LCES Updates 5/6/23: Teacher Appreciation Week, SOL Tests, Family Picnic, Field Day, and more!

This week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week. More details are in the attached flier.

Thank Your Teachers

This coming week, we will celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week to honor the talent, commitment, and care demonstrated by teachers throughout the year. We have so much to be thankful for and to celebrate!

Together with our PTA, we have planned a week of activities which you can see in this flier. We invite all to join us in honoring the partnerships that support the growth and success of our children. 

May Calendar

May Events

  • May 2 - 31 -- SOL Testing. See schedule and details in message below.
  • May 14 -- Mother's Day
  • May 25 -- Lees Corner Family Picnic
  • May 26 -- Parent Input Forms due
  • May 29 -- Memorial Day holiday. Schools Closed.

Solo and Ensemble shout out

Sole & Ensemble Shout Out

Congratulations to Lees Corner musicians for a great showing in the District XII Solo & Ensemble Festival! 24 strings musicians earned medals at the event for Excellent and Superior performances! It was our first live Solo and Ensemble in a few years and while some musicians went in a little nervous, they ALL came out with big smiles from their successful performances.

SOL testing will take place in May in grades 3-6. The calendar is available using the link below.

SOL Testing Calendar

This month, students in grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 are taking Standards of Learning (SOL) online tests in Reading and Math. In addition, 5th grade students will also take a Science test. These tests will be given online, and you can see the calendar here.

This coming week students who were absent for the reading test will take a makeup test and all 5th graders will take the Science test on Wednesday the 10th.

Makeup Days for Absent Students

Monday, May 8th - 5th and 6th grade students will take the Reading Test.

Tuesday May 9th - 3rd and 4th grade students will take the Reading Test.

The Lees Corner Family Picnic is scheduled for Thursday, May 25th from 5 to 7 PM.

Lees Corner Family Event

We are so excited about our upcoming Lees Corner Family Night on Thursday, May 25th from 5:00 - 7:00 PM.

This event is fun for the WHOLE family. There will be a wellness walk, wellness activities, food trucks, and more. This event will be hosted on the school blacktop and field. You are welcome to bring your own picnic dinner and blanket to sit, eat, enjoy, and mingle. We hope to see you there!

This week, your child took home a flyer with information about the event. You can find the digital copy here.

Parents received an email on Thursday with a link to the parent input form.

Parent Input Forms

Lees Corner is a happy, healthy place to learn and grow!

We invite parents to share information regarding your child’s/children's needs and the type of learning and growing environment that works best for your child(ren) by completing a Parent Input Form. Every family received an email on Thursday containing a link to the Parent Input Form.

Please complete one form per child.

All forms due back no later than Friday, May 26th

Field Day will be held on Friday, June 2nd. Please sign up to volunteer for this event.

Field Day Fun!

Field Day will be here before you know it and we need your help to make this day a great one for all of our students. Please consider being a volunteer! You may use the link below to sign up. 

Date: Friday June 2nd

Fun Fit Friday will NOT be held on this day and will be rescheduled for Friday, June 9th.


  • Grades 4-6   9 am -11 am
  • Grades  1 -3   1 pm- 3 pm

Volunteer link:

Chantilly Boys Basketball Camp

In late June, there will be a basketball camp for boys at Chantilly High School. If you are interested, you can find all the information you need in this flier.

Community Newsletter

Community Resources for Families

Click here to read our latest community newsletter with information on resources to support families. 

multilingual parent information phone numbers

Parent Information Line Available in 8 Languages

Parents who speak Amharic, Arabic, Chinese, Farsi, Korean, Spanish, Urdu, or Vietnamese can call a telephone information line for general information about FCPS and to receive support if they are having difficulty communicating with their children's schools due to a language barrier.

Know a Super Staff Member?

Let FCPS Know About It!

recognize super staff at Lees Corner by submitting their name and their story to FCPS Cares

Do you want to celebrate a LCES employee who does ordinary things in an extraordinary way, or goes beyond what is expected? If so, then click here to share with everyone.