Annandale Students, Parents and Community:
We are excited that the Fall Sports season has begun! The benefits of participating in athletics, arts and other activities in high school is well documented. Students who participate in athletics in high school, for example, perform better academically than their peers. We have an incredible coaching staff that is committed to ensuring we are working together to support every student, every day, both on and off the field.
We achieve incredible things here in Atom Nation and we know that the only way we can do this is when staff, students, families and the community work in partnership. At Annandale, there are many opportunities for families to be involved in their student’s school experience and we are working this year to increase those opportunities. Research shows that one of the most impactful things parents can do to support their students’ academic success is to talk to them about their school experience. Hopefully, this newsletter serves as a conversation starter between you and your student.
Additionally, I wanted to share a few more opportunities to become involved in Atom Nation. The Activities Office will be hosting Meet the Coaches Night on Tuesday, August 8 at 7:00pm. The event is an opportunity to meet your student's coaches and learn about their program and the upcoming season. On Wednesday, August 9, from 11:30am-12:30pm, I will hold a Meet & Greet at Chick-fil-A Annandale. The purpose of this event is to answer any questions students or families may have about the upcoming school year. Whether or not you have questions, please join us!
Looking ahead, I am excited to welcome all of you to our Freshmen & New Student Orientation on Thursday, August 17 from 1:30-3:30pm, as well as our Open House for all students from 3:30-4:30pm. Additionally, on this day, students and families can access schedules in StudentVUE and ParentVUE starting at 6:00am.
Finally, below you will find a Parent To-Do List with important items that will ensure your student is ready to go on August 21. Enjoy your last days of summer break, Atom Nation. I look forward to seeing you all soon. As always, please reach out with any questions.
Shawn DeRose, Principal
Important Dates
August 8 - Meet the Coaches Night
August 9 - Meet & Greet at Chick-fil-A Annandale
August 11 - First Day Back for Teachers
August 17 - Student Schedules Available in SIS StudentVue & ParentVue
August 17 - Parent Information Session
August 17 - New Student Orientation/Open House
August 21 - First Day of School for Students
September 1 & 4 - Labor Day (No School)
September 21 - Back to School Night
September 25 - Yom Kippur (No School)
September 26-29 - Homecoming Week
September 30 - Homecoming Dance
August 8 - Meet the Coaches Night: The Activities Office will be hosting Meet the Coaches Night on Tuesday, August 8 at 7:00pm. The event will begin with a general session in the auditorium followed by individual team breakout sessions where you can meet your student's coaches and learn about their sports program and the upcoming season.
August 9 - Meet & Greet w/ Principal DeRose: Join Principal Shawn DeRose from 11:30am-12:30pm at Chick-fil-A Annandale to answer any questions that you may have about the upcoming school year.
August 17 - Student Schedules Available: Beginning Thursday, August 17 at 6:00am, all students and parents will have access to class schedules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE. SIS (Student Information System) is the application to see attendance, class performance, and demographic data.
August 17 - Freshmen (Grade 9) and New Student Orientation: Annandale High School is excited to welcome rising freshmen as well as new students to our school orientation on August 17 from 1:30-3:30pm. Students and parents will meet administrators, counselors, teachers, and other essential school personnel and have an opportunity to explore the school building and learn more about student life at Annandale. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kara Franklin Taylor.
August 17 - Parent Information Session: During our New Student Orientation, families are invited to join us in the Cafeteria for a Family Coffee session from 1:30-3:30pm. During this information session, you will learn more about Annandale HS, our values, and what to expect as your student(s) join Atom Nation. Topics covered range from course selections to extra-curricular activities. At the end of the session, you will have an opportunity to visit various stations to acquire additional information from counselors, sports activities, and clubs.
August 17 - Open House: We would like to invite all Annandale students and their families to our Open House on August 17 from 3:30-4:30pm. The Open House provides students an opportunity to walk through our halls and find their classes for next year. There is no formal program during this time, but rather an informal chance to get reacquainted with AHS. If you have any questions about this event, please contact Kara Franklin Taylor.
Back to School Information
Bell Schedule: The bell schedule for the 2023-2024 school year is the same as last year. See below for the detailed schedule. Click here for the red/white day calendar and a complete list of alternative bell schedules at Annandale High School.
Student Schedules: Beginning Thursday, August 17 at 6:00am, all students and parents will have access to class schedules in SIS StudentVUE and ParentVUE. SIS (Student Information System) is the application to see attendance, class performance, and demographic data. If you have any questions, please email Stephany Fuentes, Administrative Assistant.
Student Laptops: We are excited to share that all students who turned in their school-issued computers last year will be issued brand new Chromebooks in their W4 class on the first day of school, August 21. The first day of school will feature a special schedule with all students reporting to their W4 class at the beginning of the school day to receive their laptop.
If your student wishes to use a family-owned device, please ensure the device meets the required specifications. Then, log into your ParentVUE account and select “Opt-out of FCPS device.” This will ensure that your student is not responsible for an FCPS device.
Student Lockers: Student lockers will be available by request only beginning on Tuesday, September 5. Students will receive information about how to request a locker during W4.
Transportation Information
Student Bus Route Assignments (Coming Soon!): FCPS Office of Transportation Services will email student bus route assignments the week of August 7. Parents will receive an e-notify to check their Parent Vue accounts for transportation information on August 10. Please note that the provided times are estimates and that buses may be delayed due to weather, traffic conditions, and a national and regional driver shortage. Please check the Here Comes the Bus app or FCPS School Bus Delays website for potential delays. Students are expected to be at their bus stop at least five minutes before the scheduled pickup time. A double back route assignment may require your bus schedule to be adjusted earlier in the morning or later in the afternoon.
Kiss & Ride: Student drop off/pick up (aka Kiss & Ride) is conducted at the main entrance (door #1). Parents should drop off their student(s) beginning at 7:45am. Students are dismissed from school at 2:55pm. If you have any questions, please email Phillip Taylor, Safety and Security Specialist.
Student Parking: This year, students will have the opportunity to purchase parking permits to park on the Annandale campus. Information about how to purchase a parking permit for the 2023-24 school year will be shared soon after the school year begins. Stay tuned for more information! In the meantime, students can park in any designated student parking space until permits are issued. If you have any questions, please email Phillip Taylor, Safety and Security Specialist.
Parent To-Do Checklist
Sign Up for SIS ParentVUE: Access your student’s attendance records, grades, and assignments at any time with SIS ParentVUE. Parents should receive an activation code when they register their student. Once you have activated a ParentVUE account for an FCPS student, you will keep the same account until the student graduates. Information about students in the same family can be accessed through the same ParentVUE account. Access SIS ParentVUE by using an app on your iPhone, iPad, or Android devices. Need help creating a SIS ParentVUE account? This video walks through the steps. Find out more about SIS ParentVUE.
Update Your Students’ Information Online: FCPS is excited to announce that parents can now update student information online using the Online Verification Update Packet. Parents can conveniently update phone numbers, emergency contacts, health conditions, and immunization dates for students in grades K-12. Accessible through SIS ParentVUE, the online update feature streamlines registration for parents and staff.
Join the PTSA: The Annandale High School PTSA is committed to helping our students and community. Together, we sponsor many programs and activities for our students, parents, and staff, including teacher grants, community outreach events, AHS Food Pantry, All Night Grad Celebration, Senior Scholarships, and more! Please consider joining for the 2023-2024 school year by filling out the online Membership Form. For more information about membership visit the Annandale PTSA website.
Have a Rising Senior? Meningococcal Vaccine Reminder: The Code of Virginia requires all students to be immunized against certain communicable diseases prior to entrance into one of its schools. All students in grade 12 are required to have been immunized with one dose of the Meningococcal Vaccine given at the age of 16 or older. Please review the immunization requirements here. Proof of immunization must be submitted to the school. These documents need to be returned prior to the start of the 2023-24 school year. For more information on this requirement, visit this FCPS website.
Awesome Atoms!
Band Camp Off to A Great Start! The Marching Atoms started band camp on Tuesday as student leaders welcomed freshmen and new members with games, music, and PRIDE! With 33 members this year, the band has been marching every morning, learning music in the afternoons, and getting to know one another with games and snacks. Dr. Chad Steffey, the new Director of Bands said, “I’ve never met a group of students so motivated to succeed and so eager to learn. The Marching Atoms are amazing young people; we’re going to have a great season!”
After just two days the band performed for the Region 6 Kickoff Celebration, representing Annandale High School with Pride and Excellence.
Band camp continues with full days next week, 8am-6pm; and then the following week from 3:30pm-6pm. Come hear the band in their Family Night Showcase on Friday, August 18, at 6:30pm at the stadium! Band parents, we need volunteers to provide snacks and sign up for concession stand shifts!!! Please contact
ESOL Teachers Participate in CIEE Study Abroad Program: In partnership with the CIEE Global Navigators program for high school study abroad, Meredith Hedrick, Tricia Kapuscinski, and Kaitlin Clarke traveled to Monteverde, Costa Rica. They spent the week developing curriculum and collaborating with teachers from around the US on interdisciplinary units and global studies. While there, they also had the opportunity to shadow students participating in the Climate Change Mitigation program on campus and hear firsthand from the students what a life-changing experience the CIEE study abroad has been. Stay tuned for AHS student stories of their time abroad!
Congrats Annandale Summer School Graduates! Congrats to our summer school students who recently graduated at Marshall High School on Tuesday, August 1.

Annandale Admin Team Attends Equity Symposium 2023: On July 25, the Annandale Administrative Team attended the FCPS summer equity symposium at Herndon High School. This year’s theme, Forward Fearlessly, encapsulated the idea that we must continue to advance in our equity work to ensure learning for all students. The symposium kicked off with a powerful keynote delivered by Dr. Ma’asehyahu Isra-Ul, FCPS’ Coordinator of K-12 Social Studies in Instructional Services. In Dr. Isra-Ul’s speech, Fearless: Moving Forward When Standing Still Comes Naturally, he stressed the importance of not allowing discomfort to impede advocating for social justice and what’s best for students. Next, students in SEALS presented a TED talk on providing equitable access to technology for all kids. The symposium concluded with breakout sessions focused on closing the achievement gap, embracing inclusive practices, and meeting our students where they are while also providing rigorous learning experiences.
Principal DeRose Hosts Student/Parent Information Sessions: Thank you to the students and parents who joined Principal Shawn DeRose on Thursday to discuss the upcoming school year. If you weren’t able to attend, we will host our next session this Wednesday at Chick-fil-A Annandale at 11:30am.
SOL Boot Camp A Success! This summer, we had almost 100 students attend a WorkKeys or SOL Remediation Bootcamp. Over 53% of these students made significant progress towards graduation by earning a verified credit. Students who did not meet the criteria for verified credits will continue to receive remediation support when we return to school next month and have the opportunity to test again in September. We are proud of all the students who participated in our summer WorkKeys or SOL Remediation Bootcamp and appreciate the hard work and determination of our staff and students.
Important Information
Salad Bar Coming to Annandale HS! A salad bar is being added to the lunch line this year! The salad bar will offer a variety of nutritious choices every day and encourage students to consistently build meals based on a foundation of colorful fruits and vegetables. Science-based research proves that changing fresh food access and availability in school settings has a direct correlation to wellness. Check out the Salad Bar flyer for more information.
New Epinephrine Authorization Form: FCPS has updated its Epinephrine Authorization form and will be requiring the new form for 2023-24 school year. This form aligns with updated guidance from the Virginia Department of Health. If you have any questions about this new form, please contact the school public health nurse, Katherine Estrada.
News from the Activities Office
Check out the latest information from the Activities Office in their weekly newsletter. In addition, learn more about Annandale High School Athletics and Activities by visiting their website or the AHS Athletics Twitter page. Please email Brandon Sutphin if you have any questions.
Check out the new Atoms Booster Club Newsletter! Check it out here! The Atoms Booster Club is a group of committed supporters who are dedicated to enhancing the experiences of students at Annandale High School. The Boosters are devoted to supporting the school's athletic programs by providing financial assistance to the teams, helping with sports events, and most importantly cheering on the athletes at games. We are always looking for new members to join our team. If you are interested in getting involved and aren’t a member, please visit to join.
August 10 - Fall Sports Pictures: Fall sports pictures will be taken throughout the day on Thursday, August 10. If you’re interested in ordering pictures, go online to Legacy Studios Events and enter the school code, 4542E24. Here you may view and order team and individual pictures of your athlete. Please allow 5 days after picture day before trying to access your images. If the images have not been uploaded to the site yet, when entering that code you'll receive a 'Gallery not found' notification. For more information, please reach out to your coach.
It's Not Too Late To Play a Fall Sport! Last week we welcomed back student athletes from Football, Field Hockey, Volleyball, Golf, Cross Country, Cheerleading, Dance, and Band. It was great to see so many familiar and new faces in the gym and on the fields. If you weren’t able to make it to our first week of Fall Sports tryouts and practices, there is still time to join! The following teams are still open to new athletes coming out and no experience is necessary:
Fall Sports Physicals and Registration: To participate in marching band or a fall sport, students need to complete a VHSL physical form and register online. Here is the link to the physical form that must be completed by a doctor. To register online, click here. Directions can be found here - English and Spanish. Once you have completed the Physical Form, turn in the form at the Activities Office. The office is open every day from 9:00am-2:00pm. Questions, email Bryan Harris at
For last minute physicals, visit local CVS minute clinics and urgent care facilities below.
CVS Minute Clinic Locations
- 3921 Prosperity Ave, Fairfax, VA
- 7205 Little River Turnpike, Annandale, VA
Progressive Urgent and Primary Care
- 7306 Maple Pl, Annandale, VA
News from the PTSA
PTSA Membership for the 2022-23 School Year: The Annandale High School PTSA is committed to helping our students and community. Together, we sponsor many programs and activities for our students, parents, and staff, including teacher grants, community outreach events, AHS Food Pantry, All Night Grad Celebration, Senior Scholarships, and more! Please consider joining for the 2023-2024 school year by filling out the online Membership Form. For more information about membership visit the Annandale PTSA website.
Annandale PTSA Pantry: Our summer produce pop up is offered on Sunday's throughout the summer from 3:00-4:00pm. The schedule can be found below or by clicking on this link. Looking ahead to next year, we will be partnering with Food for Neighbors to help stock our shelves. Please sign up to be a red bag donor. It is as easy as 1, 2, 3! Just sign up to be a red bag donor. Fill the red bag with the list provided by email of full-sized items needed. Then, put the red bag outside your door by 8:30am on the donation days.