August 28, 2023 Newsletter
Connect with the Commission
WA State LGBTQ Commission & OMWBE Working Together to Expand LGBTQ Business Certification
By Commissioner Matthew Landers (King County)
The Commission's Economic Development, Small Business, and Supplier Diversity Committee is actively working to expand small business contracting opportunities to the LGBTQ community. While this issue long predates the Commission itself, it is noteworthy that there is agreement among state agencies - namely the Office of the Governor and the Office of Minority and Women Business Enterprises (OMWBE) - that more expansive supplier diversity efforts are overdue. Commission members are considering and working on different avenues – including legislative action – to implement any needed changes. This could allow LGBTQ-owned small businesses the opportunity to apply for more contracts for all kinds of services with the state government.
Broadening supplier diversity efforts to include LGBTQ people was one of the goals mentioned in community testimony for the bill to establish the state LGBTQ Commission. Community led efforts over the last decade have been spearheaded by organizations including GSBA (Seattle) and INBA (Spokane) and by individual small business owners interested in winning state contracts. The National LGBTQ Chamber - NGLCC - offers one commonly recognized certification that is accepted by Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, the California Public Utilities Commission, and soon New York State. A future Washington State program would likely follow the model of existing state programs. Jurisdictions in Washington that already include LGBTQ people in their supplier efforts include the City of Seattle, the Port of Seattle, King County, and Snohomish County.
Statement from Director Tara Smith (DES) on Cutting Memorial Tree Honoring the Late Senator Cal Anderson
I want to take a moment to talk about how my agency recently failed to honor the LGBTQIA+ community.
As background, the agency I run – Department of Enterprise Services – is responsible for much of the behind-the-scenes support that other state agencies need to serve the public. Which may be why you’ve likely never heard of it. One of the responsibilities we hold that is quite public is the care and custody of the entire state Capitol Campus. From facility cleaning, to elevators, to safety, to plantings and sidewalks. And trees. There are so many beautiful, significant, and historic trees on campus that we were recently accredited as an arboretum because of the care and pride we take in supporting the ecosystem of trees across the 483 acres of campus.
Recently, my grounds crew was doing what they do – removing 5 trees that had reached the end of their life and had become a safety hazard. One of those trees was dedicated to former Senator Cal Anderson and had become a memorial for him on the Capitol Campus. Unfortunately, my agency did not reach out to stakeholders ahead of time or have a plan in place to replace or move the memorial respectfully.
This failure has really stayed with me, and I’m feeling it viscerally, especially as I’ve learned more and more about the life that Cal Anderson led. As the first openly gay legislator in the state of Washington, he faced hatred and bigotry from constituents as well as colleagues. I read stories about death threats, graffiti on his home, colleagues who wouldn’t sit next to him. And now, this abrupt removal of a memorial tree that bore his name is something I am responsible for. It pains me deeply because it shows a lack of respect toward the gay community at a time when there is already too much of that in this world. I will not let it happen again under my leadership.
As a member of the LGBTQIA+ community myself, I’ve felt the sting of homophobia too many times, but I have never held public office. I have so much respect for today’s lawmakers who are still braving death threats, defending our rights at every turn, and protecting our transgender friends and family against hateful policies today and into the future. Imagining all of that within the context of policymaking and civil rights 30 years ago has given me such a deep respect for Cal Anderson as a lawmaker and as a human being.
There are so many learning opportunities here. I hope that this experience allows my own agency to see how impactful our work is and to treat it with so much care and dignity, to understand that our stewardship matters in ways big and small. I will leverage this time to drive that cultural change within this area of state government, and we will be a better agency for it. I hope this experience allows a broader community to know and deeply appreciate Cal Anderson’s legacy, like I have. I hope the outcome creates a broader, more visible memorial that respectfully honors the LGBTQIA+ community. I am committed to working with stakeholders and the community to make that happen.
Another thing I am determined to do is figure out how to reach Cal Anderson’s family to share my regret and resolution. So far, we’ve been unable to find the right avenue for contact, so please do reach out to me if you have a way that allows me to show my respect.
I’m so grateful for the work that J. Manny Santiago is leading with the LGTBQ Commission, and I look forward to continuing this conversation with the commissioners and the community, as well as our brave leaders within the LGBTQ Caucus.
I’ll leave this with one of my favorite quotes from the background materials I’ve read about Cal Anderson:
"But life isn't really meant to be comfortable.
Actually, it can either be comfortable or it can be an adventure.
I'd much rather it be an adventure."
Leading with love,
Tara C. Smith (she/her)
Washington State Department of Enterprise Services
Opportunities for the Community
SB5599 – LGBTQ Youth Safe Harbor – Community Grants Information Sessions
Join the Office of Homeless Youth of the Department of Commerce to discuss a funding opportunity for organizations who serve gender diverse youth (under 18 years old).
This funding opportunity will open in fall 2023. We anticipate awarding up to $1.8 million in supportive care grants to community organizations serving youth seeking protected health care services (gender affirming care or abortion access) as part of our implementation of Senate Bill 5599.
Agenda for these sessions:
- Provide details about intent of this funding.
- Provide examples of how this funding could be used.
- Share overview of timeline and application process.
- Seek feedback to learn how to make this opportunity accessible and meaningful for young people who are most impacted.
Feedback Session for LGBTQ+ serving organizations: Tuesday, Sept 5th from 10:30am-12:00pm on Zoom – Register here.
Caucus Feedback Session for QTBIPOC serving organizations: Wednesday, September 6th from 3pm-4:30pm on Zoom – Register here.
Community Listening Sessions – Washington State Patrol
The Office of Equity has contracted with RTI International, a non-profit research organization, to conduct a study of Washington State Patrol related to workforce Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). The purpose of this study is to develop agency-specific strategies for pro-equity anti-racism practices, policies and procedures that improve agency programs and services and reduce disparities across the agency. As part of this initiative, RTI will conduct in-person and virtual community listening sessions to solicit feedback from groups that are underrepresented in the WSP workforce. We hope someone from your organization will consider participating!
Please know that your participation in the listening session is confidential no information or thoughts you share will be directly attributed to you in any reports received by WSP or the Washington Office of Equity. RTI will produce a report that provides only aggregated summary results of the listening sessions, and statements will not be directly attributed to specific participants. Participation is voluntary and will last about 90 minutes. To thank you for taking the time to participate in the listening session, in-person sessions will provide complimentary refreshments and snacks. If it is requested, childcare will also be provided for the duration of the listening session. All participants, in-person and virtual, will be compensated for their time.
Listening sessions will be held at the times and dates below. If you are interested in participating in a listening session, please access the registration form at WSP DEI Community Listening Sessions Registration Form.
August 29: Virtual session. 3:30-5:00pm.
August 30: Virtual session. 5:30-7:00pm.
September 19: Virtual session. 3:30-5:00pm.
September 18: SeaTac, African Community Housing & Development, 16256 Military Rd South Suite 107. 5:30-7:00pm.
September 25: Yakima, Central WA University, room TBD. 4:00-6:00pm.
October 2: Spokane, Equity & Community Inclusion Center (at the Resource Center of Spokane County) (tentative). 4:00-6:00pm.
October 9: Bremerton, location TBD. 4:00-6:00pm.
We value your perspective and input and look forward to using the results of this survey to improve DEI strategies in the Washington State Patrol. If you have questions about the Community Listening Session or overarching project, please contact RTI International (wspcommunity@rti.org).
Help Improve Maternal Health for Bisexual Women of Color
MultiCare Health Systems invite bisexual women of color in Washington state to consider joining their THRIVE Community Steering Committee.
Joining the THRIVE Community Steering Committee involves:
- Committing to a two-year term that includes participating in eight meetings per year. Our first meeting will be held September 20, 2023, from 5:30-6:30 pm.
- Co-creating approaches to improve bisexual Women of Color’s representation in maternal health research, so no one gets left behind.
- Contributing to the development of an anti-racist, bisexual-affirming maternal health toolkit for maternal health providers and birth workers.
To make meeting attendance easiest for a wide group of people, MultiCare Health Systems will hold all meetings virtually. Our team can help identify community spaces with free computers and WIFI access as needed. Members will be provided $75 as compensation after every meeting attended.
Those interested in becoming THRIVE Community Steering Committee members and/or learning more can reach out to Deana Williams, the study lead, at deana.williams@multicare.org or complete the intake form at https://redcap.link/JoinThrive.
Pierce County – Queer Youth Hiring Event
Youth ages 16 to 24 are invited to join Oasis Youth Center and local agencies for a job fair for queer youth. Come prepared to have interviews on the spot, bring your resume and be ready to show prospective employers why they need to hire YOU for the job! The next round is scheduled for September 9th from 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. Interested youth can email Wayne Rowser at wayner@oasisyouthcenter.org for registration and intake interview. |
2023 Access to Justice Conference - Shifting Justice Towards Accountability and Trust
September 28-30, 2023
Greater Tacoma Convention Center and Partially Virtual
This conference brings together community organizations and advocates alongside legal professionals to develop a shared vision and learning space to demand justice from legal systems. The conference theme, Shifting Justice Towards Accountability and Trust, is a pledge by those working within the legal system to be accountable to and build trust with the communities with whom we aim to partner. In the end, we hope conference attendees and presenters will walk away with a shared belief that we can effect change, recognizing our own power, and validating the leadership of the community. Learn more here.
This will be our first-ever hybrid conference. The in-person option will be at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center and we will stream some of the sessions for remote participants. When you register you will be asked to select in-person or virtual participation.
📢 Attention Virtual Attendees: Sort the agenda by the tag “Virtual” so you can see your options. There will be the opportunities to schedule your own virtual meetups so you can network and connect outside of sessions with fellow online attendees. If you register by September 1st, you can expect a welcome snack box in the mail.
GSBA Supplier Diversity Forum
September 19 & 20, 2023
This two-day event will connect certified small businesses with corporate and government entities in order to explore opportunities to do business together. Day One, in person, includes learning opportunities and a Pitch Competition where the winner will receive an all-expense paid trip to the 2024 NGLCC Conference (conference fee, hotel and airfare) courtesy of Wells Fargo. To qualify, you must be a GSBA member, LGBTQ Certified or in process of certification.
Details, registration, and more information through this link.
Interested in serving on Commissions and Boards?
Monthly Upcoming Appointment Opportunities
Washington is home to vibrant communities and diverse Washingtonians who all have unique talents, skills and experiences. Governor Inslee places a high priority on boards, commissions, and agencies that are reflective of the diverse make-up of Washington and that utilize the impressive talent of Washingtonians. We are always seeking skilled and experienced individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds to participate in boards and commissions ensuring an effective and representative government.
We are excited to share the highlighted Current and Upcoming Gubernatorial Appointment Opportunities.
As someone with deep roots in your respective communities and organizations, we hope that you will share these opportunities. Anyone interested in being appointed will need to fill out this Application. Please explore the Boards and Commissions Profiles if you are interested in learning more about the many opportunities to get involved!
Thank you for your assistance in helping Governor Inslee find well-rounded candidates with significant talent and diverse experiences. Please feel free to reach out to Boards and Commissions staff with any questions you might have. Thank you for your time.
Jobs Opportunities for LGBTQ Washingtonians
Check out the list of job opportunities for the community on our Careers Opportunities page by visiting this link.
We are excited to share job postings sent to the LGBTQ Commission. There are three requirements to be included on our page:
- The job needs to be able to be done in Washington State (virtual works)
- The business must have an inclusivity and/or equal opportunity statement
- The job posting must include a salary range.
Please send any job opportunity to share with the community to our Program Manager, Tracey Carlos (she/her) to tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Have something you want to share in our newsletter? Please send any submissions to Tracey Carlos, Program Manager, at tracey.carlos@lgbtq.wa.gov
Deadline for all submissions is Thursdays by 12:00 PM Pacific Time.
Published Monday mornings.