Justice HS News & Announcements - 3/17/25

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This Week's Topics

Important Dates

Wednesday, March 19 - Partners for Safe Teen Driving Presentation

Thursday, March 20 - Parent University

Saturday, March 22 - Saturday School

Friday, March 28 - End of 3rd Quarter

Monday, March 31 - Eid-al-Fitr (Division Closed)

Tuesday, April 1 - Teacher Workday

Wednesday, April 2 - Start of 4th Quarter

Saturday, April 5 - Saturday School

Monday, April 14 - Friday, April 18 - Spring Break (Justice Offices Closed)

Saturday, April 26 - Saturday School

Monday, April 28 - IB Testing Begins

Free Technology Classes for Spanish-speaking parents offered through Edu-Futuro

Where: Justice High School Room J-204

When: Every Wednesday from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm beginning on March 12th until April 23rd   

Facilitated by Justice HS teacher Ms. Mejia

tech for parents

Announcing the Wolf Shack Justice Prom Shop! Open for shopping; accepting donations

The time to start shopping for Prom is here and the Wolf Shack is ready to help! Starting this week and through the month of April, the Wolf Shack will be hosting a free Prom shop - with dresses, suits/ties, shoes and accessories.  We have fabulous options in many styles, colors and sizes and would love to outfit you for Prom!  We will be open for shopping on Wednesday and Thursdays from 3-5pm at the Wolf Shack (B27 near the Little Theater).  Drop by and take a look!

The PTSA is also asking for additional donations of new or gently used prom-style dresses, suits, ties, shoes and accessories. Items can be dropped in the front office labeled: Wolf Shack Prom Shop.  Email us with any suggestions or questions at wolfshack@justicehsptsa.org

prom 1

prom 2

prom 3

Partners for Safe Teen Driving (PSTD) - 3rd Quarter Presentation Wednesday, March 19

Justice High School Auditorium - Driver’s Education

The state of Virginia requires students and their parents or legal guardians to attend ONE session of Partners for Safe Teen Driving in order to receive their Pink Card (DEC-8). The 90 minute session requires participants to be actively involved during the presentation. This is offered in conjunction with our 10th grade driver education curriculum and is a requirement. All sessions are in person for the 2024-2025 school year at Justice HS in the Auditorium. Registration link, and schedule is below. It is also posted on your 1oth grade teacher’s SCHOOLOGY PAGE.

If you are a current 11th or 12th grade Justice HS student seeking to attend a PTSD session, please email Monica White at mwhite@fcps.edu  for information.

PSTD presentations are 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

3rd Quarter - Wednesday March 19th, 2025

4th Quarter - Wednesday May 14th, 2025

The meetings are a “hard” 6:30 PM start in the Auditorium for every PSTD event. Doors lock at 6:30 sharp and an entry after that will not be allowed. (State Law)

Please plan to arrive at 6 pm to avoid being locked out. Every student will NEED to have a legal guardian present with them If they are attending PSTD session.

Link for students to register for 2024-2025 Justice HS - Driver Ed PSTD

Justice HS PTSA

The Wolf Shack is Open!

The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry, providing free essential resources for all students. The Wolf Shack is open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater. 

Read more in the latest PTSA newsletter.

PTSA Calendar of Events

APRIL 2025

21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week

26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day

Connect with the PTSA

JHS PTSA Website


Social Handles

Facebook: facebook.com/justicehsptsa

X (formerly Twitter): x.com/justicehsptsa

Instagram: instagram.com/justicehsptsa/

Membership Link


Donation Link


Contact the PTSA


Fairfax County Special Education PTA (SEPTA)



FCPS Budget — Our Students Deserve the Best

More than $240 million of FCPS’ Fiscal Year (FY) 2026 Advertised Budget is dedicated to increasing compensation for our teachers and staff to stay competitive and reduce turnover. Currently, FCPS ranks fifth out of eight neighboring districts in regards to starting salary for teachers with a master’s degree. 

Our families expect — and our students deserve — the best teachers.

Next Steps in the Budget Process

The next steps in the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process include the School Board presenting the budget to the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, April 22, and then the Board of Supervisors will conduct public hearings Tuesday, April 22, through Thursday, April 24. Community members can submit testimony or sign up to speak

Visit the county government website to view the Fairfax County FY 2026 Advertised Budget. The community is also invited to complete an online survey to provide feedback on the county’s FY 2026 Advertised Budget. 

Learn more about the FCPS FY 2026 Budget process.

🛑 Cameras Installed on School Bus Stop Arms

Cameras have been installed on the stop arms of 50 FCPS school buses. These cameras will be used to identify drivers who pass stopped school buses while children are entering and exiting the bus (called a “stop arm violation”). 

Warnings for drivers will begin on Wednesday, April 9. After a 30-day warning period, citations will begin to be issued on Monday, May 12.

According to Virginia law, drivers must stop for stopped school buses with flashing red lights on and their stop signs extended. Motorists should stop when approaching from any direction (unless there is a barrier or median separating their lane from where the bus is stopped). They should remain stopped until everyone is clear and the bus is moving. 

We appreciate our law enforcement partners for working with us to improve road safety and reduce accidents. Read more information about the stop arm cameras and all of the ways that we work with our county partners to keep students safe on their way to and from school.

📍 The Comprehensive School Boundary Review Process Explained

Want to learn more about the ongoing Comprehensive School Boundary Review process? Watch this video for explanations of terms such as attendance zones, attendance islands, split feeders, and other factors that affect school boundaries. The video will also be available in other languages soon.

 Visit FCPS’ Comprehensive Boundary Review webpage for more information and sign up for our School Boundary Review newsletter.

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Summer Academy


Virtual Presentations on Financial Aid for Military Families

College Access Fairfax will hold two sessions on financial aid hosted by the Navy Mutual Aid Association’s lead financial educator and military benefits liaison. 

Topics will include:

  • Residency Requirements 
  • Using the GI Bill
  • The Yellow Ribbon Program
  • Using Chapter 35 (DEA benefits)
  • Military scholarships and grants
  • Virginia Education Programs

Sessions will be held Tuesday, March 18, at 7:30 p.m. and Saturday, March 22, at 10 a.m. Click on the date to register. Contact info@CollegeAccessFairfax.org to learn more.

💻 Try Online Registration

Online registration for the 2025-26 school year is open. Parents/caregivers may register their children online for kindergarten through 12th grade. Learn how to begin the online registration process

When registering, parents/caregivers will need to create or log in to an existing SIS ParentVUE account.

Calendar Reminders

National Women’s History Month

Every year, March is designated Women’s History Month by presidential proclamation. The month is set aside to honor women’s contributions in American history. Learn more about the heritage months, celebrations, and traditions celebrated in FCPS. Read more about Women’s History Month in National Geographic Kids.

March - Celebrating Arts in Our Schools

The Council for Art Education (CFAE) administers Youth Art Month. Youth Art Month encourages support for quality school art programs, and promotes art material safety. The program provides a medium for recognizing skills developed through visual arts experiences unlike any other curriculum subjects, including:

  • Problem solving
  • Creativity
  • Observation
  • Communication

Art shows, special exhibits, fundraisers, and school and community activities take place annually, traditionally during March, to celebrate visual art education for grades K-12.

art in school

Quarter End, Eid al-Fitr, and Student Holiday

Friday, March 28, is the last day of the third quarter. It is a full day of school for students. 

All FCPS schools and offices are closed on Monday, March 31, for Eid al-Fitr. Tuesday, April 1, is a student holiday and teacher workday. See the complete school year calendar.

Weekly Reminders

Saturday School at Justice High School

On certain Saturdays, students can get one-on-one assistance in any English, Math, Science, or History class. Our dedicated teachers will be available to help students tackle assignments, strengthen their understanding of key concepts, and ensure they are well-prepared for their upcoming assessments. Students do not have to sign up ahead of time to attend Saturday School.

Details are as follows:

  • When: March 22nd | April 5th and 26th | May 3rd and 17th
  • Time: 9 AM - 12 PM
  • Where: Justice High School

We encourage your child to take advantage of this valuable opportunity. It’s a fantastic way for them to improve their grades and gain confidence in their studies. Thank you for your continued support in helping our students succeed!

What Families Can Do to Fight Drug Misuse

FCPS is committed to raising awareness about the opioid epidemic with our educators, parents/caregivers, and students. Together, we can help ensure our students thrive.

What can families do?

  • Show you disapprove of underage drinking and other drug misuse. More than 80% of young people ages 10-18 say their parents are the leading influence on their decision whether to drink. 
  • Show you care about your child’s health, wellness, and success. 
  • Show you are a good source of information about alcohol and other drugs. Find helpful resources on the FCPS Opioid Awareness webpage
  • Pay attention to your child and discourage risky behaviors. 
  • Build your child’s skills and strategies for avoiding drinking and drug use. Talk with your child about what they would do if faced with a decision about alcohol and drugs, such as texting a code word to a family member or practicing how they will say, “No thanks.”

Get more information on opioid awareness.

Food for Neighbors - Red Bag Program

Food for Neighbors logo

Justice High School is a proud partner with Food for Neighbors, a local organization who helps to feed our students outside of school hours.

The Red Bag Program is filled five times a year and provided to needy families. Food for Neighbors will drop off an empty Red Bag with a list of items. You can support by purchasing some food items that is provided on the list. Leave the Red Bag outside your door and Food for Neighbors will come pick it up.

All donations are tax-deductible and can be in any amount. To learn more about the FFN Holiday Meals Program, please go here.

Make Sure Your Children Are Up-to-Date on Immunizations

Please make sure your child has all of their necessary immunizations. Remember, all students are required to be immunized against certain diseases to attend school in Virginia. This is an important part of keeping children healthy!

Starting Monday, May 19, students who have not provided proof of immunization may not be allowed to attend school. You can check your child’s immunization status and submit updated immunization information by accessing SIS ParentVUE

Please check with your healthcare provider to make sure your child is up to date on required immunizations for the 2024-25 school year. If your child needs an immunization, make an appointment with your healthcare provider, visit the Fairfax County Health Department website for a list of child immunization clinics, or view other Immunization Resources. Be wise and immunize!

Free Meals at Justice HS

Justice HS has qualified for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) meal program for the 2024-2025 school year. CEP is a non-pricing meal service option for schools in low-income areas. CEP allows schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to ALL students without collecting household applications for free and reduced-price meals.

CEP General Information

  • CEP is a USDA program; eligibility is based on direct certification for free meals at individual FCPS schools.
  • All students at CEP schools automatically receive no-cost breakfast and lunch every day of the school year (even if the student would not qualify for free meals). 
  • If a student purchases an additional breakfast or additional meal, it will be at cost to the family. 

Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications, Additional Benefits, and Related Information

For families that may want to receive benefits (class fees) beyond meals that are income-based, the FCPS CEP Consent to Share Information for Other Programs will continue to be utilized and is included in the free and reduced-price meal application process. Parents are encouraged to complete and submit the CEP Consent to Share Form

Varsity Tutors Provides On-Demand Support at No Cost

FCPS is partnering with Varsity Tutors to provide students and families with extra resources for learning. Every student can take advantage of Varsity Tutors’ services at no cost, including weekly live online classes, on-demand 24/7 chat tutoring, essay editing, and study resources such as recorded content, practice problems, and diagnostic tests. Learn more about online tutoring with Varsity Tutors.

Hazel Health: Virtual Therapy for High School Students

Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.

Supporting Your Child’s Mental Health

Children go through a lot of changes, and it can be hard to tell if their behavior is developmentally appropriate or if they could benefit from mental health support. It’s important to talk to your child and pay attention to their actions, especially these warning signs:

  • Increased irritability, hyperactivity, energy, and/or aggressive behavior.
  • Excessive sadness, hopelessness, or worries.
  • Loss of appetite, or significant weight gain or loss.
  • Lack of sleep or too much sleep.
  • A decline in grades, school avoidance, or attendance concerns.
  • Alcohol or drug use.
  • Withdrawal from activities and/or friends and family. 
  • Thoughts of harming themselves or others.

If you notice any of these warning signs or feel your child may be experiencing a mental health challenge, help is available. Please contact your child's school counselor to discuss your concerns and identify resources. Find additional ways to support your child’s wellness

If you or someone you care about is experiencing a mental health crisis such as thoughts of harming themselves or others, please take action right away. Call 988, go to the nearest emergency room, or contact the Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health Emergency Services at 703-573-5679.

Follow Justice HS On Social Media

X (formerly known as Twitter) 

Activities - @justice_sports


School - @justicehs_wolves

Activities - @justice_wolves

Helpful Links

Justice Website

Justice Athletics

Student Services


Red/Blue Rotation Calendar

Bell Schedule

Justice HS PTSA


ParentVue Information

Emergency Resources

Crisis Link Regional Hotline - 703-527-4077

Crisis Text - Text NEEDHELP to 85511

Dominion Hospital Emergency - 703-536-2000

INOVA Emergency - 703-289-7560

Sharon Bulova Center for Community Health (formerly Merrifield) - 703-573-5979 TTY dial 711

Life Threatening - 911

FCPS Cares

FCPS Cares

Do you know a Justice High School or FCPS employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.

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