Our monthly information sessions include professional learning for district leaders of multilingual learner programs as well as timely information with clock hours provided! Sign up here on pdEnroller.
Our session on March 7 focused on Braided Funding. Slides are available now, and the recording will be available soon. The next session will focus on Long-Term ELs and will be held on:
2023-24 Info Session Dates & Topics: May 2: Program Evaluation &June 6: Using Assessment.
For previous resources please go to the Multilingual Education Webinars and Newsletters page.
LLRNs are professional learning communities of school and district language learning leaders in each Educational Service District (ESD) who meet regularly to engage in professional learning, collaboration, and program improvement planning. Click on the pdEnroller links below for a full list of dates and to register for a LLRN.
Region Program Supervisor: Lindsey Maehlum
Region Program Supervisor: Katie Sperling
Region Program Supervisor: Virginia Morales
Region Program Supervisor: Shannon Martin
ExcEL Leadership Academy
The ExcEL Leadership Academy is a “micro-credential” program that allows classroom teachers to earn clock hours and/or college credits by working through asynchronous modules that develop core competencies in supporting MLs.
OSPI is accepting applications from districts who are interested in this free program. Cohorts will be selected to begin in 2024 or 2025. Districts will be prioritized that have fewer than 500 MLs and have less access to professional development in their region.
Please complete this survey by March 22 if you are interested and direct questions to Kristin.PercyCalaff@k12.wa.us.
WIDA Professional Learning Opportunities
Expanding Reading Instruction with Multilingual Learners
This workshop provides educators with ideas for expanding current approaches to teaching reading. Participate will learn ways to engage multilingual learners in interactions that support reading development and explore materials and resources to support classroom implementation.
Bringing Language into Focus: Expectations, Functions & Features
In this workshop, participants will engage in a deeper exploration of Language Expectations, Functions, and Features in the WIDA ELD Standards Framework. Participants will learn about use of mentor texts to make language visible to students and explore materials and resources to support classroom implementation.
Video- Using ACCESS for ELLs to Promote Beneficial Outcomes for English Learners
As we approach the release of ACCESS for ELLs score reports, take advantage of WIDA resources to support you, your colleagues, and your students. This short video, Using ACCESS for ELLs to Promote Beneficial Outcomes for English Learners , provides a breakdown of the role school/district-level educators, state-level administrators and WIDA play in using or developing ACCESS test scores, interpreting scores and making decisions based on scores to best serve English learners. Share this video with colleagues so that everyone who supports English learners understands what it takes to get positive and intended outcomes for students.
Nominate an Expert Educator for the WIDA Fellows Program!
WIDA is pleased to announce that nominations for the next cohort of WIDA Fellows are now open through March 31, 2024. Twenty WIDA Fellows will be selected to participate in a growing professional learning community of instructional experts and educational leaders. To learn more about the program, benefits and nomination process, visit the WIDA Fellows webpage.
ACCESS Testing
Below are some quick updates on WIDA ACCESS Testing.
Important Dates
March 20 - Last day to order labels.
March 22 - Last day of the testing window.
March 29 - Deadline to ship completed test materials to DRC.
April 24 – May 2 - Pre-Reporting Data Validation.
May 20- Online reports in WIDA-AMS (not Alt ACCESS).
June 10ish- Paper reports in districts (not Alt ACCESS).
June 10-24- Post-Reporting Data Validation.
Contact Us
Here are some useful contacts for WIDA testing if you need any help:
wida@datarecognitioncorp.com – DRC’s help desk can support any questions about WIDA-AMS and how it works.
help@wida.us – WIDA’s help desk can support questions about WIDA Secure Portal access.
ELPAssessments@k12.wa.us – OSPI can support questions about state policy and provide support when DACs have questions.
The Zoom at Noon: Lunch with Leslie
Lunch with Leslie is an opportunity on Mondays at noon for districts to hear updates from the OSPI Assessment Team, ask questions about WIDA assessments, or find out how other districts are approaching testing processes.
Monday, March 18 | 12:00 pm | Zoom Link
Dual Language Bill Passed!
House Bill 1228 was passed unanimously by the Washington State House and Senate! This bill establishes ongoing support for dual, heritage, and tribal language grants for all districts that choose to begin a program before 2040. At least 10 new planning districts will be supported annually. Additional funds will be used to support continuing and expanding programs. The bill also provides support for the Seal of Biliteracy to be implemented in all districts starting in 2025-26.
Upcoming Professional Learning
HL & Less-Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Educator PLC: Planning with Purpose: In this monthly PLC, heritage language educators and educators teaching LCTLs in all contexts will collaborate across the state to plan and reflect on units of study. In October, November, and December we will be working on identity/ autobiography-based units.
Tuesday, March 26 | 3:00-4:30 PM | Zoom
Dual Language Webinar Series: Developing Strong DL Programs: In this webinar series we will explore how to develop strong, sustainable dual language programs. Each session will explore one of the steps in planning a new dual language program or strengthening an existing one. Our next session will focus on establishing a staffing and professional learning plan.
Tuesday, April 2 | 3:00-4:00 PM | Zoom
Dual Language “Lunch with Leaders” PLC: Join your colleagues for this PLC to discuss problems of practice in developing and leading strong dual language programs.
Tuesday, April 9 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Zoom
Contest- Escribo en Español
The Spanish Resource Center has launched the 26th edition of the “Escribo en Español” contest. The contest includes two different categories (drawing and writing) and is intended for students from primary and secondary educational centers in the state of Washington.
Submissions are due by April 19, 2024.
Please see flyers for more information.
CAL's Heritage Language Focus Groups
What makes K-12 public school Heritage Language Programs in the U.S. successful? CAL is recruiting teachers, administrators, and families from successful K-12 public school heritage language programs in the U.S. to participate in online focus groups. We want to know what makes your program succeed. Click the button below to complete the interest form! Let your voice be heard! Click here to learn more about joining the online focus groups.
“Estrategias metodológicas, lúdicas y herramientas digitales e IA para las clases de español lengua extranjera"
Sábado, 27 de abril de 9:00 a 11:00: La Inteligencia Artificial (IA):un Aliado más en la Enseñanza y Aprendizaje de Lenguas (Inma Raneda; Antonio Rueda; Jorge González, Profesores de la UW)
Sábado 27 de abril de 11:15 a 1:15 pm: Aprender Aspectos sobre la Cultura Española a través de Actividades Comunicativas (Luis Suárez, Centro Español de Recursos)
Sábado 4 de mayo de 9:00 a 11:00: La Interacción en el Aula de Español: Diferentes Propuestas para Diferentes Públicos (Óscar Rodríguez, Responsable del Aula del Instituto Cervantes en Seattle)
Sábado 4 de mayo de 11:15 a 1:15 pm: Juegos Tradicionales Españoles y su Explotación Didáctica en la Clase de Español (Luis Suárez, Centro Español de Recursos)
Lugar: Universidad de Washington
Contacto: asesor.wa.st@educacion.gob.es
Click here for more information. Click here to register.
Clock hours available!
These professional learning opportunities are shared for your information but do not constitute an endorsement by OSPI of any specific organizations.
ELA Performance Tasks for Bilingual (Spanish) Educators
Join Pacific Education Institute's Lourdes Flores, Chelsea Trout, and Daniel Cuevas for this free two hour, online Zoom workshop introducing ELA Performance Tasks in Spanish for K-5 grade dual language educators. This workshop will be facilitated in Spanish and English and the resources shared are in Spanish.
Participants who attend will receive:
- Access to ELA Performance tasks in Spanish
- 2 Washington state approved STEM clock hour
Tuesday, March 26 | 4:00-6:00 p.m. | For More Information Click Here. To Register Click Here
2024 WABE Annual Conference
The Washington Association for Bilingual Education Annual Conference is coming soon! Keynote speakers include Dr. Jim Cummins, Dr. Kathy Escamilla, and Dr. Carol Salva. There is also a Pre-Conference Workshop with Carol Salva and a School Visit to the Spokane Newcomer Center.
April 18-20, 2024 | Davenport Grand Hotel, Spokane, WA | For more information and registration click here!
Secondary Dual Language and Immersion: Achieving the Promise of Continuation Programs
As dual language and immersion (DLI) programs transition into secondary schools, teachers and administrators are often faced with unique challenges that are less frequently addressed in general DLI literature, research, and professional development programs. During this five-day institute specifically designed for the secondary (middle and high school) dual language and immersion context, participants will explore the what, how, and why of secondary continuation programs. In particular, the group will consider program structure, curriculum and assessment perspectives, and instructional practices that are necessary to ensure that DLI students continue toward high levels of bilingualism and biliteracy. Throughout this institute, participants will engage in constructive conversation, connect research to personal experiences, and apply new ideas directly to their teaching context.
July 29 - August 2, 2024 Register Here
1 Year Competency Based ELL Endorsement Program
WSU is offering a statewide 1-year (8 credit) competency-based ELL endorsement program. Classes will take place on Zoom. The course is designed for working teachers. The program begins in June. Registration ends in April. Click here for more information. There will also be an info session on March 21st. The program is open to educators at any position.
Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D. – Executive Director of Multilingual & Migrant Education | 564-999-3144
Virginia Morales– Supporting ESD 121 (King) & 189 | Assistant Director of Multilingual Education | 564-669-1179
Shannon Martin– Supporting ESD 113, 114, & 121 (Pierce) | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-269-5232
Katie Sperling– Supporting ESD 101 & 171 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360 -701-5064
Lindsey Maehlum– Supporting ESD 105, 112, & 123 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor
Ema Shirk– Supporting Heritage and Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-200-3167
Teresa Mendoza-Casby– Supporting Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-999-0610