Our mission is to make every child’s potential a reality by engaging and empowering families and communities to advocate for all children.
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- 11 - Wed - 3pm - Wolf Shack Opening (After School Buses Begin)
- 14 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day
- 23 - Mon - 7:30pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
- 18 - Fri - 3pm - PTSA Fall Festival (Homecoming Pre-Game Party)
- 28 - Mon - 7:30pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
[See complete calendar at the bottom.]
WOLF SHACK Opening & Food For Neighbors Red Bag Saturday! Volunteers Needed!
The Wolf Shack is our PTSA-sponsored in-school food and resource pantry available to all Justice Students. In the Wolf Shack, we provide FREE essential resources for ALL students - from food for them and their families to personal care toiletries to academic supplies to after-school snacks. The success of this critical endeavor is dependent upon the financial support and volunteerism of the students, staff, and community. Thank you to all who brought donations to Back-to-School Night and who have donated online!
1. Wolf Shack Opening Day (Sept 11th)!
THE WOLF SHACK OPENING DAY THIS YEAR WILL BE WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11TH - FROM 3-5PM! We can't wait to see all of our Wolves! We will open from 3-5pm on late bus days (Wednesdays & Thursdays) in Room B27 between the Black Box Theater and the Little Theater.
2. Volunteers Needed for Red Bag Saturday (Sept 14th)!
Food for Neighbors is one of the Wolf Shack's biggest donors. Food for Neighbors has a Red Bag Donor program across area middle and high schools: Five times a year, donors fill a Red Bag (dropped off at your door by Food for Neighbors) with food from a suggested grocery list. Drivers pick up the filled bag right from your front door on Red Bag Saturdays and volunteers sort the food to distribute to local schools the same day! The more Red Bag Donors Justice has, the more food for The Wolf Shack. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14TH WILL BE THE FIRST RED BAG COLLECTION OF THE SCHOOL YEAR - AND WE NEED YOU!
If you have already signed up to be a Red Bag donor, have your bag filled and by your front door for pick up before 8:30am Saturday the 14th. Put your bag where the drives can easily find your donations. Thank you for your generosity! Wolf Shack donation priorities are:
- Granola bars
- Crackers - cheese, peanut, and plain snack packs
- Cup-of-Noodles & instant ramen
- Milk boxes (white and chocolate) & juice boxes
- Cereal (family & individual; including individual microwave oatmeal cups)
- Apple sauce squeezes & fruit cups
- Deodorant, dental care (toothbrushes/toothpaste), razors & other toiletries
If you are not yet a Red Bag donor, please consider signing up by visiting our website to sign up and explore the various ways you can support the Wolf Shack: jhsptsa.org/wolfshack.
RED BAG SATURDAY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED: To make Red Bag Saturday a success, we need student and adult volunteers on Saturday the 14th to help unload and unpack the food donations at JHS (11-1pm). Please sign up to help at jhsptsa.org/wolfshacksignup. Great way for families to volunteer together and for students to earn service hours!
3. Supporting the Wolf Shack (anytime!)
Generally, any donations can be dropped-off by you or delivered (from any store) to the front office of Justice High School (labeled PTSA Wolf Shack). You can also purchase from our Amazon List: jhsptsa.org/wolfshackwishlist. Financial donations are also very welcome and allow us to fill urgent needs as they arise: jhsptsa.org/wolfshackfund.
Whether you can help once per quarter, once per month, or once per week - we need you! We think you'll love engaging with the students! Please sign-up here and we'll get you trained on your shift! jhsptsa.org/wolfshacksignup. Email wolfshack@justicehsptsa.org with any questions!
On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the school sends out its weekly newsletters. You can access the most recent issues below.
Activities & Athletics (9/1/24)
Principal's Newsletter (9/2/24)
Student Services Newsletter (9/4/24)
Fundraiser for THE VERDICT
The Verdict's Back to School sale is ending in a few days! Please click on the image and consider buying a T-shirt or sweatshirt to support the printing of our JHS publication and the maintenance of our website: theverdictjhs.com
Glasgow MS PTA
Baileys ES PTA
Beech Tree ES PTA
Belvedere ES PTA
Glen Forest ES PTO
Parklawn ES PTA
Sleepy Hollow ES PTA
The School Board is accepting applications for the Student Leadership Development Program, open to any high school freshman, sophomore or junior in good academic standing.
The program is for students interested in a future in law, government or public policy. Twelve students will be chosen to work closely with the School Board to how FCPS is governed and will give the students opportunities to participate on various advisory committees to the School Board, and even to seek election as the student representative on the School Board.
Applications are due to principals by September 30, 2024.
The program information and application are available at fcps.edu/node/31703
FCPS is exploring options for adjusting middle school start times and invites the public to be part of the process. Learn more about the project exploring middle school start times.
The School Board approved updates to the Boundary Policy (Policy 8130) at the July 18 Regular Public Meeting. The revision serves to define the school boundary policy for the assignment of students to schools and programs, to close, open or consolidate schools and programs where appropriate, and to outline the considerations for such determinations. The policy further prioritizes access to programming, enrollment and capacity, proximity and transportation as primary factors.
The revised policy does not propose specific boundary changes. The Superintendent will present a detailed project management plan to the Board at a Regular Business Meeting in August. The revised policy compels regular review of the school attendance zones which should result in timely and equitable response to school capacity challenges and access to various academic programming.
General Questions or Outreach
For more information, check-out our website at justicehsptsa.org or email us at info@justicehsptsa.org.
Fairfax County Council PTAs
Virginia PTA
9 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with Food For Neighbors’ Red Bag Day
18 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
6-7 - Fri, Sat - PTSA Winter Festival (Tree Sale, etc.)
16 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
11 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day
27 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
22 - Sat - 7pm - Wolves At The Lodge (Casino Night)
24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
MARCH 2025
8 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day
24 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
APRIL 2025
21-25 - Mon-Fri - National Volunteer Appreciation Week
26 - Sat - 11am - Wolf Shack Stock-Up with FFN Red Bag Day
28 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting
MAY 2025
5-9 - Mon-Fri- Teacher Appreciation Week
17 - Sat - 8am - PTSA Spring Festival (Celebrate Justice Pyramid!)
19 - Mon - 730pm - PTSA Monthly Town Hall & General Meeting [ELECTIONS]
JUNE 2025
5 - Thurs - 2pm - Graduation @ Eagle Bank Arena
TBD - Senior Event