WEBS Enhancements Added
WEBS Enhancements for Government Customers
Award Information Summary Report
A new search function has been added to the Award Information Summary report. This report enhancement allows you to search solicitations by commodity code(s).
You can still find award information from solicitations based on organization, solicitation type, solicitation status, and timeframe.
 ASB Notification Character Limit
It was brought to our attention that a character limit was causing ASB notification comments to be cut short. As of November 2021, this character limit has been removed.
New Solicitation Notification System
Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) has a new email system that affects how WEBS solicitation notifications are sent. The new system only allows WEBS to send 1,000 emails/notifications in a 10-minute period. The new email system launched on January 27, 2022. View the previous communication.
WEBS Enhancements to the Vendor Module
Award Information Summary Report
A new report available to vendors will display past solicitation award information. Vendors can find solicitations based on a selected organization, solicitation type, timeframe, and commodity code(s). This new vendor report is the same report currently available to customers – with the exception that vendors can only access award information for archived solicitations.
The request for the report came from the Business Diversity Advisory Group (BDAG) hosted by Department of Enterprise Services (DES) which focuses on listening to members of the community to focus on how DES can implement the suggestions, feedback, and concerns of the small and diverse business owner community. BDAG helps to increase utilization of small, minority-, women-, and veteran-owned businesses. The new vendor report helps with transparency in subcontracting opportunities for small and diverse vendors.
Solicitation Notifications Registration Option
When vendors register in WEBS, there is an option to receive solicitation notifications if desired. The same question was duplicated on two different registration pages with each page defaulting to a different answer.
We have eliminated confusion and room for error by removing the question on one of the pages.
Small Business Re-attestation Process
When vendors register in WEBS, they have the option to select their Washington-based small business status. As of September 2021, vendor account administrators who have selected Washington-based small, mini, or micro business will now have to re-attest their status on an annual basis. This requires vendors to select “not a Washington-based small business,” and then reselect your correct small business status. Vendors can do so in the “manage profile/password” menu option, selecting “make changes to profile.”
 After a year, vendor accounts will get a pop-up reminder to re-attest their small business status when logging into WEBS.