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Hello, Springfield District,
This month I was lucky enough to visit several schools. I got to visit the Burke School during their annual Thanksgiving Luncheon, to talk with students at Robinson Secondary School with Delegate Dan Helmer, and visit Rocky Run Middle School with the Virginia School Librarian of the Year, Rachel Grover, and Principal Peter Kownacki, along with my colleague, Kyle McDaniel. I also visited with some principals, including Centreville High School’s new principal, Dr. Erik Healey, and Union Mill’s principal, Scott Hawk.
The Board has also been hard at work. In a work session, we heard about proposals for middle school start times. We were able to welcome our new nominees from the School Board Student Leadership Development Program. (You can read more about the awesome program and my nominee below.) And, I was able to attend and hear community feedback at Boundary Review Community Meetings for Regions 4 & 5. If you would like to know more about each step of the Boundary Review Process, please sign up to receive FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter.
I wish you all a wonderful winter break! I hope you get time to spend with your family and friends. I'll be in touch soon!
Sandy Anderson
Clockwise starting at top left: School Board Member-at-Large Kyle McDaniel and I with Rocky Run Middle School librarian Rachel Grover, meeting with my School Board Student Leadership Development Program Representative Chiara Cryan, Burke School Principal Dr. Thomas Sweet and me, Braddock District School Board Member Rachna Sizemore Heizer and I at the Region 4 Community Boundary Review Meeting, and Delegate Dan Helmer, Associate Principal Megan Sherrill, Robinson Secondary School Principal Tracey Phillips, and I meeting with the Student Advisory Council.
This newsletter includes information on the following issues:
Upcoming School Board Meetings
Meeting information and materials will be posted to BoardDocs.
December 19 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: Fiscal Year 2025 Midyear Budget Review, Strategic Plan Goal 2 Report, Policy 2418 (Secondary Grades Assessment and Grading, and Reporting on Progress of Learning), etc.
January 7 at 10 a.m. - Public Engagement Committee Meeting
January 7 at 3 p.m. - Governance Committee Meeting
January 9 at 7 p.m. - Regular Meeting: Collective Bargaining Agreement Approval, etc.
January 13 at 4:30 p.m.- Audit Committee Meeting
January 14 at 10:30 a.m. - Work Session: Pedestrian Traffic and Safety and Capital Improvement Program (CIP)
January 14 at 6 p.m. - Public Hearing: CIP
January 16 at 7 p.m. - Comprehensive Planning and Development Committee Meeting
Please note that times and topics are subject to change.
The work sessions and meetings will be broadcast live on Channel 99 (Verizon channel 11) and the FCPS website. Both will be recorded for future viewing and posted to the FCPS School Board YouTube channel.
For Spanish speakers, to watch recorded School Board meetings, or live during regular meetings, visit the FCPS en Espanol YouTube channel or scan the QR code below.
Visit the Community Participation webpage to sign up to speak at a regular meeting. Visit BoardDocs for more meeting logistics, agendas, and handouts.
Are you interested in School Board action items? Sign up to get an update on School Board votes the morning after the School Board meeting.
Please contact the board clerk if you need language interpretation or American Sign Language support for any School Board meeting. Find your School Board members and how to contact them on the School Board Members webpage.
Reuniones de la Junta Escolar de FCPS en Español
Para ver las reuniones de Junta Escolar grabadas o para ver en vivo durante las Reuniones Ordinarias en YouTube, por favor vaya al canal de YouTube de FCPS en Español .
School Board Work
High School Athletics External Review and Internal Processes
At the December 5 regular meeting, the School Board voted to engage an external law firm that has not performed any work for FCPS or the Superintendent in the last 10 years to conduct a comprehensive and independent examination (to include but not be limited to student-athlete transfers and eligibility practices) for all high school athletics across the district, starting with an examination of Hayfield Secondary School, and to report its findings and make recommendations to the School Board and Superintendent. View follow-on motions on Boarddocs.
Watch the full meeting.
Fiscal Year 2025 Midyear Budget Review
Also at the December 5 regular meeting, Dr. Reid presented the Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 Midyear Budget Review. With increased available funds, adjustments will be made to focus on additional funding for safety and security measures, Esports stipends, and the licensure pathway iTeach.
Watch the full meeting.
School Board Student Leadership Development Program
As noted above, I’m pleased that the School Board recently revived the Student Leadership Development Program. Please join me in congratulating my student representative, West Springfield High School freshman Chiara Cryan (fourth from left below)! Chiara is just one of 12 students selected to participate in this year’s program.
Students will work closely with the School Board and its staff, learning how the school division is governed, observing the operation of various board committees and regular meetings, developing and debating their own policy proposals, and even learning how to seek election to the Student Representative seat on the School Board.
⏰ Update on Potential Changes to Middle School Start Times
At the Tuesday, December 3 School Board work session, Prismatic Services, Inc. staff presented options for adjusting start times at FCPS middle schools. As a reminder, Prismatic is charged with developing an action plan to help the School Board reach its goal of starting middle school at or after 8 a.m.
The presentation includes five options for adjusting middle school start times based on the consultant’s analysis from community forums, surveys, and interviews with staff, parents, associations, and other groups. The School Board will provide next steps to the superintendent.
Watch a video of the work session. Visit the Middle School Start Times webpage for more information on the project.
School Board’s Student Representative Receives VSBA Scholarship
At the Virginia School Boards Association's (VSBA) annual convention, in Williamsburg, my Board colleagues and I were thrilled to publicly congratulate our Student Representative, Megan Sawant, for receiving a $1,000 scholarship from VSBA!
I was pleased to support the following proclamations at the Board’s December 5 regular meeting.
Superintendent Updates
Coming Soon: Virtual Community Boundary Review Meetings
In addition to in-person community meetings that are being held during this first phase of the comprehensive boundary review, FCPS is also planning to host virtual community meetings. The virtual events will follow the same format as the in-person meetings.
Dates are still being confirmed for January 2025.
Be sure to sign up to receive FCPS’ School Boundary Review newsletter.
Remaining In-Person Community Meetings for Phase 1
Our first set of Community Boundary Review Meetings includes one meeting in each of our six regions. Parents/caregivers, employees, students, and community members are welcome! Join us to share your thoughts, ask questions, and learn more about the boundary review process. Click below to register for the final Fall 2024 Community Boundary Review Meeting.:
Meetings are in person and follow the same format. Interpretation services will be available if requested on the registration form. Registration is not required, but it will help us with planning.
Share Your Thoughts
Please submit your questions or feedback on our website.
🎓 Save the Date for 2025 Graduation!
The dates, times, and locations for FCPS graduation ceremonies in 2025 have been published.
🗓️ Save the Date: Academy Open Houses Begin in January
Is your child interested in architecture and construction, information technology, or health science? FCPS high school academies will hold open houses for interested students starting in January. Open houses are a great opportunity to visit classrooms and labs and speak with instructors and academy counselors.
An academy is a center within a high school that offers advanced technical and specialized courses designed to prepare students for postsecondary education and/or career fields. Academy elective courses provide students with a variety of career experiences, including shadowing, mentoring, or internships with local businesses. Students can explore more than a dozen career fields through FCPS academies!
Watch this video to learn more about academy programs. View the calendar of Academy Open Houses. For questions, email Bonnie Wannett at bjwannett@fcps.edu.
✨ Availability of, accessibility to, and student enrollment in coursework in the arts, STEAM, career and technical education, trades, technology, and world languages is one measure of the FCPS Strategic Plan Goal 4: Equitable Access and Opportunity.
🚨 New Chief of Safety and Security
Brian Lambert, a native of Richmond, VA, comes to Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS) as a 25-year veteran of the United States Secret Service. He most recently served as the Assistant Director of the Office of Investigations. In that role, he led the Secret Service’s largest organizational unit, with 2,150 Special Agents and 850 analytical, administrative, professional, and technical employees throughout 162 domestic and international offices.
He has significant experience and leadership in financial and cybercrime investigations, threat investigations and mitigation, physical and technical security, human resources, and international operations. In addition, he was assigned to the Presidential Protective Division in 2006 and worked on the protective details for Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama.
Before joining the Secret Service, Lambert served as a police officer with the Chesterfield County (VA) Police Department. He received a Bachelor of Arts degree in Psychology from the College of William & Mary in Williamsburg, VA.
🧪 Save the Date: Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Please save the date for the 70th annual Fairfax County Regional Science and Engineering Fair, which will be held the weekend of Friday, March 21, to Sunday, March 23, 2025.
Springfield District Scene
Bryant High School students and staff were encouraged to wear their Crocs to school the day before Thanksgiving Break for a fun-filled opportunity to pick out new Jibbitz charms! What a great way to welcome in the holiday season! |
While students at Chantilly Academy are engaged in lessons planned by their amazing instructors, one particular classroom is filled with students who are doing the lesson planning. Teachers for Tomorrow is a two-year program offered to juniors and seniors who are interested in pursuing a career in education. As part of their curriculum, these students participate in classroom observations and complete their own student teaching experience.
Students in the program work with instructor, Mrs. Reinfried, to identify areas of education they are most interested in and passionate about, and select their observations and student teaching experiences accordingly. Teachers for Tomorrow students complete their internships in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms and have the opportunity to spend time in general education, special education, and advanced academics classrooms depending on their interests.
Teachers for Tomorrow is one of FCPS' Grow Your Own programs. FCPS is committed to growing our own teacher pipeline and, as part of that commitment, students who successfully complete Teachers for Tomorrow and go on to earn a degree from an accredited collegiate teacher preparation program are offered a guaranteed interview for a teaching position with FCPS!
Chantilly Academy is home to a fantastic two-year Pharmacy Technician program. In addition to learning the history of pharmacy and the roles of a Pharmacy Technician, students in this course learn about patient and medication safety, pharmaceutical calculations, prescription processing, suspension and solution preparation, and compounding to name just a few topics. In year two of the Pharmacy Tech program, students complete an impressive 130 experiential hours in a local pharmacy thanks to our partnerships with Giant Food and Inova. Upon completion of their second year, students sit for the National Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam and leave Chantilly Academy as a Board Certified Pharmacy Technician. Last year, our students had a 100% pass rate on their board exam!
Pharmacy Tech instructor, Mr. Rick Cutting, finds innovative ways to engage students in learning in the classroom. Recently, level one students were introduced to the concept of compounding by making slime! Students quickly learned how important it is to accurately weigh and measure ingredients when making a compounded prescription. It was a fun - and sometimes sticky! - learning adventure.
Kudos to the Chantilly High School Varsity Girls Volleyball Team for winning the 6D Region title!
The winning continues with Chantilly’s Varsity Dance Team winning Best Choreography at the Universal Dance Association (UDC) DC Chance Challenge! Great job!
Additionally, Tilly Alpha Wolves, Chantilly’s League of Legends team, completed the VHSL Fall Esports season as state champions! Way to go!
FCPS CARES allows parents/caregivers, staff, and community members to recognize employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. Among the CARES of the Month recipients for October are French teachers Elaine Gonzalez (pictured to the right of Principal Amy Goodloe) from Chantilly High School and Jocelyne Smith from Westfield High School.
A Chantilly parent nominated them for working to bring 22 exchange students from France to the schools.
“We loved hosting the students, learning from them, and showing them our lives,” the parent said. “For my child and family to experience this was phenomenal. The teachers went above and beyond to make this an excellent experience.”
Every Wednesday after school, a special class takes place at Fairfax High School. The students are parents, eager to learn a new language and skills to help them support their children’s education. Principal Georgina Aye is one of the dedicated teachers. |
These classes are the heart of Fairfax High School’s Family Engagement Center, a vibrant space dedicated to empowering families and fostering a strong sense of community. Fairfax’s Family Engagement Center is building a bridge between families and the school, creating a shared space for learning, support, and community. Read more about the English literacy parent program.
✨ Building trusting partnerships between home and school is Pillar B of the FCPS Strategic Plan.
Congratulations to the Robinson Secondary School Symphonic Band for being invited to perform at The Midwest Clinic International Band and Orchestra Conference in Chicago, December 18-21! The International Conference is a highly esteemed event that draws an average of 18,000 attendees from all 50 states and 40 foreign countries in the music field. The Robinson Symphonic Band, the only band from Virginia participating in the conference, successfully navigated a rigorous audition process to secure a spot to perform at this prestigious gathering.
During the conference, students will have the opportunity to interact with renowned composers, musicians, and clinicians through three demonstration sessions tailored specifically for music educators. These sessions aim to enhance their skills and expertise in their craft.
Congratulations to Thomas Jefferson’s Chess Team! They secured first place in the nation in Blitz Chess at the Grade Level Nationals!
TJ’s upper-level Spanish students took their learning on the road! Students in Spanish 4 and AP Spanish classes, along with members of the Spanish Honor Society eighth-period club visited the Mexican Cultural Institute and the exhibit of the Latin Gallery of the Molina Family at the National Museum of the American Latino.
At the Mexican Cultural Institute, the students learned about the history of the building and the art that is housed on its walls and exhibits. They also learned about the “Día de los Muertos” holiday and could see the altar on exhibit.
Students were guided in Spanish and listened to native speakers at regular speed and with their accents. They learned much about Mexican culture and the Day of the Dead celebration.
At the museum, students had a scavenger hunt to explore the exhibit. There was a great deal of information about the history of the different Latin American countries that have impacted U.S. history. The students had the opportunity to listen to a Puerto Rican guide who explained the exhibit in more detail.
Shout out to Woodson High School’s Rocket League team for winning the VHSL Fall Esports championship! |
💰 National PTA and PTSA Grant Award Recipients
Congratulations to the following PTAs and PTSAs for being awarded National PTA grants!
🎭 Upcoming School Performances
Don’t miss the many upcoming school performances featuring our outstanding Springfield District students! Among them are
Oakton High School
How to Get Away with Murder Mystery
January 16
Buy tickets
Student Opportunities
Disclaimer: Opportunities offered by organizations other than Fairfax County Public Schools are neither sponsored nor endorsed by the Fairfax County School Board, the Superintendent, or a specific school. These opportunities may utilize technology tools not assessed by the Fairfax County Public Schools Department of Information Technology. Students should gain permission from their parents or guardians before engaging in any non-FCPS enrichment opportunity. Families should review the Terms of Service, User Agreements, and Privacy Policy for any technology platform the enrichment opportunity may use before participating.
🦈 2024 Fairfax Area Student Shark Tank Challenge Now Open
Entries for Fairfax County’s Department of Neighborhood and Community Services Fairfax Area High School Student Shark Tank Technology Challenge are now being accepted. Initial proposals are due Friday, December 20, 2024. The challenge invites students to develop an innovative device or app that will positively impact the lives of older adults, adults with disabilities, or caregivers.
Visit the Shark Tank Tech Challenge website for more details, including the detailed application packet. Additional assistance is available by emailing NCSTechChallenge@fairfaxcounty.gov.
🏛️ High School Youth Leadership Program
High school juniors and seniors residing in Virginia Senate District 36 (Check your residency here.) are invited by Senator Stella Pekarsky to apply to her 1st Annual Youth Leadership Program. The Program will allow students to travel to Richmond during the General Assembly Session in January 2025. Participants will engage with political leadership from across the Commonwealth and gain practical knowledge about Virginia's legislative process.
Activities may include
- Observing committee hearings and floor debate on bills
- Historic tours of the Virginia State Capitol and the Governor's Mansion
- Panel discussion with lobbyists, advocates, and key players in advancing legislative initiatives
- Discuss legislation and initiatives that are important to them with legislative staff and members
Students will head to Richmond on Sunday, January 19, 2025, and return on Tuesday, January 21, 2025. This opportunity comes at no cost. All transportation, lodging, and meals will be provided. A letter excusing the school absence on Tuesday, January 21 will be shared with each of the participants.
The deadline to apply is 6 p.m. on December 27, 2024. Because of the limited number of spots, not every student who applies will be accepted. Students will be notified of their application status.
For more information contact Chief of Staff Kat Thames at kthames@senate.virginia.gov.
📷 2025 First Hike Photo Contest
The Fairfax County Park Authority and the Fairfax County Park Foundation are gearing up for another fantastic First Hike Photo Contest set for New Year’s Day 2025. The contest is open to photographers of any age and ability. It’s easy to participate.
- Take a Hike: Stroll through any of the Park Authority’s 420 parks or along more than 334 miles of Park Authority trails on Wednesday, January 1, 2025.
- Capture the Moment: Snap a fantastic photo during your walk.
- Submit Your Best Shot: Upload your photo online by noon on Thursday, January 2, 2025, for a chance to win Park Authority prizes.
Learn more about the First Hike Photo Contest.
📚 Bundle Up With Books Over Break
Fairfax County Public Library’s winter reading adventure has begun and will continue through Friday, January 31, 2025. Visit your local FCPL branch or their Winter Reading Adventure website to register and get a sneak peek at the prizes being offered.
Check out their Winter Reading Events webpage to learn about laser tag, movie nights, crafting sessions, Noon-Year Eve celebrations, and book discussions.
2025 FCPS Gap Year Fair
FCPS’ School Counseling Services and Go Overseas are co-hosting the annual FCPS Gap Year Fair on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at Marshall High School from 6 to 8:30 p.m. This event is for high school students and parents who are interested in learning more about the growing array of gap year opportunities. The evening will begin with a presentation in the auditorium from 6:00-6:45 p.m. Immediately following, the program fair will be held in the cafeteria from 6:45-8:30 p.m., with representatives from over 30 programs offering gap year opportunities. Students and their families are encouraged to meet the representatives and learn about the variety of experiences available.
Students are encouraged to pre-register for this event. For more information, visit: USA Gap Year Fairs.
**In the event of inclement weather on Tuesday, January 28, 2025: The Gap Year Fair will be held on Wednesday, January 29, 2025, at the same time and location.
Community News
Seeking Professionals for the 2025 Instruction 2 Industry: Future Ready Event for High School Students
In February 2025 during Career and Technical Education (CTE) Month, school divisions across the region are teaming up with Virginia Ed Strategies to host the annual Instruction 2 Industry Future Ready Conference. This Northern Virginia event will offer participating high school students the chance to connect with over 100 local professionals from high-demand career fields.
This event will be held at the Inova Conference Center in Fairfax, Virginia on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, with an inclement weather date scheduled for the following week on Monday, February 25, 2025.
We are actively seeking employers and industry experts from all career clusters who would be interested in participating in the following ways:
Career Fair Experience: Engage students at your exhibitor table, sharing insights about skills, education, and experiences in your field.
Networking Nooks: Participate in themed breakout rooms, providing a relaxed space to inspire and guide students toward career success.
If you are interested in participating in this event, complete the interest form.
Thank you for considering this opportunity to engage with high school students and better prepare tomorrow's workforce!
Family and Student Resources
2025-26 FAFSA Form Now Available
The 2025-26 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is now available. Any college-bound high school senior — regardless of income — who wants to be considered for federal, state, and school financial aid programs should complete a FAFSA form.
Parents and caregivers are encouraged to work with their children to complete the FAFSA as early as possible. Check each college’s financial aid office webpage for deadlines and financial aid forms. Then, create an account (if you have not already done so) and fill out the FAFSA.
The Virginia Alternative State Aid (VASA) application will be available in late January for students who are unable to complete the FAFSA. To help determine which aid option is right for you, visit the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia website.
Get Help Filling Out FAFSA From College Access Fairfax
Over the next few months, College Access Fairfax will offer several programs to help students complete the FAFSA/VASA, and find and apply for scholarships. Get information on these programs and how to access them on the College Access Fairfax website.
In addition, College Access Fairfax staff are available for virtual one-on-one help sessions to complete the FAFSA/VASA. To request an appointment, families should email appointments@CollegeAccessFairfax.org.
Sign up to receive the College Access Fairfax newsletter.
🍲 Food Assistance and Resource Guide
Food insecurity impacts more than 96,000 Fairfax County residents. There are many resources available to support those who need food assistance.
Learn how to help these families and discover the many resources available to support those experiencing food insecurity on Fairfax County’s website or view the county’s Human Services Resource Guide.
📖 Literacy Resources for Families
Benchmark Advance literacy resources are available to parents for each unit their child studies to assist in reading and writing practice at home. Be sure to view Literacy Resources for Families and the following additional resources.
💻 Fairfax County Public Library Loans More Than Just Books
Need to borrow a Chromebook or internet hotspot? Borrow them — or other helpful items — for free from a Fairfax County Public Library. Dozens of items are available to check out from the Library of Things at no cost with your library card. Items such as artwork, binoculars, games, Conserve Energy Kits, early literacy Launchpad tablets, nature backpacks, and thermal cameras are available.
The library’s Family History Kits include everything you need to capture tales from the past and present such as a voice recorder, instructions, and interview prompts in English, Spanish, and Korean.
Visit your local Fairfax County Public Library branch or the Library of Things webpage for more information.
No-Cost Virtual Therapy for High Schoolers
Teletherapy services are available for all FCPS high school students at no cost. Sessions can be scheduled Monday through Friday, 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Hazel Health’s highly qualified therapists specialize in working with teens. Learn more on FCPS’ teletherapy webpage.
George Mason’s Center for Community Health
George Mason University’s new Center for Community Mental Health (9900 Main Street, Fairfax) provides evidence-based, accessible, affordable, and culturally sensitive therapy and testing services to those in need, regardless of income. The Center sees children as young as age 5, and works with community members of various ages, including addressing the mental health needs of veterans.
The center’s Emotional Helpline provides free, anonymous, confidential support in both English (703-215-1898) and Spanish (703-914-3878). The line is open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. Learn more on the Center's website.
Tips for Parents of Children with Invisible Disability
Do you have a child with an invisible disability? Here are some tips to help you navigate and cope with the unexpected changes and sensory overload that can arise during travel over the holidays. Learn tips from the Pacer Center’s Learning Center.
Virginia Developmental Disabilities Waitlist Information
The Individual Family Support Program (IFSP) runs through the Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services. IFSP provides funding for those on the developmental disabilities (DD) waitlist and hosts the website My Life, My Community. My Life, My Community is an online tool that helps people with DD and their families answer basic questions about services and support.
The Center for Family Involvement (CFI), part of the Partnership for People with Disabilities at Virginia Commonwealth University, has a network of staff and volunteer family navigators who have experience and provide one-to-one emotional, informational, and systems navigational support for individuals with disabilities and their family members. For more information and assistance on a wide variety of resources call the helpline at 877-567-1122 or email cfihelpline@vcu.edu.
Health Insurance Premium Payment (HIPP) Programs
Virginia has two Medicaid-related premium assistance programs that help pay for employer-sponsored health insurance: HIPP and HIPP for Kids. You or a member of your family must first be enrolled in a Medicaid program to be eligible to apply for the HIPP programs. These are cost-saving programs administered by Virginia Medicaid.
HIPP (19 and over)
For the HIPP program, eligibility criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
- A family member must be enrolled in full coverage Medicaid. The health plan must meet cost-effectiveness evaluation.
- Must be enrolled in a health plan that meets the definition of a “qualified employer-sponsored plan” that qualifies as creditable coverage under section 2701(c) (1) of the Public Health Service Act and must be offered to all people in a manner that would be considered nondiscriminatory eligibility.
- Must not be a plan with deductibles that are equal to or exceed IRS High Deductible Health Plan limits.
HIPP for Kids (18 and younger)
For the HIPP for Kids program, eligibility criteria include, but are not limited to the following:
- A family member must be enrolled in full coverage Medicaid and be less than 19 years of age.
- The employer must pay at least 40% of the cost of the health insurance premium.
- Must be enrolled in a health plan that meets the definition of a “qualified employer-sponsored plan” that qualifies as creditable coverage under section 2701(c) (1) of the Public Health Service Act and must be offered to all people in a manner that would be considered nondiscriminatory eligibility.
- Must not be a plan with deductibles that are equal to or exceed IRS High Deductible Health Plan limits.
For Additional Information call 800-432-5924 or email HIPPcustomerservice@dmas.virginia.gov.
Free Workshops from the Family Resource Center
Parents and caregivers can access free webinars, confidential consultations, a lending library, and resources to help adults support the success of all students, including those with learning challenges, special needs, and disabilities. Learn more about the Family Resource Center (FRC).
In September, the FRC will host webinars for families on supporting siblings of children with disabilities, helping students organize their school work, working with children who like to push boundaries, and teen development and well-being. Sign up for the FRC newsletter for their latest offerings or visit their webinar webpage.
December and January webinars and workshops include:
In Case you Missed It
Read FCPS This Week to learn more about these topics. If you are not already receiving this weekly newsletter, sign up today.
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The views contained within this newsletter reflect the views of the individual school board member who is the publisher of this newsletter and may not reflect the views of the Fairfax County School Board.
© Fairfax County Public Schools, Fairfax County, Virginia