OPI's March 2023 Compass

OPI Compass

February 24, 2023


Calendar of Events

For OPI Unit updates please click here.


Superintendent's Message


There have been many successes that put our Montana students, families, and school families first during the first half of this session. The Base Aid requirements (HB 15), the most basic promise to our schools is heading to the Governor’s desk for his signature as of February 17, 2023. There was strong backing for our Montana teacher licensing fees used to support the TeachMontana licensing system during the joint subcommittee on education (HB 2). This is not a request to increase teacher licensing fees. Our ask for one-time-only funding for audiology equipment has also been added to HB 2. Our Montana students will have more access to mental health treatment due to the unanimous support in the House for tuition reimbursement to mental health facilities (HB 171). This bill is now awaiting executive action in the Senate Education and Cultural Resources Committee as of February 17, 2023. I appreciate that as of today all four of my priority legislation have been given the green light.

women in govt

March is Women's History Month. As a way to celebrate the great women in our state's government I have invited the women serving in our 68th legislative session to record their stories. These recording will be part of our Celebrating Women in Government Rotunda event on March 22. Thank you to the Representatives and Senators that have taken part in this production!


Indian Education for All and the 2023 Montana Proud Poster Series

iefa celebration

Superintendent Arntzen hosted a celebration of Indian Education for All on February 13, 2023, in the Rotunda. During this event, the 2023 Montana Proud Poster Series was unveiled. These posters will be sent to all Montana school districts. Please watch the celebration here. For more information pleaser click here.

2023 poster honorees


Montana Alternative Student Testing (MAST) Pilot Program

Learn logo

The third testing window of the MAST program will be open from March 6-17, 2023.

On February 22, 2023, the MAST team held a feedback session with teachers and test administrators to discuss the second testing window that occurred during January. The second testing window had over 5,000 students participating and completing testlets.

During the 2023-2024 school year, OPI is expanding the pilot program to grades 3-8 and will be recruiting more districts to participate in the full pilot program.


The OPI is seeking 3-8 grade Math and English Language Arts teachers to participate in:

  • a review of testlet items during a virtual meeting on March 28-29, 2023
  • an item writing workshop on June 12-16, 2023. This workshop will be in person and will focus on developing testlet questions for the MAST pilot program. The location is TBD in Montana.

For more information on these workshops please contact Sam Walsh, Project Manager, at samantha.walsh@mt.gov.

For more information on MAST, please contact Krystal Smith, Education Innovation Manager, at krystal.smith@mt.gov, or (406) 249.0758.


Math and World Languages Content Standards Revisions

Learn logo

OPI is in the research phase on Math and World Languages Content Standards and will be transitioning out of this phase over the next month.


Currently, the OPI Math Content Standards Team is in the process of reviewing applications for the Math Task Force with two teams of reviewers made up of members of major stakeholder organizations, respondents to the Mathematics Standards Review Interest Survey, and internal reviewers. The Task Force members will be chosen from applicants representing a variety of stakeholders who are involved with K-12 mathematics instruction across Montana.

The Task Force includes both a Writing Team, as well as a Review Team. During the Revision phase of the standards review process, the Writing Team will use the research and data analysis provided by the Regional Educational Laboratory West (REL West) at WestEd to inform the revision of our Montana Mathematics Content Standards. The Review Team will review the work of the Writing Team, and provide feedback that will inform the work of the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee during the Negotiated Rulemaking phase of the review process.

World Languages:

The application for the World Languages Standards Review Task Force is now open! The application will close on March 17th. The Task Force will create standards to guide instruction and prepare our students for their lives beyond the classroom.

This single application is for three separate task forces:

  • An Application Review Team
  • The Standards Writing Team
  • The Standards Review Team

The Application Review Task Force will be gathered from specialists and applicants to review all applications and select the most qualified applicants to be a part of the other two task forces. The Writing Team will use the research and data analysis provided by the OPI and Regional Educational Laboratory West (REL West) at WestEd to inform the revision of our Montana World Languages Content Standards. Then, the Review Team will review the work of the Writing Team, and provide feedback to inform the work of the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee during the final phase of the standards review process before the proposal goes to the Montana Board of Public Education for discussion and approval.

For more information on the Math Content Standards, please contact Sonja Whitford at Sonja.Whitford@mt.gov, or (406) 444-0706.

For more information on the World Languages Content Standards, please contact Destin Markland at destin.markland@mt.gov, or (406) 444.0044.


Why Math Matters


For more information please click here.


Revised and New Accreditation Standards Workshop

Learn logo

The March 9-10 Board of Public Education meeting will include the summary overview of proposed processes for accreditation. The accreditation cycle will be adjusted to ensure student performance data is available for populating the integrated strategic action plan for which accountability is increased.

 You will note the proposed change in weights from 50/50 assurance and student performance to 20/5/75 weight. 20% assurance standards, 5% integrated strategic action plan and 75% student performance measures using multiple measures of achievement.

 The OPI is seeking interested folks to consult on guidance documents over the next 45 days. If you are interested in participating on development of guidance documents, please email Crystal Andrews, the new accreditation director.

 The OPI is holding a hybrid session on the Graduate Profile on Friday, April 14, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. in Billings. Districts are encouraged to bring teams to this vital professional development opportunity. There is limited space so be sure to REGISTER EARLY for this interactive, learning and working session.

 The OPI will be providing daily working sessions for District on their Integrated Strategic Action Plan at the Summer Institute, June 19-23, 2023, at the Montana State University Campus. Registration is free for Montana Educators.

For more information visit the OPI website or contact Crystal Andrews at crystal.andrews@mt.gov, or (406) 444.6325.


Elementary and Secondary Schools Emergency Relief Funds - ESSER


The ESSER Data Collection and Annual Report process is anticipated to begin at the beginning of March. The process will include: 

  • District review of previously submitted data (excel), 
  • District input data (excel), and 
  • District portal submission of excel file (google form).

As a reminder, ESSER II must be expended by September 30, 2023, and ESSER III must be expended by September 30, 2024.

Each month school board trustees are sent a monthly allocation report for ESSER funds. These reports can be found here.

The state-wide ESSER allocation through January 31, 2023, is:


For more information on ESSER please click here or contact Wendi Fawns at wendi.fawns@mt.gov.


OPI Virtual Job Fair

job fair

Please click the image to register.


Teacher Residency Demonstration Project

Teach logo

The recruitment of residents and matching to districts that have committed to having a resident is underway today. The OPI has recruited over 20 districts to-date and continues working to get 40 districts involved in the next cycle of the Residency. 8 of the 11 districts from the initial project have signed up to have residents again. Two of the districts will participate in the 2024-25 school year, but due to leadership changes could not commit this year.

Two meetings have been held with OCHE’s interim deputy commissioner, Joe Thiel and Angela McLean on the residency and registered teacher apprenticeships. They would like to be more involved and support how they can aid with the EPPs and the needed changes to ensure workforce redesign efforts are successful.

There will be a work session on the registered teacher apprenticeship application on March 1st. Billings, Northern, Western, Tom Moore and Angela McLean are willing to participate. We are also working to have David Donaldson, the individual that developed the TN model to aid us. Glen Disque, from Department of Labor will also be available for technical questions. The goal is to have the application available for our legal and superintendent review by March 10, 2023.

For more information please click here or contact Deputy Sharyl Allen at Sharyl.Allen@mt.gov or (406) 444.5658.


Community Events - You're Invited!

Superintendent Elsie Arntzen is hosting five more community events on education during the legislature’s transmittal break. The theme of these events is Bridging the Communication Between Schools and Families. The events will take place in Miles City, Sidney, Havre, Lewistown, and Butte between March 6 and 8, 2023, and are open to parents, school leaders, and legislators.

community event

The event times and locations are:

  • Miles City: 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM on Monday, March 6, 2023, at Miles City Community College in the Community Room (106), 2715 Dickinson Street Miles City, MT (Please park in lot 3 and use door E).
  • Sidney: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM on Monday, March 6, 2023, at Sidney Middle School in the gymnasium, 415 S Central Avenue, Sidney, MT
  • Havre: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at Montana State University-Northern in the Student Union Ballroom, 300 13th Street West, Havre, MT
  • Lewistown: 4:30 PM – 5:30 PM on Tuesday, March 7, 2023, at Lewistown Junior High in the gymnasium, 914 West Main St, Lewistown, MT
  • Butte: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM on Wednesday, March 8, 2023, at Montana Tech in the Copper Lounge of the Student Union Building, 1300 West Park Street, Butte, MT

The events will begin with a meet and greet followed by legislators sharing their goals for education during the upcoming session. Each event will close with an opportunity for parents and school leaders to ask questions of the legislators.

In December 2022 the Superintendent hosted the first round of the Bridging the Communication Between Schools and Families events in Kalispell, Stevensville, Billings, and Great Falls. The location of all events has been based on the Montana Association of School Superintendents (MASS) membership regions.


Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) Update - Public Comment Sought


The Montana OPI is seeking public comment on a funding waiver related to Title I School Support to extend allowable duration of federal dollars through the 2023-2024 school year.

As part of waiver requirements, the OPI is posting an opportunity for public comment pursuant to §8401(b) requirements within the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) as amended by Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) of 2015 from the U.S. Department of Education (USED). The USED requires state educational agencies, when seeking waivers from statutory or regulatory requirements, solicit and respond to public comment on the request and provide evidence of the available comment period.

Purpose of the Waiver:

The purpose of this waiver is to extend allowable duration of the subgrants to LEAs for an additional year to include 2023-2024, which will allow for a complete alignment of the Montana Accountability System moving forward. CSI schools were identified in 2017-2018 and set to be in a 3-year cohort, however due to COVID, this cohort has been extended from 

3 years to 6 years

In seeking this waiver, the OPI will use and ensure that its subgrantees use funds under the respective program in accordance with the provisions of all the applicable statutes, regulations, program plans, and applications not subject to this waiver, and will work to mitigate, and ensure that its subgrantees work to mitigate, any negative effects that may occur because of the requested waiver.

Funding Waiver:

The funding waiver is on behalf of the OPI and its subgrantees, pursuant to section 1003 of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA), for the requirements outlined below.

Therefore, the Montana OPI is seeking public comment on this waiver. Any comments on this waiver should be directed to essainput@mt.gov.

Below is a Timeline outlining the process with stakeholder involvement:

February 16, 2023: Public Comment Opens

             March 2023: Consultation with the Governor’s office

            March 7, 2023: Education Advocates Meeting, 9:30am

March 9, 2023: Presentation & discussion with the Montana Board of Public Education

            March 14, 2023: Webinar 1 for public input, 10:30am- 11:30am

            March 16, 2023: Webinar 2 for public input 3:00pm-4:00pm

March 21, 2023: Webinar 3 to respond to public comment and survey 4:00pm-5:00pm

            March 24, 2023:  Public Comment Closes

Please send feedback, input and questions to ESSAinput@mt.gov


Montana Summer Foods Service Program


To read the SFSP Newsletter please click here.


Havre Schools Offer Cree Language Course


Havre Public Schools will be offering a Cree language course next year as part of an increased push to improve cultural education for Native American students in the district.

Read more here.


Governor Gianforte Announces Launch of DON’T QUIT Campaign

Governor Gianforte is partnering with the National Foundation for Governors’ Fitness Councils (NFGFC) for its 2023 DON’T QUIT! Campaign. As part of the campaign, the NFGFC will gift a state-of-the-art DON’T QUIT! Fitness Center to three elementary or middle schools in Montana. This is an incredible opportunity for your schools to apply to receive new fitness equipment valued at $100,000. The Governor recognizes the importance of youth physical health and the role that it also plays in mental health and academic success.

We want to make sure that your schools are aware of this opportunity and encourage you to apply before the deadline of March 26, 2023. Additional information and an application can be found on the NFGFC website: https://natgovfit.org/apply-now/.

If you have any questions, please contact NFGFC Executive Director Kelly McKeag (cc’d) at kelly@natgovfit.org.


Essay Contest


Each year, the National Center for State Courts (NCSC) invites elementary, middle, and high school students from around the country to enter our civics education essay contest. The contest is designed to promote civics education and deepen students’ understanding of U.S. government.

The success of the contest would not be possible without your assistance. We rely on educators, non-profit organizations, court partners and others to help us spread the word.

We’re excited to open this year’s contest on Wednesday, February 22. Visit ncsc.org/contest [lnks.gd] to discover this year’s essay questions/prompts, entry guidelines, promotional materials and more!

Essays will be accepted online through midnight ET, Wednesday, March 22, 2023. Winners will be announced on May 1.

Please contact Molly Justice for additional information.


Acceptance Through Competition

Montana High School Association (MHSA) and Special Olympics Montana are proud to announce a partnership to include all students in this year’s track season. Students with intellectual disabilities and their Unified Partners train and compete with their school’s track team. 

Eligibility Requirements for Students Participating in Unified Track Athlete:

  • Students who are considered to have an intellectual disability or cognitive delay as determined by their localities.
  • Students who have closely related developmental disabilities such as those who have functional limitations, both general learning and in adaptive skills such as recreation, work, independent living, self‐direction, or self‐care.
  • Students with functional limitations based solely on a physical, behavioral, emotional, specific learning disability or sensory disability are not eligible.

Unified Partner

  • Individual without an intellectual disability.
  • Member of the track team who meets all eligibility requirements.
  • A Unified Partner could be a new member of the track team who only participates in Unified Track.

Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools is a program for creating school climates of inclusion, acceptance, respect, and human dignity for all students with and without intellectual disabilities. It is a youth‐driven, sports‐centered, whole‐school program that promotes meaningful opportunities for every student to contribute to a socially inclusive school climate. Special Olympics Unified Sports is a fully inclusive, co‐ed high school sports program which successfully brings together students with and without disabilities. They train together and compete as equal teammates and through this experience, become friends.

Unified Track is a MHSA hosted and sanctioned event. To find out more about Special Olympics Unified Champion Schools and Unified Track, contact

For more information please contact Jeannette Gray, Special Olympics Montana and Unified Champion Schools Senior Director, at jgray@somt.org or (406) 396-8082.


Montana Association of Conservation Districts Scholarship


Two $1,000 Scholarships are available for Montana students—high school seniors or students who are attending an accredited post-secondary institution in Montana may apply.

Eligibility requirements:
● Must be a US citizen with Montana residency
● Minimum grade point average of 3.0
● Enrollment or plans to enroll in a course of study that allows students to explore natural resource issues. Appropriate courses of study include agriculture, agribusiness, animal science, range science, forestry, environmental science, land resource science, plant science, etc.

Students may receive a scholarship both as a high school senior and once during post-secondary career.

Click here to apply online, or go to our website Scholarships | Montana Association of Conservation Districts to apply.

The application must include the following:
● A letter of recommendation from an instructor familiar with your work
● Your unofficial transcript listing courses taken and grades received
● Résumé
● An original 300-500 word essay describing how your education and experiences have given you the opportunity to explore natural resource conservation, and how you plan to impact natural resource conservation in the future. List how your leadership, school and community activities will influence your career goals.
● Acceptance letter to an accredited college (if appropriate)

Deadline: April 14, 2023.

Should you have any questions, please contact LaRinda Spencer at
larinda@macdnet.org or 406-443-5711.


Montana Newspaper Foundation Scholarship

Application Form

Deadline: April 15, 2023

Eligible applicants must be residents of Montana who are graduating from an accredited high school in the spring of 2023. They must plan to enroll in a journalism (print, broadcast, multimedia) or journalism-related field of study at an accredited college, university or vocational-technical school. Journalism-related fields would include, but are not limited to, graphic design, photography/visual arts, sales/marketing, business administration, English, communications and public relations. Preference will be given to applicants who plan to attend Montana post-secondary institutions.


This $1,000 scholarship will be paid directly to the successful applicant’s post-secondary institution.

 Applicant Information




            Phone number:

            High school attended:

            Graduation date:

            Cumulative grade-point average:

            Post-secondary institution you plan to attend:

            Address of post-secondary institution:

            Major you have selected:

  1. Tell us about your high school journalism endeavors, including classes taken and school newspapers, social media pages, websites, blogs, etc., on which you have worked, including any awards you have received:
  2.  Tell us why you want to major in journalism or a journalism-related field:
  3.  Tell us what your career goals, after completing your degree, are:
  4.  Describe your financial need:

 Return completed application to:

            MNF President Melody Martinsen

            P.O. Box 320

            Choteau, MT 59422

            email: acantha@3rivers.net

            406-466-2403 (office)

            406-590-1644 (cell)

Please request confirmation from Martinsen (via text, email or phone call)

that she has received your scholarship application.

Click the links below for important updates from OPI's units.

Accreditation & Educator Preparation

Achievement in Montana (AIM)


Career, Technical and Adult Education

Coordinated School Health

Education Innovation

Educator Licensure

Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER)

Emergency Assistance to Non-Public Schools (EANS)

Gifted and Talented

Indian Education for All

Montana Autism Education Project

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS)

School Finance

School Nutrition

Special Education

Standards, Instruction & Professional Learning

Title & Federal Programs

Traffic Education

Transformational Learning & Advanced Opportunities

Tribal Relations & Resiliency

Questions? Contact: 

Brian O'Leary, Communications Director, (406) 444-3559


The OPI is committed to providing reasonable accommodations to people with disabilities. If you need a reasonable accommodation, require an alternate format, or have questions concerning accessibility, contact the OPI ADA Coordinator, 406-444-3161, opiada@mt.gov, Relay Service: 711.