Partnership Update
December 2024
 A Final Act -- An Ask
My name is Jay Garant and I’ve been the author of this newsletter and the lead of the FCPS partnerships office since 2007. At month’s end, I’m wrapping up a wonderful 31 year career with Fairfax County Public Schools (FCPS). I’m retiring.
Before I go, I have an ask.
Will you join me in making a difference and donate to a cause that I’ve selected — our Student Workforce Development Transportation Fund?
Here’s why this matters: In my career, few things have frustrated and disappointed me more than seeing a student miss out on critical opportunities to participate in work-based tours, internships, externships, or apprenticeships and clinical experiences, because they lacked transportation. |
These experiences are more than just resume-builders; they’re gateways to career readiness, college aspirations, and life-changing possibilities.
There are two graphs below that our superintendent recently shared at the State of Our Schools event that offer insights into the challenges.
Graph 1: Offers information about the size and scope of poverty in FCPS compared with other Virginia school divisions.
Graph 2: Speaks to the correlation between education levels and career opportunities regained post pandemic.
By donating to this transportation fund, you’ll help ensure that every student, regardless of their circumstances, can access these pivotal opportunities. Your donation will:
- Enable a student to gain valuable workplace skills that align with their career ambitions.
- Help future healthcare professionals complete clinical rotations.
- Motivate students to begin building their professional network.
- Connect students to college and career pathways they never imagined.
In short, your donation could positively improve the trajectory of a student's life.
Giving is easy and any amount, large or small, is welcome. Donate today.
Your tax-deductible donation will go to Educate Fairfax, the foundation that raises funds solely to support the success of Fairfax County Public Schools by addressing gaps in funding. Educate Fairfax guarantees that 100% of your donation will directly fund transportation for approved FCPS Work-Based Learning Experiences. |
Rarely during my career, have I asked for a monetary donation — focusing instead on ways of getting our generous community involved with students through meaningful volunteerism. It’s been successful and rewarding work, as you’ve delivered time and time again. I cannot thank you enough. |
As I wrap up this rewarding career — and just this once — I’m shifting from FRIENDraiser to FUNDraiser. Please give.
Your generosity will empower students to take the steps toward their futures with confidence and dignity.
Thank you for making this journey with me — and for helping to send our students on theirs.
I hope that you’ll give. Thank you, Friends.
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Graph 1:
FCPS Student Membership Compared to Virginia's 10 Largest School Divisions

Graph 2:
Workers with a Bachelor's degree have added 8.4 million jobs, but workers with high school diplomas or less added only 80,000 jobs.
 To all of the people in FCPS and outside it who make this work so enjoyable and rewarding, thank you. Thank you to all of the people who give and get involved in the lives of our students, staff members, and families. Your support is recognized and honored.
While a replacement for the Director of Business and Community Partnerships has not yet been selected, you are encouraged to visit the Business and Community Partnership web page for updates and for points of contact.
In short, the FCPS Office of Business and Community Partnerships remains Open for Business!