Corrections Flu Fighters Need Your Help
 When flu season and a pandemic converge, protecting public health gets even more complicated. It's up to us to do all we can to reduce risks to ourselves, our teams, our families and our communities.
The best way to prevent the flu is to get vaccinated every year. The flu vaccine can not only significantly decrease the chance that you'll get the flu but also reduce the risk of flu-associated hospitalization and reduce the severity of illness if you still get sick after being vaccinated.
Bottom line: Getting vaccinated for the flu helps protect you, and it helps protect the people around you. It also reduces the strain on your coworkers in health care who already are grappling with the unprecedented COVID-19 crisis.
In an effort to make getting the flu vaccine as effortless as possible, the Department of Corrections offers flu vaccine clinics throughout October. Check the dates »
Questions? Contact your employee health nurse»
Health Plan Open Enrollment Ends Oct. 31
 Open enrollment is now underway for the Missouri Consolidated Health Care Plan (MCHCP). If you want to enroll in state employee health benefits or make changes to your current plan, NOW is the time. Open enrollment for 2021 ends Oct. 31, 2020. Confused about your options? No worries. Missouri Department of Corrections Personnel Analyst Sarah Brendel walks you through the benefits in this animated video.
Throughout October, you also can access webinars, booklets, how-to videos, customer service contacts and more at the MCHCP website, Still have questions? Contact the Office of Personnel at 573-526-6484.
Watch the video »
Corrections Drops and Gives Us 22
Missouri state government agencies are taking part in the #22PushupChallenge, a national movement to raise awareness about the 22 U.S. military veterans who lose their lives to suicide every day.
Participants in the challenge agree to do 22 pushups a day for 22 days and invite their friends and colleagues to do the same, sharing statements and videos in social media.
Multiple Missouri state government agencies have gotten involved. The Department of Commerce and Insurance challenged the Missouri Department of Corrections, and Deputy Director Matt Sturm accepted the challenge on our behalf. Watch the video »
Deputy Director Sturm then challenged Moberly Correctional Center Functional Unit Manager Rusty Ratliff, a former Marine who supervises the Missouri Veterans Program (MVP) at MCC. Ratliff accepted the challenge with support from Case Manager Bill Martin, a retired Army captain and MVP commander, as well as several Moberly MVP participants who have served in the U.S. military.
Mental health is the foundation on which MVP's activities are built. Veterans participating in the program support one another throughout post-traumatic stress and substance use treatment, and they form platoon systems and mentoring relationships that improve veterans' chances of success after release. Watch the video »
Robert Patterson, a Corrections Officer I at Boonville Correctional Center, uses his keen observation skills to keep everyone safe. While conducting vehicle patrol, Patterson was able to spot, recognize and quickly report a possible escape attempt. The offender was immediately apprehended. Patterson's attentiveness and swift action helped to maintain the security of the institution and to avoid a facility lockdown and staff overtime.
October is both National Bullying Prevention Month and National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Join us in taking a stand against intimidation and violence.
Domestic Violence Prevention
 The COVID-19 health crisis has caused a tremendous spike in incidents of domestic violence. During October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, we're activating bystanders and sharing information that can help those who are experiencing abuse. Join these campaigns to raise visibility, encourage conversation and help break the social stigma.
Contact the Office of Victims Services to find out what else you can do to help.
Bullying Prevention
 Research shows that people who were bullied as kids or teens are significantly more likely to be convicted of crimes and to end up in prison.
During October, National Bullying Prevention Month, join us in spreading the message that there's no place for bullying in Missouri communities. Access bullying facts and resources at
Made by the Jefftown Productions offender media team in Jefferson City Correctional Center, Evolve, an original animated music video, examines the roots of bullying and violence. Watch the video »
Registration is now open for the 2020 Missouri Reentry Conference!
The 2020 conference is all digital, free of charge and organized as a series of eight Zoom sessions over four weeks.
This year’s theme is “2020 Vision for the Justice-Involved.” The four keynote sessions and four panel discussions focus on innovations related to:
- Wrap-around support services
- Workforce development and opportunities
- Response to COVID-19
- Community- and faith-based program highlights
Registration is required for each Zoom session. Use the "Agenda" tab on the event website or reentry conference mobile app to reserve your spot. Once the registration form has been submitted, you will receive an email with details on how to join the session.
The conference is hosted by the Missouri Department of Corrections, the Missouri Department of Social Services, Family and Community Trust and ARCHS (Area Resources for Community and Human Services). MODOC speakers and panelists include Danielle Bellamy, Jamie LiaKos, John Mosley, Lisa Schulze, Todd Schwent, Ken Chapman and Julie Kempker. Director Anne Precythe kicks off the conference Oct. 6 with the keynote address.
Questions? Contact Tiffany Reichenbacher at 314-289-5637 or
Division of Probation & Parole Reorganizes, Innovates & Collaborates
P&P is shaking things up.
In addition to implementing an innovative new remote work plan, the Division of Probation and Parole is now consolidating districts, welcoming new staff, and collaborating with local organizations and law enforcement.
New staff have completed training in the Central Region Training Center (right) and the Eastern Region Training Center (below). Help us welcome them to the family!
Efforts are underway to merge districts and to consolidate institutional parole offices with nearby districts. The Boonville Correctional Center parole office has merged with District 29; the Algoa Correctional Center parole office has merged with District 27; and, as of Oct. 1, District 30 has merged with District 5.
Meanwhile, P&P teams are making headlines for their collaborative work. Staff have teamed up with the Missouri Department of Mental Health and Heartland Center for Behavioral Change to expand treatment for Missourians with substance use disorder. They also have worked with the Rose Brooks Center and Kansas City-area courts and law enforcement agencies on the anti-domestic violence Kansas City Blueprint for Safety.
Central Region Training Officers Shawn Thompson, Mark Stoehr and Seth Elliott were recognized recently for their hard work and dedication in firearms recertification. All three have a long history of excellence in Division of Probation & Parole safety training and are known for promoting a learning atmosphere that encourages open discussion and new ideas.
Congratulations to our Distinguished Service Award recipients from the Western Region Training Center: Corrections Training Officer Amy Tippie, Regional Management Trainer Dan Rodriguez and Probation and Parole Safety Trainer Kraig Gresham. Tippie and two of her students helped a senior whose aide was struggling to get him into a van. Known for his positive attitude, Rodriguez, in addition to his full-time job as a trainer, helps translate for Spanish-speaking offenders and holds a custody overtime post in Cameron. Gresham helped a co-worker who took a bad fall in a stairwell, providing first aid while awaiting assistance.
WMCC Hot Rod Enters Car Show
A hot rod built by students in Vocational Teacher II Kelly Hughes' automotive mechanics class at Western Missouri Correctional Center was featured in the Pattonsburg Car Show Oct. 4.
Hughes guided the offender-students in constructing the vehicle from scrap parts over the course of about two years, while learning the automotive mechanics skills that can help them find and keep good jobs after release.
The team talked about the experience with Missourinet. See to the story »
Building Better Frienships
Last month Ozark Correctional Center delivered buddy benches to Seymour Preschool and Seymour Elementary School. Made by offender-volunteers in the Restorative Justice Program, the benches are designed to foster friendship on the playground. Any student who wants to socialize during recess sits on the bench and soon is joined by a buddy. OCC Restorative Justice also has made and donated 1,500 friendship bracelets to Seymour students as part of an anti-bullying campaign.
 This year's Missouri State Employees Charitable Campaign (MSECC) drive dates have been set for October 7-21. The annual unified fundraising effort gives state employees the opportunity to make donations to their favorite charitable organizations through the convenience of payroll deduction or one-time gifts. All staff should have received an email from the Office of Administration about the campaign and a new online giving option available this year through the ESS Portal for payroll deduction. Fundraising events are held at Department of Corrections work sites throughout the state.
 In a new video, Planner Angelee Mitchell from Research, Planning & Process Improvement reviews our 2020 strategic plan successes and walks us through priorities for the new fiscal year. See the current initiatives »
Watch the video »
 The Training Academy would like to challenge you during the month of October to take just a bit of time out of your workday to complete the October MO Learning challenge. This month's course challenge is Time Management Tips: Communication. Just click on and complete each daily module, and you will have completed this approved electives course, which counts for one hour of training credit!
Get started »
Advance your skills with your new education benefits at Rasmussen College. Receive a 10% tuition grant to start, resume or finish your education.
Rasmussen College has 50 associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in the areas listed below. Programs are flexible, and most can be completed online and in as little as 18 months. All employees can also save an additional $6,000 with the Start Strong Savings Grant.
- Justice Studies
- Education
- Nursing
- Business
- Technology
- Design
- Health Sciences
Now enrolling for November 2020. Details:
Improving Lives for Safer Communities
Excellence in Corrections for a Safer Missouri
We value safe work environments, a capable workforce and reduced risk and recidivism. We value integrity and respect. We value supportive leadership. We value employee participation and teamwork.