Special Education Monthly Update Video Overview: Federal Monitoring
The OSPI Special Education team is currently working with the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP) on a process called Differentiated Monitoring and Supports (DMS), which focuses on improving outcomes for students with disabilities. This process evaluates both compliance and results-driven accountability as part of implementing special education requirements. OSPI is using this opportunity to strengthen systems, engage with experts, and involve partners across education. Our goal is to make continuous improvements that benefit students, families, educators, and schools. The DMS process includes several phases, with an onsite monitoring visit scheduled for October 2025, followed by a year-long collaboration to address any findings and improve systems. We are committed to keeping our partners informed and engaged throughout this process. Watch this short overview video from Dr. Tania May, Assistant Superintendent of Special Education, or email WISM Team with any questions. See video linked below.
Washington State's Journey - Federal Monitoring (video)
Legislative Session Begins January 13, 2025!
The first day of the legislative session will be January 13, 2025. See the legislative session cutoff calendar for important dates. There are already pre-filed bills on the OSPI Special Education Bill Tracker. Stay tuned to our bill tracker for regular updates on the status of bills impacting special education and to see when they are up for public hearings or passage votes.
If you have questions about anything legislature related, please contact OSPI Special Education with the subject line "Legislative Session".
Implementing Mental Health Initiatives in Schools Webinar
January 16, 2025 | Noon | Virtual
State Medicaid Agencies (SMAs), State Educational Agencies (SEAs), and Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) are invited to join the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and the U.S. Department of Education (ED) on January 16, 2025, for a webinar.
This webinar will build on the information discussed during the Centers for Disease and Prevention (CDC) presentation held in the spring of 2024, bringing together mental health professionals and education experts to discuss the implementation of evidence-based strategies to improve mental health in schools.
Objectives for this event are as follows:
- Describe the components of comprehensive school mental health systems.
- Recognize how school behavioral and mental health services and supports are aligned with the Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) framework.
- Identify specific examples of Tier 1 and Tier 2/3 MTSS implementation in two states and resulting student impact.
- Understand how to access action planning and implementation resources.
Register for the webinar on the Zoom registration page. Questions for the panelists may be submitted through the registration process. Please direct any other questions to the School Based Services (SBS) mailbox at School Based Services.
Medicaid Reimbursement: Opportunities for Feedback
As part of the work to expand Medicaid reimbursement opportunities for schools, the Health Care Authority (HCA) and the Office of the Superintendent (OSPI) are offering a series of engagement opportunities in January and February 2025. The first session will be specifically for school nurses on January 9, 3–4 pm.
Registration links are provided below:
School Nurses - Thursday, January 9 Time: 3–4 pm Register for Zoom meeting
Behavioral Health Staff - Thursday, January 16 Time: 3–4:30 pm Register for Zoom meeting
Special Education Service Provider - Tuesday, January 21 Time: 3–4:30 pm Register for Zoom meeting
Other sessions will focus on LEA Leadership and Business Offices, School Based Health Care Services Providers, and Medicaid Administrative Claiming Coordinators, parents, and students. For dates, times, and registration links for the entire series please see Upcoming Medicaid reimbursement feedback sessions.
Comprehensive Inclusive Education: Writing and Implementing Inclusive IEPs Webinars
School and district staff, families and students, and any other interested partners are invited to join us to learn about a new OSPI resource, Comprehensive Inclusive Education in Washington. This resource focuses on writing and implementing inclusive IEPs for all students with disabilities with a specific focus on students with extensive support needs. Participants will learn about a step-by-step process for inclusive educational planning and implementation, featuring practical examples, tools, and additional resources. Throughout the webinar, processes and practices are highlighted using the story of “Jacob,” a student with extensive support needs who is supported with an inclusive IEP in general education.
This webinar will be offered twice in January and is free with clock hours. Dates, times, and registration links are below. We hope you will join us to learn more about Comprehensive Inclusive Education and consider how the process highlighted in this resource could be used for meaningful inclusion in your school and district.
- Wednesday, January 22, 3–5 pm
- Monday, January 27, 4–6 pm
To register for either session, visit the Zoom registration page.
The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) Meeting February 4–5, 2025 (virtual)
The Washington state Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) will conduct a virtual meeting on February 4–5, 8:30 am–1:30 pm. The meeting is open to members of the public who are interested in Washington special education services. The agenda will be posted the week prior to the meeting. Registration is required for the virtual meeting. During registration, you can request interpreters and other ADA accommodations if needed. Spanish, Russian, Ukrainian, Vietnamese, Somali, and American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters will be provided. The deadline for requesting other languages is January 28th. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Captioning will be provided during the SEAC meeting.
Please note that the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) does not require OSPI to take any action that would fundamentally alter the nature of its programs or services or impose an undue financial or administrative burden.
Public Comment will begin at 11:30 am on Tuesday, February 4th. Public Comment is scheduled for 30 minutes. Each public comment will be restricted to three minutes and only allowed during this designated timeframe. If you want to email your comment to be read at the meeting, please send it to the SEAC email address no later than the close of business on January 28, 2025. The agenda will move forward to the next item once interested parties have had a chance to comment. The Special Education Advisory Council is not required to respond to comments and generally does not.
The Community Forum will take place virtually on February 25, 2025, 5:30–7 pm. You will be able to find more information regarding the Community Forum on the SEAC webpage.
Click here for this month’s Program Improvement updates on the following topics:
- Special Education Parent Survey – Pilot LEAs needed (extended to January 15th)
- OSPI Special Education Data, Fiscal, and Program Office Hours
Click here for this month’s Fiscal & Data updates on the following topics:
- Excess Cost
- OSPI Special Education Data, Fiscal, and Program Office Hours
- 2024 CEDARS Statewide Webinars—Secondary IEPs Application
- Important Safety Net Information and Reminders
- Secondary IEP Transition Components (Indicator B-13) Data Application (NEW COMPLIANCE REPORTING REQUIREMENT)
Click here for this month’s ECSE updates on the following topics:
- Early Childhood Special Education Initiatives Activity Map
- ACORN Training Paused for the Holidays
- Infant and Early Childhood Conference May 5–9, 2025
- ECSE Office Hours
When the IEP team determines a student's participation in the general physical education setting, are they also determining the student's need for adapted physical education (APE)?