the rise
An increasingly digital education landscape has given rise to a slew of cyberthreats to schools — ransomware being chief among them.
A collection of available funding opportunities and grants. Please see their associated pages for more information.
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