(Correction is to the ‘Restoration of Annual Leave’ link in the 2nd paragraph of the memo)
Please share the following information with the Office of Human Resources (HR) at your agency. Specifically, please share this information with Human Capital Officers, Human Resources Officers, and servicing HR office team members.
In the past few years, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) issued memorandums on “Annual Leave Restoration Procedures” due to certain circumstances that allowed for more than normal exigency of the public business, and pandemic responses, for purposes of annual leave restoration for employees. This year, no such memo will be forthcoming, but instead, agencies are encouraged to refer to the Restoration of Annual Leave (1) fact sheet for information on the regular process for restoration of annual leave.
In place of individual approvals being sent to the Payroll Operations Division (POD), and to ease manual processing, we will again utilize an automated method to restore leave for the leave year 2022. The agencies will execute a Datamart query to identify 2022 forfeited leave data, as detailed in the attachment “Guidance on Executing a Datamart Query/Instructions on Returning Restored Annual Leave Data”. This attachment detail states that submissions should not be any lower than Sub-Bureau, but please consolidate at whatever higher level is appropriate for your agency.
As a reminder, if any employees on the query are serviced by a Servicing Personnel Office (SPO) outside your Bureau, it is the agency point of contact’s responsibility to coordinate with the SPO for any restored leave. When the approved restored leave data is returned to us for processing, we expect the agencies to do the appropriate certification approvals, per all applicable restoration guidance and regulations. Agencies will need to provide a statement that authorizes us to restore the leave, and the approved data to process, no later than April 3, 2023. Spreadsheets not returned by April 3, 2023, or in an improper format where correction is requested of the agency, may take up to two (2) to three (3) additional Pay Periods to process and will be processed after all other files received on time are processed.
As a result of this automated process, it is imperative that agencies do not submit the A-34 form, Request for Restoration of Forfeited Annual Leave fillable form, or a spreadsheet with multiple requests for manual processing to the Payroll Operations Branch. As a reminder, if annual leave needs to be restored for individuals as a result of separations, transfers, or retirements, prior to restored annual leave files being processed, it is essential that these requests are emailed with the appropriate A-34 form to Rebecca Romero and Scott Jackson, at the emails provided below. Note: To avoid duplicate requests for restored leave being received, please do not include those individuals on the query spreadsheet(s) returned to the POD for processing.
Employees should not contact the Customer Support Center or the POD, they should only contact their SPO. FPPS User Group Representatives should feel free to contact the below individuals with any specific questions:
- Christine Zertuche-Rocha, Chief, Payroll Operations Division, at 303-969-7739 or christine_l_zertuche@ibc.doi.gov
- Lisa Puente, Deputy, Payroll Operations Division, at 303-969-7739 or lisa_puente@ibc.doi.gov
- Rebecca Romero, Chief, Payroll Operations Branch, at 303-969-7450 or rebecca_n_romero@ibc.doi.gov
- Scott Jackson, Chief, Systems Analysis and Client Support Branch, at 303-969-7372 or scott_l_jackson@ibc.doi.gov