OCS Weekly Newsletter for February 27th, 2024

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Office of Charter Schools

February 27, 2024

Some upcoming dates of note:

See below for details.

Just Added: Online Registration Prime Showcase Webinars

You are invited to learn more about the Online Registration process with Infinite Campus. Registration links are below. At the end of the webinars, we will send out a recording aling with FAQs.

Topic: Online Registration Prime Showcase - North Carolina

  • March 1, 2024 - 10:00 AM Eastern Time (US & Canada) - Register Here
  • March 4, 2024 - 2:00 PM Eastern Time (US & Canada) - Register Here

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Full Details for Phase I Click Here

The NC SECU People Helping People scholarship application is due March 5th

NCSECU Foundation ScholarshipSECU Foundation takes an active role in assisting communities across North Carolina because we believe in “People Helping People®.” To support this commitment, the People Helping People scholarship was established to help North Carolina public high school students attend college. A scholarship award of up to $10,000 over four years will be awarded to 10 Charter High School Seniors across the state. The Application Process opened on December 1st. Please share this scholarship opportunity with your high school guidance counselors and deans to promote this scholarship opportunity. Applications will close on March 5th, 2024, with selection interviews starting March 22nd, 2024. All final nominations are due to Dr. Natasha Norins by March 5th via email with PDF attachments from applicants. For further assistance, please contact Dr. Natasha Norins, natasha.norins@dpi.nc.gov.

2024 PHP Scholarship Flier

2024 PHP Application Process

OPEN NOW: 2024 NC Charter Applications 

The 2024 North Carolina Charter School Application is now open, as of Friday, January 26th at 5 pm Eastern. The 2024 charter application window will close on April 26, 2024, at 5pm Eastern. Applicants who are interested in opening a charter school in 2025 under the accelerated timeline, or in 2026 under the standard timeline must submit their charter applications on or before the April 26, 2024 application close date. 


Both the online application and $1,000 application fee must be submitted on or before April 26, 2024 at 5pm Eastern. Applicant boards will be expected to appear in-person for interviews at the Department of Public Instruction in Raleigh, NC that will commence during the monthly meetings of the Charter Schools Review Board meeting beginning September 2024. 

For questions about the charter application process, please reach out to Melanie.Rackley@dpi.nc.gov.  

The link to the 2024 NC Charter School application is posted on the NCDPI Charter Schools Application page found here

A free webinar on starting a charter school is being hosted by the NC Association for Public Charter Schools on March 7th at 7pm. Register through this link.

Important free resource: NCDPI K-12 Cybersecurity Program

Toolkit from NCDPI, NC Chamber Foundation Connects Employers with Students

School Business February 23, 2024

The FBS website continues to be updated with information related to School Business and our ongoing operations. Please check the FBS homepage regularly for updates. Please review the upcoming deadlines for due dates.

FBS Homepage

Finance Officer Newsletter - All PSUs

Keep up to date with us through our Newsletters. LEA Finance Officers who are listed in the EDDIE staff directory are on the listserv to receive the newsletter.

If you are interested in subscribing to the weekly newsletter, please follow the steps provided below:

  1. Go to https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/NCSBE/subscriber/new
  2. Submit your email address
  3. Choose "Financial Officers Newsletter" from the dropdown list.

You can select other subscription topics (i.e.: Charter Schools, Legislative Updates, etc.) from this website. If you transfer to another PSU, you will need to subscribe under your new email address.


*View prior newsletters online: Newsletters and Guidance | NC DPI.

Spring 2024 NCStar & School Improvement Planning Professional Development

The Office of District & Regional Support within the Division of District & School Support Services is excited to announce the Spring 2024 NCStar & School Improvement Planning Professional Development! 

This two-day training will be offered in six different locations across the state during the months of September through November. These sessions will cover content similar to what was shared during the Fall 2023 trainings, such as the continuous improvement pathway, and will offer collaborative work time for each school improvement planning component. Spring 2024 sessions also offer new resources and strategies including tips for implementing recent changes to the 12 Key Indicators. 


Day 1: Participants will learn about school improvement using NCStar and how to navigate the platform to assess, create and monitor school-based practices.  Participants will also learn about the components of Set Direction in NCStar, including the use of Performance Measures to monitor the progress of school improvement goals. 


Day 2: Participants will continue to learn about school improvement using NCStar with a focus on the Continuous Improvement Cycle (Assess, Create, Monitor) to create robust school improvement plans. Participants will also learn about best practices for school improvement teams, including how to run an effective SIT meeting, effective forms of distributive leadership and the critical role that SIT leaders and committees play in moving the school achievement needle forward, and the evaluation of a school’s School Improvement Plan.   


To register, please click on this link: Spring 2024 Regional Training - NCStar Registration. 

Message from OCR

[Friday] afternoon a notification was sent to Superintendents and Charter Directors by the Office of Civil Rights.  The message states that OCR has extended the CRDC deadline to March 18, 2024. 

If the collection has been certified in the Federal Submission Tool, no further action is needed at this time.  Questions or concerns should be directed to CRDC@aemcorp.com.


NC CRDC Documentation and Webinars

NC-specific documentation including a recorded webinar is available in the CRDC Canvas course in NC EdCloud. To view all resources for the CRDC course, visit the Quick List of Resources section.  https://ncdpi.instructure.com/enroll/J4FD4R 


CRDC Support

  • For CRDC system-related issues, please email CRDC Partner Support Center at CRDC@aemcorp.com.
  • For specific questions regarding the NCDPI data upload, please email nc.ocr.crdc@dpi.nc.gov.


Please email nc.ocr.crdc@dpi.nc.gov with any questions you may have.  

Want information about the CRDC, but are not the CRDC Coordinator contact?  Add your information here:  2122 CRDC – Info Only Contacts List 

Required PD Survey for ML/Title III (Formerly known as the EOY Survey)

The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) ML/Title III team is responsible for collecting specific information from Public School Units (PSUs) and reporting it to the U.S. Department of Education, NC State Board of Education, and NCDPI leadership. To simplify this process, NCDPI has consolidated these collections into a single survey. All PSUs serving one or more students identified as English Learners are mandated to complete this survey anytime between March 1st through May 1st, 2024.
This year, the survey has been moved out of PowerSchool and into Qualtrics for your convenience. You can now access and complete all survey questions directly through Qualtrics.  To assist you in preparing for and completing the survey, the ML/Title III Team has developed a comprehensive worksheet with step-by-step instructions. We strongly recommend completing this worksheet before accessing the survey in Qualtrics. This will ensure a smoother and more efficient process.
New to the survey for 23-24 SY? Please note that the US Department of Education mandates Language Instruction Educational Program (LIEP) counts. You will find this requirement in the second section of the survey, where you'll be prompted to input the number of students in the selected program(s).
If you encounter any issues accessing the survey icon in PowerSchool, please reach out to Susan Walz at susan.walz@dpi.nc.gov for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation in completing this important survey. Your participation is crucial in providing valuable data for our educational programs.
If you encounter any issues accessing the survey icon in PowerSchool, please reach out to Susan Walz at susan.walz@dpi.nc.gov for assistance. Thank you for your cooperation in completing this important survey. Your participation is crucial in providing valuable data for our educational programs.



PD Survey

NCSBE Rulemaking Information

Below is a link to the website where we post information about SBE Rulemaking. It typically gets updated on the Friday the week after the SBE proposes a rule.

Individuals who would like to stay informed of rulemaking can also join the Interested Parties listserv here: https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/NCSBE/subscriber/new. They’ll get an email any time the SBE proposes a rule.

Important MEMOs:


Office of Charter Schools (OCS) Updates

A Reminder about Driver's Education and Charter School Students

Charter School students who reside within a district but are enrolled in a North Carolina Charter School or Virtual Academy may enroll in the driver education program within a district school. The student is required to follow the fee structure established by the district. Districts should provide services and document these students accordingly on their quarterly reports.

If you have questions or concerns, please contact Karl Logan (karl.logan@dpi.nc.gov)

OCS Title IX Guidance Document - 10.23

HOUSE BILL 219 Charter School Omnibus Guidance Document

Spring L+L Ad

Other Resources from DPI and beyond