Winter/Spring 2025
Welcome Back TB Partners!
After a one year hiatus, we are excited to launch our new format for The DOT. Since 2012, the KY TB Program has been committed to sharing the newest advances in TB testing, treatment regimens, best practices from the field and training opportunities to better support your efforts in providing quality TB services. This biannual newsletter also enables us to share your successes in TB awareness throughout the state.
In this issue, look for ideas to celebrate World TB Day on March 24th, and TB awareness promotional strategies for sharing with healthcare partners within your communities. Special highlights include the 2024 Super T Award recipient, and TB Program staffing updates. We’ve brought back popular familiar DOT features such as TB FAQs, EPI, Laboratory, and Nursing sections, and our annual Training Calendar. A very special thank you, to our new D.O.T. Editor, Website Editor and Epidemiologist II, Emily Goodwin. Her creativity and passion for public health has been a welcomed addition to our team. Until next time, continue to Think, Test, and Treat TB.
 New Program Email
The Kentucky Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program is proud to announce a general program email inbox,
This inbox is intended for general programmatic questions, reports and correspondence and will be monitored regularly with inquiries routed appropriately.
*For LHD routine weekly case management updates, please continue to submit to the team via their personal emails.
Super T Award Announced
It is with great pleasure that the TB Program announces the winner of the 2024 Super T Award to:
Brittany Dunn with the Louisville-Metro Public Health and Wellness TB Clinic
Brittany completely exemplifies the title and justification for this award. She has been a dedicated public health leader with her supervision of the LMPHW TB Clinic. Brittany is always not just willing, but excited to take on new responsibilities or implement improvement towards public health systems. Congratulations Brittany!
Staffing changes
Fall of 2024 we welcomed Emily Goodwin to the TB State Team! Emily has been with the Kentucky Department for Public Health for six years, working in The Division of Women's Health and Prevention & Quality Improvement. She has experience in public health communication, creative strategy and community education and outreach. In September 2024, she became an Epidemiologist with the KDPH Tuberculosis Prevention & Control Program. She holds a BS in Communication Disorders and an MPH in Community Health Education from Eastern Kentucky University. Emily will be your contact for EDN, LTBI, Incentives and Enablers, Training and Education and editor of The D.O.T. Newsletter and website.
Charlie Rhea started working as an Epidemiologist with the Kentucky Department for Public Health (KDPH) in the Tuberculosis (TB) Prevention and Control Program in 2018. He also worked as part of Kentucky’s COVID-19 Pandemic Response Team. During his time with TB, Charlie provided epidemiological expertise for surveillance, reporting and contact investigation. He was responsible for streamlining the communication process in multiple areas that allowed the program to effectively guide TB prevention and control the spread of Tuberculosis.
After six years with the program, Charlie is now pursuing his PhD in Epidemiology from Vanderbilt University in Nashville, TN. We thank Charlie for his years of dedicated service to TB prevention and control efforts in Kentucky and wish him nothing but the best in his next endeavors. THANK YOU, Charlie!

TB Office Hours
TB Office Hours will be held the Third Thursday of every month at 2:00 pm EST. The registration for these courses is available through KY TRAIN and will shared as soon as available.
Upcoming events include:
TB 101Training Session for
New LHD Staff
New LHD staff that will be coordinating case management for TB patients are welcomed to attend our Spring TB 101 Training Session. During this two day, half day virtual training, TB staff outline important aspects of TB case management and reporting requirements.
Spring TB 101 Training Session: May 14th & 15th, 2025 12:00-4:00 PM EST
Fall TB 101 Training Session: November 12th & 13th, 2025 12:00-4:00 PM EST
This training is available by invitation only; if you have a new staff member that should attend please reach out to or for more information.
Mayo Clinic Center for Tuberculosis
TB Diagnostics Demystified: Practical Insights for Clinical Decision-Making
Date: March 20, 2025 Time: 1:00 p.m. Eastern
Course Overview: This webinar explores mycobacterial diagnostic tools and their TB prevention and treatment applications. Participants learn to effectively use and interpret Tuberculin Skin Tests (TSTs), interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs), and cultures for diagnosing latent TB infection (LTBI) and active TB disease. Case studies will highlight real-world challenges and best practices for leveraging these tools in clinical practice.
Questions? Contact Mayo at
 Frequently Asked Questions
Question: What forms are required to be used for TB case management?
TB Program Response: Please refer to page 12 in the TB Program section of the Clinical Service Guide (CSG) for a complete listing of forms and usage.
Question: How do I determine if my healthcare facility is a low, medium or high risk for TB exposure?
TB Program Response: Please refer to the TB Program’s Data webpage for the most current data published and information on
“How to Calculate the Burden of TB for Annual Facility Risk Assessments”. (See screenshot and link below)

Drug Shortages
The KY TB Prevention and Control Program has been alerted by CDC that Teva Pharmaceuticals has discontinued INH production. This may affect availability to obtain INH from some of your wholesale distributers.
KyTBPC is collaborating with CDC and NTCA to monitor this situation and we will share any guidance as we receive. As always, if you have any difficulties obtaining any medications for our TB patients, please let our team know.
World TB Day
Each year, we recognize World TB Day on March 24. This annual event commemorates the date in 1882 when Dr. Robert Koch announced his discovery of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacillus that causes tuberculosis (TB).
This year for World TB Day (March 24th) we are shifting efforts to focus on education, promoting resources, and empowering anyone working in TB to showcase the work you do in your community to raise awareness for TB.
Use these communication resources (Linked below) to support tuberculosis (TB) awareness, testing and treatment efforts on World TB Day on March 24.
These resources include:
- General TB talking points/Quick TB reference guide (attached)
- Sample Public Service Announcement
- Sample Social Media posts
- Promotional videos from the CDC
- Infographics, resources for providers/patients
- And other handouts
Our Challenge To You!
We challenge you at the local level to show how us you are making an impact in raising awareness for TB:
- Post on social media leading up to and on World TB Day March 24th, 2025
- Take a picture of your TB staff and share it with the state (photo contest for the best group shot)
- Send your World TB Day local activities and pictures via our new email:!
- Spread this information in your community and brag about your efforts in the prevention and control of TB!
Incentives & Enablers: Helping You, Help Your Patients
Incentives and Enablers can be an effective patient-centered approach to TB case management. Do you need help obtaining incentives and enablers? The KY Tuberculosis and Control Program may be able to assist. Download our informational brochure for more information or fill out the REDCap I&E Request Form below to request I&E resources today.
*PLEAE NOTE: The Kentucky Tuberculosis Prevention and Control Program reviews and approves all requests individually. Priority conditions are MDR-TB, cavitary TB disease, active pulmonary disease and patients with comorbidities.

Kentucky’s 2024 Preliminary Tuberculosis (TB) Case Data
In 2024, Kentucky preliminary reported 93 confirmed cases of TB, an incidence rate 2.0 cases per 100,000.
This count and incidence rate is above range expected when looking at data from the most recent 10-year period (2015-2024). During this time the preliminary average case count is 72 cases per year with an average incident rate of 1.6 cases per 100,000.
*There is currently no outbreak reported in Kentucky.

Meet our TB Lab Staff!
The Kentucky Division of Laboratory Services (DLS) is fortunate to have two full-time Laboratory Scientists in the Mycobacteriology (TB) Lab, Ms. Danielle Banks and Ms. Emma Brangers. Danielle joined DLS in September 2022 and holds a B.S. in Forensic Science from Cedarville University and a M.S. in Forensic DNA & Serology from the University of Florida. Emma joined DLS in January 2023 and holds a B.A. in Microbiology from the University of Alabama.
If at any time you have questions or inquiries about our TB testing, feel free to reach out to them at the following numbers:
- Danielle: 502-782-2774
- Emma: 502-782-3864, or
- DLS main: 502-564-4446.