WEBS Announces new Solicitation Notification System
What is happening?
Washington’s Electronic Business Solution (WEBS) has changed to a new system for sending solicitation notifications to vendors. Notification emails may take longer to be sent to vendors after posting solicitations, amendments, and cancellations.
Washington Technology Solutions (WaTech) is moving to a new system that affects how emails are relayed. This also affects how WEBS solicitation notifications are sent. The new system does not allow WEBS to send more than 1,000 emails/notifications in a 10-minute period.
This will reduce the risk of WEBS emails being flagged as SPAM by email service providers.
What does that mean for me?
In the new system, emails are sent to a queue when a solicitation is posted to ensure no more than 1,000 emails are sent in a 10-minute period. From the queue, they are sent out in batches every 12 minutes.
In the case of notifications with a large list of recipients, or simultaneous notifications, some messages may have to wait in the queue.
There may be some extreme cases where a message remains in the queue for an hour or more, but that will be an uncommon occurrence.
Please consider extending your solicitation closing date by a day to allow vendors to have time to access and/or bid if needed.
When will this new process take place?
The new notification process takes effect today, January 27, 2022.