Photo by Belinda Fewings on Unsplash
Welcome back! We are excited to start the new year fresh with a restart to the School Counseling News & Notes newsletter.
You can expect to find this newsletter in your inbox the last week of each month to keep you up-to-date on statewide happenings affecting the field of school counseling.
Here, you'll find professional development opportunities, statewide policy updates, and a few supportive resources we've come across.
In the spring of 2021, the Washington state legislature passed SSB 5030. This bill requires districts to develop a comprehensive school counseling program that aligns with the American School Counseling Association (ASCA) national model.
We will be releasing guidance to school districts to help them develop these programs in the next couple months. We've also shipped copies of the ASCA national model and the model implementation guide to every district office in the state to support this process.
Throughout the year, you'll find tools and opportunities for professional development in this newsletter that will support your work to build your national model "muscles". The first set of these tools is in the next section.
ASCA National Model Executive Summary
Annual Administrative Conference Template
ASCA Mindsets & Behaviors for Student Success
Washington Social Emotional Learning Standards & Benchmarks
Engage All Families Through a Multi-Tiered Approach
September 28, 2021, from 10 to 11:30 AM
Register in advance for this webinar.
Participants will create a plan for implementing a multi-tiered approach to Parent and Family Engagement in their programs and practices aligned with goals for student growth and learning.
- Hadley Bachman - The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, Ohio State University
- Barbara Boone - The Ohio Statewide Family Engagement Center, Ohio State University
If you have any questions, please contact OSPI's Title 1a Team at Title1a@k12.wa.us.
2021-22 Graduation Requirement Emergency Waiver (GREW) Office Hours are Here!
We want to answer your questions! Learn new updates to help students graduate this year!
The State Board of Education and OSPI are teaming up to provide weekly office hours to share out guidance about flexibility in meeting graduation requirements this year.
Learn about the now permanent emergency waiver program rules passed by the SBE Board in July.
Join us as often as you’d like using the Zoom link below, to hear a short presentation and engage in a Q&A session.
Wednesday, September 1 - 11:00-12:00pm
Tuesday, September 7 - 2:00-3:00pm
Wednesday, September 22 - 9:00-10:00am
Wednesday, September 29 - 12:00-1:00pm
Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3607256168
The Washington Council for High School-College Relations (WCHSCR)
2021 Fall Counselor Workshops
These very popular workshops provide current college access information and other important updates to high school counselors, career counselors, and college access professionals. Held virtually for fall 2021, each workshop will be from 8:00am-12:15pm. Participants will get to network with fellow counselors via the live Q&A and access recorded presentations from public and private 4-year colleges and 2-year community and technical colleges.
- All colleges’ presentations will be available on our YouTube Channel prior to the event.
- The Higher Education Handbook will be provided prior to the event via online PDF format.
- Clock hours will be provided for the workshops this year through Washington School Counselor Association (WSCA). Details will be emailed to registrants after the event.
2021 Workshop Schedule (To get more information and register, click on the date you would like to attend.)
September 10th – Fall Counselor Workshop Option 1
September 14th – Fall Counselor Workshop Option 2
September 16th – Fall Counselor Workshop Option 3
OSPI - WSAC Webinar
Financial Aid Advising Day
Strategies and Resources to Reduce Barriers and Increase Access to Financial Aid
September 15, 2021 - 9-10:30am (1.5 Clock Hours available)
Join OSPI-WSAC staff and some incredible STEM Network partners in exploring lessons learned from last year’s newly-mandated Financial Aid Advising Day (FAAD), during which school staff supported seniors to complete the financial aid application needed to transition to their post-high school goal.
Register and sign up for clock hours at: https://www.pdenroller.org/ospi/catalog/133833
Want to Mentor New School Counselors?
Are you ready to share your expertise and support new school counselors in learning best practices for the role? Would you also be interested in getting paid to do this important work?
OSPI’s Beginning Educator Support Team (BEST) is hiring Mentor Faculty contractors with specific School Counseling expertise!
You can find more information in the Request for Qualifications (application) packet here. There is also a downloadable, fillable Word version on the Procurements section of the OSPI website here ~ just scroll to the table at the bottom and find “RFQ - 2022-11 Beginning Educator Support Team Educational Staff Associates”.
The application closes promptly at 3:00pm on September 9th! If you're interested, please make time to apply soon ~ your expertise will help keep new school counselors succeed in our schools when they are needed now more than ever.
 Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash
We've been talking a lot more about self-care since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Here is a simple, accessible infographic to help all of us find the self-care we need during stressful times.
Chinese (simple)
The Hope Matrix Podcast is a delightful look into the world of hope science and education. Just listening to these great ideas makes us feel hopeful, too. |
Thank you for reading our first newsletter edition! If you have suggestions for future topics or resources to share, please email them to us.
Megan & Kim
megan.lapalm@k12.wa.us (Elementary)
kim.reykdal@k12.wa.us (Secondary)
(Enjoy this old, pre-COVID photo of us. Way back when we could be in close proximity without masks on.)