Westlawn Family Message - Sunday, April 19, 2020

Westlawn Sunday Family Message

April 19, 2020

Keeping Westlawn Families Informed

~ Sincerely Linda Ferguson~

Spirit Week

Please join our entire Falls Church Pyramid of Schools for a Virtual Spirit Week April 20-24. Please post pictures on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram with the hastag #WEAREFC Thank you to Falls Church High School for organizing this event.

 Distance Learning Resumes Monday, April 20

Dear Westlawn Families,

We remain hopeful that upgrades to Blackboard will be successful and the Blackboard 24/7 system will be able to accommodate all the FCPS users.

Blackboard and FCPS personnel have worked throughout the weekend to make the necessary upgrades to the FCPS 24-7 system to bring students back to a safer, more stable online environment. 

The teachers and I are cautiously optimistic that the Blackboard 24/7 system will be operational on Monday, April 20. As part of the new security measures, your child will need to:

  • Login to FCPS 24/7 Learning with his or her username and password.
  • Select "Courses". 
  • Select "Westlawn Distance Learning Blackboard Site".  
  • Look for red tab “Classroom Sessions” on the left of the page.
  • Select the teacher or grade level. 

Remind your child to use the same log in that she or he uses when signing onto MyOn or Dreambox. This will be familiar to them.

If Blackboard is unable to provide a reliable operating system on Monday, April 20, your child’s teacher will communicate with you in the morning by 8:45 with alternative learning plans.

The teachers and I are very much looking forward to re-connecting with your children.

Sincerely, Linda Ferguson, Principal


Online Reading Resources

Westlawn teachers are going above and beyond to help our students access materials. They've created these two videos. Here are two links to videos on how to access MyOn in Spanish and Westlawn Library eBooks. Westlawn has over 5,000 eBooks.

MyOn Tutorial Video in Spanish: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inHU4fGfco4

Westlawn Library eBooks Tutorial Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unUShkdVv9M&t=106s 

Online Learning For Students:

Information Sheets

The FCPS ESOL Department is sharing the link (below) that has directions, in Arabic, Chinese, English, Korean, Spanish and Urdu on how to access FCPS 24/7 Blackboard, Blackboard Collaborate, and FCPS Gmail. 

Click here for the English Document.

Direct Link: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AnjUbGQvOqOae_a7hZfApk4y-cMnyDyRyj0c4guedaE/edit?pli=1#


Dates to Remember:

April 20-April 24th: Falls Church Pyramid Virtual Spirit Week

April 20th: FC Pyramid Spirit Day: Pajama Day

April 21st: FC Pyramid Spirit Day: Tacky Tourist Day

April 22nd:  FC Pyramid Spirit Day: Jersey and Athletic-Wear Day

April 23rd:  FC Pyramid Spirit Day: Character Dress Up Day

April 24th:  FC Pyramid Spirit Day: #WEAREFC Spirit

Stay up-to-date with the latest Coronavirus Updates. The Updates include the information below.


I hope you continue to stay safe, remain healthy and stay positive in spirit. We encourage you to practice social distancing and healthy habits. Thank you for your continuing support. Embrace hope!

With appreciation ~Linda Ferguson