Check out the Calendar of Events for our Unit's Weekly Office Hours, trainings, important deadlines, and more!
For OPI Unit updates please click here.
Superintendent's Message
November is Native American Heritage Month. Honoring the uniqueness of our 12 federally recognized Tribal Nations' culture and heritage is embedded in our constitution. This promise is reflected through the work of OPI's Indian Education for All (IEFA) Unit. Our IEFA Unit's dedication to putting Montana students first was showcased on Q2 News in Billings. Please click to read the story: Montana’s Indigenous education curriculum sets bar nationwide
School Superintendent's Corner
Important information for Superintendents:
- The Criteria Reference Guide for Accreditation for SY 2024-2025 is available. The system will open December 2nd, and accreditation will be due February 28th. The accreditation team will be providing office hours and trainings. A new Superintendent Accreditation Session will be held virtually on November 1, 2024. Find information on other upcoming accreditation events at the accreditation webpage.
- Early Literacy Intervention classroom teacher licensing: The Board of Public Education adopted, 10.63.104, ARM, which says that teachers with P-3 or K-8 certifications shall be considered appropriately licensed, endorsed, and assigned to teach early literacy targeted interventions implemented through the classroom-based program for 4-year olds and the jumpstart program preceding kindergarten.
- The Education Savings Account program will be opening applications November 1- December 1. OPI will communicate directly with the districts of any new students who enroll in the program by January 2, 2025.
- The first MAST testing window is open! The statewide assessment in ELA and math for 3rd-8th graders is underway. The first window closes November 22. Please reach out to the assessment team with any questions.
- Upcoming data due dates: The next data large data collection is the Fall TOE and Fall Teacher class reports, due October 31, 2024. The AIM team will be hosting open office hours the week of October 28th. Please see the AIM webpage for the dates, times, and links.
- The Tribal Student Achievement & Relations (TSAR) Unit has established Weekly Office Hours on Mondays (except holidays) from 3:00 - 4:00 pm Join via the Zoom link. Office hours will discuss:
- American Indian student achievement, Language & culture integration, Holistic student approaches, School climate, Family & student engagement, Graduate profiles
Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year (MAST) Program
The first scheduled MAST testing window opened on October 14, 2024, and will close on November 22, 2024. This statewide assessment for grades 3-8 in math and ELA during the 2024-2025 school year offers flexibility in test administration, provides timely feedback on student learning to enhance instructional practices and assesses students closer to the time when learning occurs. In addition to its instructional benefits, the MAST assessment meets federal testing requirements.
MAST Student Score Reports:
Educators receive weekly MAST score reports on completed and submitted student testlets, which serve as valuable tools for understanding students' academic strengths and areas for improvement. These reports offer insights into both individual and group performance in math and ELA, enabling teachers to tailor their instruction to address the unique needs of each student. For more information on interpreting or utilizing the MAST Student Score Report, navigate to the Score Report section of the MAST Portal.
2024-2025 MAST Testing Windows:
Please contact Tressa Graveley, Assessment Specialist, and see the MAST bulletin for more information.
Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Funds (ESSER)
ESSER Close-Out Process: In partnership with the district, the ESSER Team is closing out the ESSER Grant. The aim of this process is to ensure district documentation and processing is in compliance with grant regulations and best accounting/grant management practices. Thank you to the 154 districts who have already completed their full ESSER Closeout. We greatly appreciate your working with us to ensure compliances are met.
Please schedule and view the ESSER Close Out resources (video and pdf) before your meeting. Note this process is different than the E-Grants Final Expenditure Report (FER). It includes a full review of ESSER I, II & III Budget Pages and other relevant documentation. To schedule Close Out please contact Allison Agostino at Please complete a Return Funds form if you are returning awarded funds for any reason.
- An email on ESSER spending and compliances for each District was sent in July to start the Close-Out Process.
- If you did not receive an email by July 15, 2024, check your spam and contact ESSER Meet the Team.
ESSER III Closeout Deadlines
The state-wide ESSER allocation through October 23, 2024, is:
For more information on ESSER please click here or contact Wendi Fawns at
TEACH Act – Due December 1
The applications for the Teacher Incentive Program, better known as the TEACH Act, are open through December 1, 2024, per § 20-9-324(3), MCA . The Teach Act was established during the 2021 legislative session to incentivize and enhance competitive base pay for early-career teachers. The 2024-2025 school year will be the fourth year for the TEACH Act. Districts must submit separate applications for each school, or Legal Entity, applying for the program.
Districts must complete the application for the Teacher Incentive Program funding to demonstrate:
- 2nd and 3rd class districts: Base pay equal to 10 times the Quality Educator Component amount for the application year.
- 1st class districts: Base pay requirements above and base pay not less than 70% of average teacher pay.
A virtual training session for districts was held on October 8, 2024. Click here to view the training.
Important Reminder for Schools
Principals and Superintendents, please follow up with your teachers to ensure their licensing is up to date. All licensing and verifications must be complete by the December 1st deadline. This will impact the Quality Educator Component Payment.
If you have questions, please contact Laci Novark at (406) 444-4401, or Autumn Belmont at (406) 444-9852, or by email at
Purple Star School and Champion Applications Open
Assessment Community of Practice
Join Our Community of Practice!
In collaboration with Education First, the OPI is partnering with school districts to strengthen and align local assessment systems. This unique opportunity offers districts the chance to collaborate, receive expert coaching, and enhance coherence and improvement in assessment practices. The Community of Practice will meet throughout the winter and spring, providing valuable guidance and support.
To learn more and apply for this exciting opportunity, click here.
Special Olympics Montana
Two Montana Schools Selected for Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools National Banner Recognition!
Congratulations to West Elementary School in Butte and Billings West High School for being recognized as Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools National Banner Schools! These schools met 10 standards of excellence set by Special Olympics North America, focusing on Unified Sports, inclusive youth leadership, and whole school engagement. Congratulations West Elementary School and Billings West High School for all you do to support inclusion and acceptance within your schools!
Special Olympics State Basketball Volunteers Needed!
Join the excitement and get involved by volunteering for this action-packed event November 7-9, 2024 in Helena. There are many volunteer opportunities available for students, staff, school groups, parents and community members!
Witness the passion, dedication, and extraordinary talent of our athletes and unified partners as they take the court and inspire us all.
Embracing the theme “Shine Your Light”, we invite the entire state to join in this celebration.
For more information and volunteer opportunities, please visit
Become A Special Olympics Unified Champion School!
Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools® is a program for schools Pre-K through university that intentionally promotes meaningful social inclusion by bringing together students with and without intellectual disabilities to create accepting school environments utilizing three interconnected components: Special Olympics Unified Sports®, inclusive youth leadership, and whole school engagement.
Interested in becoming a Unified Champion School? Scan the QR Code to complete the UCS Commitment Form or visit and start the inclusion revolution in your school, district, and community! For questions, please contact Terri Norman, UCS Senior Director at |
Click the links below for important updates from OPI's units.
Accreditation & Educator Preparation
Achievement in Montana (AIM)
Career, Technical and Adult Education
Coordinated School Health
Educator Licensure
Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)
Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)
Gifted and Talented
Indian Education for All
Montana Aligned to Standards Through-Year (MAST)
Montana Autism Education Project
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
School Finance
School Nutrition
Special Education
Standards, Instruction & Professional Learning
Title & Federal Programs
Traffic Education
Transformational Learning & Advanced Opportunities
Outside Opportunities
Montana Science Olympiad Team Registration is Now Open
The Montana Science Olympiad State Tournament will be held at MSU-Bozeman on Tuesday, March 4, 2025, and registration is now open through Jan. 31, 2025.
Middle and high school teams from across Montana will compete in 30 science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) events including Anatomy & Physiology, Fossils, Optics, Wind Power, Tower building, Codebusters, and more.
In addition to enhancing STEM knowledge, the Science Olympiad is a great opportunity for students to learn resilience, problem-solving, collaboration, and leadership. For many, the tournament is a lens into campus life, with events held in MSU labs and classrooms, and students engaging with event supervisors and volunteers who are MSU faculty, researchers, and students. A free STEM event for all Science Olympiad teams will be hosted at the Museum of the Rockies on the evening before the tournament (Monday, March 3).
Teams must be affiliated with a school, and many models for building a team exist, from creating an extracurricular club with support from parents and community volunteers to STEM teachers who build Science Olympiad into a for-credit course. The Montana Science Olympiad website includes several resources for teachers who are new to Science Olympiad and want to learn about starting a team. See Getting Started in Science Olympiad at: []
An online presentation will be held on Nov. 6 to kick off the new season and will be particularly helpful for new coaches.
The Montana Science Olympiad team will also offer online office hours for coaches and interactive Webinars for student competitors. They are available to answer any questions you may have.
Please reach out at or (406) 994-7476, or visit the Montana Science Olympiad website []. The deadline to register a team is Jan. 31, 2025, but we encourage coaches (especially those who are new to Science Olympiad) to register early. We hope to see you at MSU-Bozeman this March!
American Mathematics Competition
Montana high school students, eager to excel at advanced mathematics, are encouraged to participate in the American Mathematics Competitions [], AMC 10/12 A & B, a national mathematics competition series. Exams are administered in-person on the campus of MSU-Bozeman and results are submitted online and measured against a national pool of competitors.
The AMC 10/12 A &B are hosted by the MSU Science Math Resource Center and were developed by the Mathematical Association of America []. High school students inspired to learn advanced math beyond the classroom, test their proficiency on a national level, and meet fellow students interested in mathematics are encouraged to participate. The competition series provides an opportunity to develop positive attitudes toward analytical thinking, problem-solving, and advanced mathematics.
Two exams are offered on the MSU-Bozeman campus, as follows:
Wed, Nov 6, 2024 4pm · 415 Romney Hall, MSU · AMC 10/12 A
Tues, Nov 12, 2024 10:30am · 126 Barnard Hall, MSU · AMC 10/12 B
Competitions are challenging yet presented in a friendly and supportive environment. Each participant receives recognition for competing, and top scorers receive gift cards. Students gain self-confidence and foster a love for mathematics. Participation in the AMC reflects well on college applications and is required at some prestigious universities.
Registration is free for Montana high school students and open until Friday, November 1. A similar exam, the AMC 8, is offered in January for middle school students. For more information, visit [] or contact the MSU Science Math Resource Center at or (406) 994-7476.
Recycle Montana Trash Dash Results
Future Farmers of America (FFA) teams from across the state dominated the Recycle Montana Trash Dash event held September 14th to 21st. Each team collected trash and recyclables, photographed themselves during the process, and weighed their finds. The winners were determined by the heaviest weights and most unusual item they collected.
Recycle Montana Executive Director, Candi Zion, stated, “This year we offered a Super Pickin’ Bonus to the Missoula team. In total, they picked up 10,420 pounds of trash and recyclables. That is over 5 tons. We wanted to recognize the tremendous effort they put forth into keeping Montana Clean and Green.”
Super Pickin’ Bonus
$150 Missoula FFA and MCPS Ag (50 team members)- 10,420#s total
Most Garbage
- $350 Missoula FFA and MCPS Ag (50 team members)- 8780#s
- $150 Fairview FFA (12 team members)- 420#s
- $50 Gardiner Ag/Ed and FFA (20 team members)- 50#s
- $20 Deb Sevier- Glendive Recycles Our Waste (GROW) (2 team members) - 20#s
Most Recyclables
- $300 Missoula FFA- 1640#s
- $150 Twin Bridges FFA (10 team members)- 345#s
- $50 Fairview FFA- 43#s
- $5 Deb Sevier- GROW- 1#
Most Unusual Recyclable
1. $100 Twin Bridges FFA- Cardboard Shark
2. $75 Fairview FFA- Half of a Stop Sign
Free Recycle Education Trunks:
The Recycle Montana Board has decided to give away the rest of our recycling education trunks. We received a grant a few years ago to build them and sent app. 250 trunks to schools and organizations all across the state.
The trunks include lesson plans K through 12, fun facts, recycling tips and guides, and items made from recycled materials including t-shirts, non toxic insulation made from clothing and a mini can bale. Could you please send this out to your contacts? We will ship the trunks free of charge or make delivery arrangements available. First come first serve; we have 11 left. Thank you!
Please contact Candi Zion, Executive Director, Recycle Montana, at 406-899-6513.
Nominations for the National Teachers Hall of Fame
The National Teachers Hall of Fame (NTHF) is currently seeking applicants for their 2025 class of inductees, and they need your support to spread the word!
Founded in 1989 in Emporia, Kansas, the NTHF recognizes and celebrates the nation’s most outstanding career teachers from both public and private schools. Each year, five PreK-12 educators with at least 20 years of teaching experience are inducted into the Hall of Fame, honoring their dedication to the profession and their impact on students and communities.
Nominations can be submitted on their website at []. The deadline for applications to be completed by the nominee is December 1st, so it’s important to nominate early.
If you need more information, the Hall of Fame office at; (620) 341-5660.
MT School Nurse of the Year Nominations
The School Nurse of the Year is an award presented annually to publicly recognize and honor a practicing registered nurse and MASN member for outstanding contributions in the specialty of school nursing.
Nominations for the award are open each year until December 1st. In January, all MASN members will have the opportunity to cast their votes electronically. The recipient of this prestigious honor will be celebrated at our annual Spring Conference, alongside their peers. Additionally, they will be recognized at the annual National Association of School Nurses Conference, where all state School Nurse of the Year award winners are celebrated for their exceptional contributions to the field and are featured in NASN publications.
Here is the link [] to the online nomination form.
Playwriting in Schools Workshop
MT Repertory Theatre is thrilled to offer an exciting opportunity for you or any educator you know who is ready to spark creativity and self-expression in students! Join us for our FREE Playwriting in Schools Workshop and unlock the power of storytelling in your classroom!
You will gain practical tools and methodologies to engage your students in writing their own 10-minute plays. This program also allows you to earn 10 hours of Development Credit while enhancing your teaching skills. We provide stipends for housing and travel, making it easier for you to join us! When you teach this workshop, MT Rep will provide professional actors and UM Theatre and Dance students to read your students' plays aloud, either in person or virtually!
This workshop is November 2-3, 11am-5pm, at the Mansfield Library, University of Montana, Missoula (in-person and virtually).
Spaces are limited, so don’t miss this great opportunity to elevate your teaching and enrich your students' lives. Please email to reserve your spot today!
Questions? Contact:
Brian O'Leary, Communications Director
The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161,, Relay Service: 711.