With you, with the child. Every step of the way.
Broadcast for Early Years and childcare providers in West Sussex from West Sussex County Council - Early Help Service
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Monday 29 June 2020
We hope you managed to find some time to rest over the weekend. With restrictions set to ease further this coming Saturday 4 July, we will be looking out for changes in guidance that may have any impact on the early years and childcare sector, to keep you as up to date as we can.
This week's DfE data capture for the numbers of children currently accessing early years provision is now open, and will close at the end of Wednesday (midnight). Please use this link to complete your return.
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme - errors when claiming
There is new information available relating to any errors when claiming through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS):
- If you have made an error in a claim that has resulted in an overclaimed amount, you must pay this back to HMRC.
- If you are making another claim then you can tell HMRC about an overclaimed amount as part of this. When you make your next claim you will be asked whether you need to reduce the amount to take account of a previous overclaim. Your new claim amount will be reduced to reflect the overclaimed amount and you should keep a record of this adjustment for 6 years.
- If you have overclaimed and you do not plan to submit any further claims then you should contact HMRC to let them know about your error and find out how to pay back any overclaimed amounts. Once you have contacted them you will be given a payment reference number and directed to make a payment.
- If you have made an error that has resulted in an underclaimed amount, you should contact HMRC to amend your claim. As you are increasing the amount of your claim, they will need to conduct additional checks.
Autumn Term Free Entitlement Estimates
Please can we remind you that the Online Provider Portal is open for you to submit your Autumn term estimates for Free Entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 Year Olds:
- Headcount Day for Autumn term is 17 September 2020
- The deadline for estimate submissions is 3 July 2020
If you are unsure how many children will be accessing an FE place during Autumn term Headcount week, you must submit your estimate claim based on fully completed and signed Parent Declaration forms. Please note, electronic signatures up until 30 September 2020 can be accepted during COVID-19 using this Word version of the Free Entitlement Parent Declaration form. When it comes to submitting your actuals claim in September you will be able to adjust your claim to reflect the actual hours attended by children.
If your setting is closed, you will have already submitted your COVID-19 Recovery Plan (as requested in the broadcast on Monday 15 June) and your Autumn term estimate payment will be subject to these being reviewed. Your Early Years and Childcare Advisor will contact you to support you to overcome any barriers you have identified to re-opening. This process is being put in place in order for us to be able to meet our sufficiency duty and to satisfy ourselves that public funds are being used appropriately. In exceptional circumstances, and when all other options have been exhausted, local authorities may consider using their flexibility to redistribute FE funding in a clearly focused and targeted way from providers who have closed. We will use your COVID-19 Recovery Plan to identify where support can be given to you to re-open and support your long-term sustainability as well as ensure that families have access to sufficient childcare.
You can access our quick and easy Estimate video guide, or refer to the Estimate help guide PDF version. If you have any questions, please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk or phone the Family Information Service on 01243 777807.
Public Health flowchart
Public Health England South East Health Protection Team have updated their flowchart providing guidance on the management of COVID-19.
Broadband boost for rural businesses
Small and medium-sized businesses in rural areas of West Sussex can now benefit from the fastest and most reliable broadband connectivity if they choose to ‘go gigabit’.
County, District and Borough Councils in West Sussex have worked together to jointly invest in topping up the Government’s Gigabit Broadband Voucher Scheme to enable it to go further. Now rural eligible premises can claim up to £4,000 each towards the installation cost of gigabit-capable broadband, when part of a group of premises. Read a full article about the scheme and check your eligibility.
Please inform the Family Information Service if your current operating status changes. Email family.info.service@westsussex.gov.uk and include your setting name, Ofsted URN, the date you intend to close/open, and any changes to your operating hours. If you inform us of re-opening, you will be reinstated on the public list and appear on our website www.westsussex.gov.uk/fis.
If you are have not been able to open at this time, you should already have submitted a COVID-19 Recovery Plan and sent a copy by email to the FIS. This is so that we can look at the barriers you have identified and support you to re-open as soon as practicable. If we have not received your plan, you will be contacted by your EYCA to support you further.
All providers please complete a short online survey, once a week. The link to the survey is different each time. A link will be provided in each Monday broadcast, and the survey will be open for three full days each week from Monday to Wednesday, closing at midnight on the Wednesday. The latest link to the survey is also available on our website.
If a family you know are struggling to ensure they have food for their family, collect medication, or are in need of any additional support, contact West Sussex County Council Community hub.
#58 26 June (FE Parent Declaration Form - Word version)
#57 24 June (updated FE Briefing Note, updates on OOS and HPS provision, Inclusion funding, safeguarding is everyone's business)
#56 22 June (changes to data capture, FE estimates open, Paediatric First Aid)
#55 19 June (Transitions, funding temporary children, updated Gov.UK guidance, termly update process, FAQs updated)
#54 17 June (Free Entitlement Summer term payments, updated Safe Working guidance, Change4Life shake ups)
We have a range of online training available for you to access for your staff to ensure they have the most up to date information to support them in their role: