Haycock Hello 3.27.23


Dear Haycock Families,

Thank you to the many parents who attended the Parent Coffee last Monday.  Here are the slides we presented.  See additional information regarding understanding VGA scores for our students in grades 3-6 below. Our next Parent Coffee will be Tuesday, April 18.

If your family is planning to travel or attend large gatherings during spring break, and you would like to ensure your child is healthy before returning to school, please contact Yujin Choi at ychoi2@fcps.edu to obtain a test kit in advance of spring break. Please note, testing is NOT required for students to return to school after break. However, you may want to test your student if they are symptomatic or have been exposed to someone with COVID-19. Kits will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. 

🌷 We wish our students and teachers a happy and restful Spring Break!. Students will return to school on Monday, April 10, 2023. 

With appreciation for your partnership,

Liz Beaty, Principal  embeaty@fcps.edu  

Heather Boyd, AP  HABoyd@fcps.edu 

Jody Delaney, AP jmdelaney@fcps.edu

Important Upcoming Dates

Wednesday, March 29- Author Visit for K and 1st grade (Jaqueline Jules) 

Wednesday, March 29- PTA Meeting (virtual) at 7:00 pm- Zoom link below

Friday, March 31- Author Visit for grades 2-6 (Elliott Smith)

April 3-7- Spring Break for Students and Staff

Thursday, April 13- 3rd Quarter ends, 2 hour early dismissal at 2:05 for students 

Thursday, April 13- Kingergarten Orientation 3:15-4:15 p.m.

Friday, April 14- Student holiday, teacher workday

April 17 and 18- 4th grade field trip to the Woodson HS Planetarium 

Tuesday, April 18- Parent Coffee at 9:30 in the cafeteria- "FCPS AAP Approach and Why"

Wednesday, April 19- Purple Up Day- wear purple to honor students of military families 

Thursday, April 20- 5th grade field trip to Natural History Museum

Friday, April 21- Holiday- no school  

 FCPS School Calendar for 2022-23 

Spring Break

Spring Break is April 3-7. 

The office will be closed Monday and Tuesday, April 3 and 4. It will be open from 9:00-1:00 Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, April 5-7.  

March PTA Meeting- March 29

Our next PTA meeting is this Wednesday at 7pm.  Please join us to hear updates from both our Executive Committee and the Haycock Admin team.  We hope you can make it! 

Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83481815887?pwd=UlpFQ3hJTllZZjdjRE9HZGdSZG9EUT09

PTA Summer Opportunities at Haycock

Great news from the PTA: We are able to offer TWO different summer camps at Haycock this summer: Overtime Athletics and Discover Learning Center. Both are great programs.

Please see the flyers below for camp and registration information. Space is limited, so be sure to sign up ASAP!

Overtime Athletics flyer here

Discover Learning Center flyer here

Camp 1: Overtime Athletics https://otamanage.azurewebsites.net/office/nova Camp 2: Discover Learning Center https://www.discoverlearningva.com/

Family-Facing Curriculum for Core Content Being Added to Public FCPS Website

The curriculum overviews and unit standards from the planning and pacing guides have been posted on the FCPS public web and shared with the School Board.  The goal is to provide families a comprehensive overview of what students are learning and when they are learning it.

An introductory paragraph on each grade level or course page includes the following statements: “The objectives and outcomes for each unit are common across FCPS and based on the Virginia Standards of Learning. The pacing by quarter and by week provides an example of how the curriculum can be organized throughout the year. Teacher teams may adjust the pacing or order of units to best meet the needs of students.”

Information will be updated at the start of each school year to reflect curriculum updates. To access the grade level and/or course web pages directly, first search for the level within the Academics page, select grade level or content, and click on Year at a Glance. 

Preparations for the 2023-24 School Year 

If your child won't be returning to Haycock next year:

Please complete this form (not for our 6th graders moving on to Longfellow)

Student's Intention for 2023-24

If you have an incoming Kindergarten student: 

  • Complete this form: registration form
  • Our registrar, Yujin Choi, will contact you to set up an appointment
  • Attend our Kindergarten Orientation on Thursday, April 13, 3:15-4:15 (for parents and incoming students) Complete this google form to sign up. for our K Orientation. This will an in person event at Haycock.  

Understanding Virginia Growth Assessment (VGA) Reports

Grade 3-8 students across Virginia took VGA tests in fall and winter of 2022-23. FCPS mailed score reports to families earlier this month that combine Fall and Winter results. When viewing students’ scores, it is important to keep in mind that there is no “passing” or “failing” for VGA tests and that each vertical scaled score reflects performance on a single day. VGA results should be used alongside other available data for a more complete picture of students’ academic progress. Also keep in mind that the VGA asks questions from the entire curriculum, including some standards that will not be taught until later in the school year.  Last but not least, the VGA is an adaptive assessment.  Thus, many times students will progress to more difficult levels which impacts the scoring as well. The VDOE will release more information soon.

The FCPS VGA Score Reports webpage now includes a section on Understanding VGA Results, featuring Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ). This section will continue to be updated throughout the spring to address incoming questions and to reflect additional state guidance as it is released. 


Marymount University STEM Event

April 22 from 10:00-11:30 a.m.

For students PK to 9th grade 

Free for all

See information flyer here 

Pre-Order your Haycock Yearbook

You can pre-order a 2022-2023 yearbook now by going to the link below.  Credit card, debit card and PayPal payment methods are accepted. Yearbooks will be delivered the last week of school in June.  

www.yearbookforever.com. Search for “Haycock,” click “Shop the store,” and select "2023 yearbook"


Inspirigirl is a nonprofit group run by TJ students that provides free computer science classes, workshops,and events for students with a focus on encouraging girls to participate in computer science. 

They will be holidng their free spring virtual computer classes in April and May.  Here is a flyer with more information and the registration link:   linktr.ee/springregistration 

For more information see this website


FCPS Cares 

The FCPS CARES Program is an opportunity for parents, staff, and community members to recognize FCPS employees for going above and beyond to help others and show they care. We invite you to submit your story, so we can all acknowledge the good work of FCPS employees at Haycock ES. We love our Haycock staff members- let's tell them how we feel!

FCPS Cares



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