Our monthly information sessions include professional learning for district leaders of multilingual learner programs as well as timely information with clock hours provided! Sign up here on pdEnroller.
The next session will focus on WIDA ACCESS and will be held on:
2023-24 Info Session Dates & Topics: Jan. 4: Early Literacy for MLs, Feb. 1: Inclusionary Practices, Mar. 7: Braided Funding, Apr. 4: Long-Term ELs, May 2: Program Evaluation, & June 6: Using Assessment.
Add sessions to calendar: AM Session (9-10 am) | PM Session (3-4 pm)
For previous resources please go to the Multilingual Education Webinars and Newsletters page.
OSPI has just published a new Dual Language Program Guide that includes 7 steps for designing and implementing dual language programs for multilingual learners. Each step will be unpacked in our monthly Dual Language Webinar Series. We hope this new guidance will be valuable for districts and schools and help us meet the goal of Dual Language for All by 2040!
Many districts have been asking about how OSPI calculated the “Expected Progress” measures for the Washington School Improvement Framework. These measures are based on the average progress for all 1st-12th grade students who made positive growth on the WIDA ACCESS test from 2022 to 2023. Only students with scores in both years were included. These data were used to determine reasonable progress for each starting level which decreases as students reach higher levels. A few targets were adjusted by no more than .1 to ensure that any student starting at any level would be able to reach proficiency within 6 years as required by ESSA.
You can download the Multilingual Learner Expected Progress chart to use for setting student growth goals and examining your student data in relation to these targets. For WSIF purposes, progress will be recalculated each year based on the previous year only using the YR0 to YR1 targets. This ensures equitable annual growth targets for Long-Term English Learners (LTELs) and for students with high mobility.
For additional questions about how the growth model was determined, contact Kristin Percy Calaff. For questions about the underlying data, including which students were included in the calculation and the underlying score data, contact assessmentanalysts@k12.wa.us.
The new Washington State Multilingual Learner Statewide Strategic Plan has just been published and is now available to download. This plan was developed by the Multilingual Education Advisory Committee over two years with input from students, educators, families, and community members through interviews, surveys, and listening sessions. We hope that schools and districts will use this visionary document to develop their own local action plans and school improvement plans that center on supporting the success of all multilingual learners. For questions about the plan, please contact Kristin Percy Calaff.
Free Workshop Series from OSPI: Tools for Aligning Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship Instruction to School & District Goals
This series of six sessions is open to all Washington State K–12 educators interested in integrating Media Literacy & Digital Citizenship instruction into school or district curriculum with nationally-recognized speakers and time to engage with colleagues on aligning to existing initiatives and inclusive practices.
Sessions will be held on Zoom on 6 Thursdays, 5:00 to 6:30 p.m., from December 7 to May 2. Register on pdEnroller or contact Lesley James at lesley.james@k12.wa.us for more information.
LLRNs are professional learning communities of school and district language learning leaders in each Educational Service District (ESD) who meet regularly to engage in professional learning, collaboration, and program improvement planning. Click on the pdEnroller links below for a full list of dates and to register for a LLRN.
Region Program Supervisor: Katie Sperling
Region Program Supervisor: Virginia Morales
Region Program Supervisor: Shannon Martin
Region Program Supervisor: Lindsey Maehlum
Domain Exemptions Guidance for IEP Teams
Domain Exemption is the term we use to allow students to not test in a specific domain of language (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) due to a disability associated with that domain. This 13-minute video will provide IEP teams with guidance on making the decision around exempting a student from a language domain during ELP assessments. This module provides criteria for decision-making as well as example scenarios.
Accommodations and WIDA Webinar
A 19-minute webinar to support IEP teams as they make decisions around accessibility on the WIDA annual assessments.
Brand-new ‘What is WIDA Alternate ACCESS?’ handout is available
There’s a brand-new handout hot off the WIDA presses: What is WIDA Alternate ACCESS? Available in multiple languages, this new handout is a resource educators can send home with students to give families an introduction to Alternate ACCESS. The handout explains what Alternate ACCESS is and why students take this kind of assessment. Find the handout and related resources on the Family Engagement page.
Are you a PreK-3 educator or leader? We want your input!
WIDA is conducting a survey to better understand how educators and leaders support Prekindergarten through third grade transitions for multilingual children. The survey will take approximately 10 minutes to complete and will remain open until December 15, 2023. Your participation in this survey and the optional extension at the end will inform the future development of resources and professional learning for PreK-3 educators of multilingual learners.
Mark Your Calendar: December Q&A Webinars
Please join WIDA and DRC to learn about the following topics:
During Testing: Managing Test Sessions for ACCESS Online | Tuesday, December 5 at 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
During Testing: Managing Test Materials for ACCESS Paper | Thursday, December 7 at 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
During Testing: Managing Students in WIDA AMS for ACCESS Paper | Tuesday, December 12 at 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
During Testing: Technology Troubleshooting | Thursday, December 14 at 1:00pm-2:00pm CT
Learn more and add these upcoming webinars to your calendar on the Webinars page (login required).
Can’t make it? The recordings for WIDA Q&A Webinars are posted to the WIDA Secure Portal on the Webinars page within a week of the presentation.
The Zoom at Noon: Lunch with Leslie
Lunch with Leslie is an opportunity on Mondays at noon for districts to hear updates from the OSPI Assessment Team, ask questions about WIDA assessments, or find out how other districts are approaching testing processes.
There will be no Zoom at Noon session on December 4, 2023.
TBIP, OSSI EGMS Office Hours: Drop in support for Title III and TBIP grants.
- Tuesdays | 10-11 am | Zoom
Thursdays | 1-2 pm | Zoom
Update Your CEDARS Data on Multilingual Learners
Many districts have not yet reported the screener data from Fall 2023 to CEDARS and/or have errors on the Possibly Eligible Not Reported (PENR) in EDS – LEP Application.
- Check your PENR and student rosters ASAP to make sure all eligible students are accurately reported.
- Please note that CEDARS must have updated and accurate information on ALL identified MLs by early December.
- The December data pull will determine the testing kits and materials order for the WIDA ACCESS.
- Please use this guide to help understand and clear common CEDARS errors
Dual and Heritage Language Grants
Dual and Heritage Language grant applications must be finalized by December 1.
If you have any questions about the dual and heritage grants or would like assistance with your application please contact ema.shirk@k12.wa.us.
Upcoming Professional Learning
Dual Language Webinar Series: Developing Strong DL Programs: In this webinar series we will explore how to develop strong, sustainable dual language programs. Each session will explore one of the steps in planning a new dual language program or strengthening an existing one. Our next session will focus on how to develop a mission, vision, and goals.
Tuesday, December 5 | 3:00-4:00 PM | Zoom
Dual Language “Lunch with Leaders” PLC: Join your colleagues for this PLC to discuss problems of practice in developing and leading strong dual language programs.
Tuesday, December 12 | 12:00-1:00 PM | Zoom
HL & Less-Commonly Taught Languages (LCTL) Educator PLC: Planning with Purpose: In this monthly PLC, heritage language educators and educators teaching LCTLs in all contexts will collaborate across the state to plan and reflect on units of study. In October, November, and December we will be working on identity/ autobiography-based units.
Tuesday, January 23 | 3:00-4:30 PM | Zoom
These professional learning opportunities are shared for your information but do not constitute an endorsement by OSPI of any specific organizations.
WCEPS Pathways Tips and Dips
The ABCs of Connecting Content to Language
Free, one-hour webinar held every month where we'll discuss topics that you can implement in your classroom immediately! The WCEPS Pathways program is dedicated to empowering K-12 educators of multilingual learners. Our professional learning sessions will equip you with the knowledge and skills to enable your students to thrive academically and linguistically.
December 5, 2023 | 5:00 - 6:00 pm CT | Online | Register here!
Paraeducators and Instructional Assistants who are interested in becoming Certificated Teachers are invited to join us for a virtual resource fair designed to get you the information and connections you need to get on the best path forward towards becoming a Certificated Teacher.
December 6, 2023 | 4:00-7:00 PM | Register here!
Pathways Navigator Available!
Prior to the fair, you can book a one-on-one appointment with the Pathways Navigator, Darin Reynaud Knapp, to help identify which teacher certification program fits your needs. To setup an appointment, please email Darin Reynaud Knapp.
PEI: Schoolyard Investigations Workshops for Bilingual Educators
Join the Pacific Education Institute for one or both of their Schoolyard Investigations Workshops for Bilingual Educators!
STEM Clock Hours: 3 | Cost $0.00 for teachers!
Schoolyard Investigations: Kinder & First Grade Teachers | December 6, 2023 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Register here! Zoom link to follow after registration.
Schoolyard Investigations: Second & Third Grade Teachers | December 7, 2023 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM | Register here! Zoom link to follow after registration.
During these workshops participants will hear about strategies for taking kids outdoors to do integrated field investigations that match NGSS standards. You will experience an activity from our resources and will learn about other useful resources for outdoor investigations and teaching in English and Spanish.
PEI: Introduction to FieldSTEM for District Leaders workshop
Join the Pacific Education Institute on their yearly Introduction to FieldSTEM for District Leaders workshop. The upcoming session aims to open doors to new perspectives, invigorating the spirit of education in your district.
December 12, 2023 | 4:00-5:00 PM | RSVP here to receive the Zoom link.
The Washington Association for Bilingual Education is thrilled to invite you to join us as at the 2024 WABE Dual Language Institute! We are thrilled to offer featured sessions from Rosa Molina, Dr. Cristina Alfaro, and more at the Institute!
January 25-27, 2023 | SeaTac DoubleTree | More information and registration!
We will be joined by a fantastic line up of speakers to discussion dual language education!
Co-Planning and Co-Teaching for Multilingual Learners
EQUITY Clock Hours: 12.5 | Cost $200.00
This training will focus on supporting ML teachers and specialists and K-12 teachers in collaboratively planning together to support multilingual learners using Co-Planning: Five Essential Practices to Integrate Curriculum and Instruction for English Learners by Andrea Honigsfeld and Maria Dove.
January 16 3:30 PM - March 5 2024 6:00 PM | More information and registration! Registration ends January 14, 2024!
Climate Science: Voices of Hope
3-Day Immersion Class "OCDE Project GLAD®” Unit
STEM Clock Hours: 18 | Cost $575.00
Come to this BRAND-NEW 3-day class offering and leave with NTC Project GLAD® unit including science investigations and all the materials to teach this unit designed for 4th - 8th grade classrooms.
NWESD - Anacortes, WA | January 9-11, 2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM | More information and registration! Registration ends January 6, 2024!
Questions about January training? Contact Heidi Lamere.
PSESD - Renton, WA | February 27-29, 2024 8:30 AM - 3:30 PM | More information and registration! Registration ends February 23, 2024!
Kristin Percy Calaff, Ph.D. – Executive Director of Multilingual & Migrant Education | 564-999-3144
Virginia Morales– Supporting ESD 121 | Assistant Director of Multilingual Education | 564-669-1179
Shannon Martin– Supporting ESD 113 & 114 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360-269-5232
Katie Sperling– Supporting ESD 101 & 171 | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor | 360 -701-5064
Lindsey Maehlum– Supporting ESD 105, 123 & Charter Schools | Multilingual Education Program Supervisor
Ema Shirk– Supporting Heritage and Dual Language Programs and ESD 189 | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-200-3167
Teresa Mendoza-Casby– Supporting Dual Language Programs | Dual Language Program Supervisor | 564-999-0610