Learn How Redmond Cares for Waterways, Share Your Thoughts on Health Through Housing, Attend Virtual Open House on Climate, and more

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City News

Your weekly update from the City of Redmond.

October Redmond Connections

Learn How Redmond Cares for Waterways 

In the Mayor’s October Redmond Connections video, you’ll learn why caring for Redmond’s rivers, lakes, and streams is a priority for the City, meet two staff members who help protect our natural resources, and discover how you can help keep pollution out of our waterways. 

Health through housing questionnaire

Share Your Thoughts on Health Through Housing

King County purchased the Silver Cloud Inn as part of the Health Through Housing program, which will provide permanent supportive housing for individuals experiencing homelessness. Please complete a short questionnaire by October 31 and share your thoughts on what successful operations of the program would include. 

Fill out the questionnaire here

Climate Open House

Attend Virtual Open House on Climate   

Join King County Executive Constantine, Mayor Birney, and Issaquah Mayor Pauly at a virtual King County – Cities Climate Collaboration (K4C) Town Hall, Tuesday, October 19, from 6 -7 p.m. The discussions will include building climate equity and resilience into long-term planning, followed by a Q & A for attendees.  

TIS Director Michael Merchant

Meet Redmond’s New TIS Director 

At last week’s council meeting, Michael Marchand was sworn in as Redmond’s new Technology and Information Systems (TIS) Director. He comes to the city with 26 years of technology experience in both the private and public sectors and will start in this new role on October 18.  

Read the press release

Ballots Coming Soon

Ballots Arriving Soon 

Election Day is November 2, and Washington State mail-in ballots are beginning to be delivered this week. Voting is safe, secure, and accessible for eligible voters. 

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