To accommodate those who have not yet submitted their EOY Data Reporting the submission deadline is extended to Dec. 1, 2023.
Due to technical difficulties with CEDARS, Open Doors Youth Reengagement submissions are not being consistently accepted and processed by the system.
- We are working diligently to resolve all issues and we believe that CEDARS is now back online.
- Please let us know if CEDARS technical difficulties occur.
- Work to submit your EOY Youth Reengagement data in advance of the deadline whenever possible.
Thank you.
Did you miss the Open Doors Fall All Call? The recording is now available on the Open Doors YouTube Channel.
The Outdoor Learning Grant is now open for schools, tribal schools, districts, and ESDs to apply!
- Opening date: Late September
- Due date: Applications are open until all funds are distributed.
- Who is eligible to apply: Schools, tribal schools, school districts, and Educational Service Districts.
Want to bring your students outdoors to learn? Perhaps work with local professionals to research and restore habitat or grow native plants? Come with your ideas and questions to our office hours Mondays, 3:30-5 pm. Look for FP 357 in iGrants or use this link to learn more. This grant is dispersed on a rolling basis with initial awards occurring at the end of September. Contact Sheila Wilson for more information: or 360-561-0203.
Outdoor education is a great way to connect your students to learning – whether for science or multi-content high school credits. This can also apply toward a work experience IAP or be a step toward an industry-recognized credential [e.g., BASF Plant Science Certification, Certified Irrigation Technician (CIT), WISHA 10 for Agriculture (L&I), etc.].
March 4-6, Atlanta GA
The annual forum is a national conference that brings together practitioners, policymakers, youth leaders, and stakeholders interested in advancing the lives of opportunity youth and young adults. A variety of conference tracks are posted as is information on early bird registration (discounted price).
Learn more: 2024 Annual Forum - National Youth Employment Coalition (
- The YSB Academy provides local workforce systems and their community partners with individualized training and tailored technical assistance as they create plans to explore, design, test, implement, or scale system-level approaches to engage and support young people entering the workforce.
- As a part of the YSB Academy, participating local communities will create actionable and sustainable plans to implement a range of activities.
- Communities may plan to align workforce resources and investments with education, child welfare, juvenile justice, TANF, SNAP, housing, transportation, or disability systems.
- They may leverage data to broaden understanding of how to ensure equitable access to programming, or they may enhance their knowledge of positive youth development and trauma-informed principles.
Self-nominations will be accepted until 2-5 pm ET on November 10, 2023.
Past Newsletters:
Check our website for previous newsletter topics.
Mandy Paradise, M.Ed
Open Doors Program Supervisor
Email Mandy 360-789-3949