COVID-19 update from the Kitsap EOC - February 5, 2021

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COVID-19 Testing Results Update for Kitsap County as of 2 p.m. Feb. 5

* View the COVID-19 Risk Assessment Dashboard for the latest data and additional details about this report.

To learn about community-based COVID-19 drive-through test sites, open six days per week at locations across Kitsap County, and to pre-register, go to

For the updates and information on COVID-19 vaccination planning, visit Kitsap County Public Health at and the Washington State Department of Health at Sign up for vaccine updates from Kitsap Public Health here. 

¿Quieres información sobre la vacuna COVID-19? Mira nuestro pagina para mas información de la vacuna y como obtener la vacuna:
Tambien os puede llamar nuestro linea 360-728-2218.


COVID-19 daily cases


Kitsap Public Health COVID-19 vaccine update

Kitsap Public Health District added fresh data to its COVID-19 vaccine dashboard this week as it continues to track vaccination rollout in our county. As of Feb. 1, 10% of the population, or 27,160 residents, have received the first dose of the vaccine. Over 5,700 residents have been fully vaccinated with two doses.

A total of 2,510 doses were administered (100% of the vaccine received) at a community COVID-19 vaccine clinic at the former St. Michael (Harrison) hospital in East Bremerton operated by Kitsap Public Health and the Kitsap Emergency Operations Center.

Kitsap Public Health was notified Friday that the state will not allocate requested vaccine for the week of Feb. 7-13. Additional clinic openings will be announced as soon as vaccine becomes available. See the news release for more details. 

Several Kitsap healthcare providers have indicated they are not receiving allocations for next week. Some providers are receiving vaccine supplies reserved for second doses (two doses of COVID-19 vaccine are required for full immunity). Expect appointments for first doses of COVID-19 vaccine to remain limited in the near future. Thank you for your continued patience and understanding. 

For more information, go to or call 1-800-525-0127. Local updates will be posted at


vaccine dashboard


COVID-19 vaccine distribution update from the Washington State Department of Health

The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) released a video update on the progress with COVID-19 vaccine distribution. As of February 1, 773,346 people have received the COVID-19 vaccine, which is more than 60 percent of the 1,160,850 doses delivered to providers and long-term care programs across the state. 

Currently, Washington is averaging 27,902 vaccine doses given per day, inching closer to our goal of vaccinating 45,000 people per day. Read more in the DOH news release.


CV19 CheckUp helps you be safer and healthier during the COVID-19 pandemic

The Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, in partnership with BellAge, Inc., has launched the CV19 CheckUp website in Washington state. This is a free, anonymous and personalized online tool to help you evaluate risk of getting and spreading COVID-19, how severe it might be if you get sick and steps to reduce your risks.

You will spend just 5 to 10 minutes answering some questions and then immediately receive a custom report based on your life and habits. Find out how likely you are to get or spread COVID-19, how severe it might be if you get sick, steps to reduce your risks, and ways to have your needs met during the pandemic.

The tool can also help you connect with services and resources in your area to support a variety of needs, including mental health and wellness. Take the CV19 CheckUp at

CV19 checkup


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