Message From AmeriCorps Seniors
Dear colleagues,
It's AmeriCorps Week! We are celebrating our members and volunteers for their dedication to service and the lasting impact they have on communities nationwide. AmeriCorps Seniors also wants to take this moment to recognize our project directors and coordinators. We appreciate how you uplift your volunteers' efforts and achievements all year. We also acknowledge and appreciate your service. We see how you go above and beyond to support your volunteer stations, acknowledge your community partners, and assist older Americans while fostering the next generation of public servants. Thank you for all that you do!
Since March is Women’s History Month, we want to acknowledge the achievements of the 105,170 women who served in our programs in 2024. The women in AmeriCorps Seniors programs exemplify the spirit of service and reflect the qualities of countless women who have served throughout history in times of turmoil and peace. These women are pillars of their communities, leaders within their families, and selfless individuals who prioritize the needs of others. Thank you for your continued efforts to support and uplift them.
We recognize that change is challenging. We are taking all necessary actions as directed by the Executive Order and Executive Memoranda, and we will continue to operate in a manner that ensures alignment with the Trump-Vance Administration.
Once again, thank you for your efforts and the combined efforts of the volunteers you support in your communities.
In service, The AmeriCorps Seniors Staff
Training Corner
Upcoming Trainings
Join the following upcoming trainings to gain valuable insight into managing your AmeriCorps Seniors grant. These sessions will provide essential tools and strategies to support successful program management and implementation.
AmeriCorps Seniors Grantee Essentials TTA:
Fiscal Year 2025 Quarter Four Continuation and Renewal Training:
Centralized Recruitment Unit:
Rural and Native Recruitment: Wednesday, March 19, 2 p.m. ET
Recruitment Policies, Procedures, and Supporting Agency Resources: Wednesday, April 16, 2 p.m. ET
Social Media Best Practices/ Branding Guides Resources: Wednesday, May 21, 2 p.m. ET
Engaging with Accepted Members Prior to Service: Wednesday, June 18, at 2 p.m. ET
National Service Criminal History Check:
Truescreen Viewing Results and Documenting Adjudication: Wednesday, March 19, 1:30 p.m. ET
Policy, Poli-Do!: Wednesday, March 26, 1 p.m. ET
Truescreen Office Hours: Wednesday, April 9, 2 p.m. ET
General Office Hours: Wednesday, May 14, at 1 p.m. ET
Quarterly Tour for New Recipient Staff: Wednesday, June 11, at 1 p.m. ET
Missed a training or want to explore the full schedule? Check out the FY 2025 AmeriCorps Seniors Events Schedule. The schedule provides a complete list of trainings, registration links, recordings, presentations, and other materials.
Monthly Spotlight on Training Resources
This month, we are highlighting Performance Measures and Work Plans from the February 2025 Grantee Essentials Training and Technical Assistance call.
This recording provides a tour of Appendix B: Performance Measure Instructions and shares tips and examples to build a solid work plan. The presentation materials, including sample work plans are posted to Litmos under “Additional References”. Note: If you are using the direct link, you must first log in to Litmos, then click the link to the course.
For technical support, to request access, or if you need assistance accessing these pages using assistive technology, email:
Program Updates and Requirements
Fiscal Year 2025 Continuations and Renewals for Quarter Four Grants
Quarter Four Fiscal Year 2025 Updates:
- Review the message then review the application narratives for non-compliant activities and language. Pay close attention to section E selection criteria as both continuations and renewals have narrative requirements.
Update Monday, March 10, 2025: Executive Order Compliance Certification in section E.1.d.iv. is no longer included in the notice as a requirement. Please continue to work with your Portfolio Manager to ensure applications are updated as necessary.
- Keep in close communication with your portfolio manager throughout this process; they are available to answer questions and assist.
- Amended notices are now available on the AmeriCorps website under Grantee Resources
Applications are due by Friday, March 21, 5 p.m. ET
Please review your program’s Appendix A to verify your funding amount and minimum number of volunteer service years.
Reporting Requirements
For reporting deadlines, review your grant's program-specific terms and conditions (see the section titled “Reporting Requirements”):
Reports will be made available in eGrants 90 days before the due date. If the option to enter report data is not available in eGrants, please reach out to your portfolio manager.
Current Reports Due: AmeriCorps Seniors RSVP Quarter Three Grants:
- Federal Financial Report: Due Wednesday, April 30.
- Project Progress Report Annual: Due Wednesday, April 30.
For instructions on the project progress report and federal financial report, visit your program's grantee resources section, select “submit a progress report” or “submit a Federal Financial Report” as the action, then click “apply” to show the resources.
AmeriCorps Seniors Operations Handbooks
Litmos Trainings for Reporting
2025 Income Guidelines
The 2025 AmeriCorps Seniors Income Guidelines for the Foster Grandparent and Senior Companion programs are posted to grantee pages.
Data in Action
AmeriCorps Seniors is currently conducting a program-wide "Impact Study" (formerly the “COVID Effects Study”) to gather crucial insights on how AmeriCorps Seniors projects impact their volunteers, beneficiaries, and communities they serve. We recently updated the title of the study to reflect its broader purpose, beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. This evaluation will help AmeriCorps Seniors better prepare to support and engage volunteers and serve communities during future national emergencies and times of crisis. We thank the directors and grantees that are actively engaging in collecting data, but we still need more participation to make this study a success.
JBS International is reaching out to select programs to collect information for the study. Program participation is essential to complete this study! We thank you in advance for your time and engagement in helping us complete this important research. Please let JBS know if you have any questions or need any assistance, they are here to help.
Selected programs who have not yet submitted any current volunteer surveys or volunteer station surveys should also look for a reminder email from AmeriCorps Seniors this week.
Elder Justice Corner
From our colleagues at the Federal Trade Commission.
If you’re filing your taxes online this year, watch for signs of tax identity theft, like someone using your Social Security number to file and claim a tax refund. One way you’ll know is if the IRS rejects your tax return once you file. Learn to protect yourself while filing online and what to do if someone steals your tax refund.
Protect your accounts by using two-factor authentication. Requiring two or more credentials to log in makes it harder for scammers to get into your account, even if they get your username and password. And always file early, if you can — before anyone else files using your personal information.
But even if you’re careful, someone might still use your Social Security number to steal your refund. Now, if the IRS rejects the tax return you submitted online or through a tax preparer, it could just mean missing or incorrect information. But if the IRS says there’s more than one tax return filed in your name, or they see income from an employer you know you don’t work for, that’s identity theft. Don’t panic — but do act quickly to communicate with the IRS. Here’s how:
- Report it to using as many details as possible. The site will create an FTC Identity Theft Report, an IRS Identity Theft Affidavit, and a personal recovery plan.
- Submit your IRS Identity Theft Affidavit through This tells the IRS to begin investigating your case. Or get the Identity Theft Affidavit (IRS Form 14039) and submit it by mail.
- Follow the steps in your personal recovery plan — like freezing your credit and checking your credit reports — to limit the damage identity theft causes.
Share with friends and loved ones to help them protect their personal information and stay ahead of identity thieves.
New Public Service Announcements
We’re excited to share that the new public service announcement are now available on YouTube. Our new public service announcement spots aim to increase awareness and understanding of our diverse ecosystem of programs and highlight the incredible work our volunteers do every day. There are individual spots for each program and each program has a 15-second, 30-second, and 60-second version in both English and Spanish on YouTube. Please share them widely. If you want to pitch a PSA spot to your local television station, we have an AmeriCorps Seniors Public Service Announcements press kit to make it as easy as possible. Please reach out if you have any questions.
Promotional Items
AmeriCorps Seniors offers a variety of branded items for grantees through the AmeriCorps Promotional Items website. Grantees can order branded banners, buttons, and other promotional materials to assist with recruitment efforts. These items are available at no cost to the grantee, but there is a limit on the maximum quantity for each item. You may purchase additional branded items at the Official AmeriCorps Gear Webstore. Thank you for promoting AmeriCorps Seniors!