Student Engagement & Support (SES) Engage Newsletter Archive
March 2024 –Financial Literacy & Asset-based Engagement - Personal finances impact our lives every day. We know that finances play an integral part in how we live our lives, how we relate to others, and the opportunities we have. How can we talk to students about finance? When is the best time?
January 2024 –Mentoring Educators for Diversity & Inclusion - We want to see diverse educators experience success as educators in Washington. But what does it take to retain educators? We’ll share with you some tips from Washington’s NAKIA Academy, where they are supporting diverse educators through shared professional development, and mentoring.
- December 2023 - Organizational Wellness for Equity - What keeps staff members coming back year after year? What are the administrative moves that create a culture of wellness? If you’re looking for some fresh ideas on how to think about organizational wellness not just at an individual level but as a holistic experience, you’ll want to tune in to this month’s newsletter.
- November 2023 – Tier II Solutions for Student Well-being - Not all supports need to be offered to everyone, and not all supports have to be offered to individual students either. But what do group supports look like? Who offers them? How does that work with a school schedule? We want to share with you ideas on ways you can level up your tier II supports.
- October 2023 – Restorative Practices - Restorative practices offer opportunities for transformational positive school climate and alternatives to traditional disciplinary action. Restorative practices which focus on resolving conflict, repairing harm, and healing relationships through a foundation of integrated and preventative social emotional strategies, have been shown to prevent bullying and reduce disciplinary incidents in school.
- September 2023 – Family Engagement Best Practices -The ideal family-school involvement strategy goes beyond information sharing and frequent newsletters and email blasts. Instead, family-school involvement is an ongoing partnership that includes open communication that honors family voice, mutual understanding, the development of trust, and fostering culturally responsive family partnerships.
August 2023 – Setting Up Your School & Classroom for Belonging - We want students to feel seen, engaged, curious, and challenged. What routines will help students feel welcome and how will you create a sense of belonging? What rituals honor the values of your school? In this edition learn from Nick Yoder from the American Institute of Research (AIR) about a framework for positive school climate and the practices that will help you start and continue the year as a community builder.
May 2023 – The Power of Youth Co-design – Nothing about us without us. What would it look like to curate a program that extends beyond the consultation process? Youth Co-design is a process that shares the development of a program or a project with the students who will be impacted from it. In this edition learn from Sam Martin, CEO and Head Lobbyist, and his philosophy towards Co-design.
April 2023 – Partnerships for Culturally Relevant Learning - We all have blind spots. Partnerships can be an asset to reaching students where educators may not be as knowledgeable about the student’s culture. Culturally relevant learning focuses on multiple aspects of student achievement and supports students to uphold their cultural identities and develop critical perspectives that challenge societal inequities. This month we are bringing you Dr. Martina Whelshula to talk about how culturally relevant learning works in the context of a multi-tiered system of support, social emotional health, and intergenerational historical trauma.
March 2023 – Mastery-based Learning - Einstein once said, “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” Find out more on how mastery-based learning’s approach is designed to help students learn deeply and effectively.
February 2023 – Balanced Calendar & Scheduling – What is Balanced School Calendar and how does it work? In this edition contributor Dr. Hornak walks us through the benefits of a balanced school calendar. Get a chance to see some of our Building Bridges Stories and the great work Community-based Organizations are doing to promote school attendance and engage youth in their education.
January 2023 – Getting Proactive With Threat Assessments – In this edition contributor Dr. Madfis, Associate Professor at University of Washington provides us with an evidence based approach to improve school safety and equity. Additionally, you will get an introduction to the Washington State Threat Assessment Fidelity Document.
December 2022 – Countering the Winter Blues – Are you feeling burned out? In this edition contributor Dr. Mona Johnson, Executive Director of System Pathways at Olympic Educational Service District 114 shares with us key elements for self-preservation and opportunities to create systems level change to keep charting forward collectively in a meaningful and intentional way.
November 2022 – Leadership Moves for Promoting Inclusion – In this edition contributor Dr. Katie Novak, internationally renowned education consultant, author, and former Assistant Superintendent of Schools in Massachusetts, gives us insight on how to scale Universal Design for Learning (UDL).
October 2022 – Supporting Antiracist School Climate Practices – In this edition of our newsletter we provide A Guide to Equity and Antiracism for Educators, Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) data and guidance on School Safety, Bullying, and Harassment. This newsletter also speaks to the intersection of race and disabilities and more information on how Puget Sound Education Service District has worked collaboratively with regional partners in the name of equity in education.
September 2022 – Hope & Healing Centered Engagement Practices to Create a Culture for Learning – In this edition contributor Chan Hellman, Professor at University of Oklahoma, Director of the Hope Research Center, and Author of Hope Rising: How The Science of Hope Can Change Your Life discusses the three elements of Hope. Check out our student Hope Data and how you can incorporate hope in students to overcome obstacles and achieve goals.
August 2022 – Anxiety & Mental Health Attendance – Contributor Lori Lynass, Executive Director of Sound Supports, a state and national leader in training and technical assistance for Positive Behavior Intervention Supports implementation. Find resources and best practices to engage and support our students.
May 2022 – College and Career Readiness – ABL Schools provides research that suggests that when students have access to advanced coursework, they are more engaged. Read what ABL Schools and others have to say about College and Career Readiness.
April 2022 – “Have You Asked Your Student’s Yet?” – Read what James Layman, AWSL Director has to say about using Youth Voice to make decisions that affect students. Find resources and data to support your decision to use youth voice.
March 2022 – Educator Wellbeing – This edition of the Engage Newsletter is rich in resources and data around educator and staff challenges during a pandemic.
February 2022 – Youth Reengagement – Learn about the National League of Cities Reengagement Network and read “Reengagement: More Important than Ever” by Andrew Moore, Director, Youth & Young Adult Connections – Institute for Youth, Education and Families.
- January 2022 – Youth Initiated Mentoring and Hope: contributors, Dr. Jean Rhodes, Professor of Psychology and Director of the Center for Evidence Based Mentoring at the University of Massachusetts Boston and Stephen Song, Executive Director, Communities for Youth provide insight to Youth Initiated Mentoring.
Led by State Superintendent Chris Reykdal, OSPI oversees K-12 public education in Washington state. Our mission is to provide funding, resources, tools, data and technical assistance that enable educators to ensure students succeed in our public schools, are prepared to access post-secondary training and education, and are equipped to thrive in their careers and lives.
