With you, with the child. Every step of the way.
Broadcast for Early Years and childcare providers in West Sussex from West Sussex County Council - Early Help Service
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Wednesday 17 June 2020
As the week progresses we hope you all continue to be safe and well. We do not underestimate the time and energy that goes into running your provision, especially during these ever changing and challenging times, and thank you for the dedication so many have shown.
This week's DfE data capture for the numbers of children currently accessing early years provision closes at midnight. Please use this link to complete your return, if you have not already done so.
Free Entitlement for 2, 3 and 4 year olds - Summer Term Payments
Please be advised that Summer term payments have now been released for:
- Free Entitlement actuals where there are no outstanding queries.
- Disability Access Fund (DAF) for all approved applications where evidence was provided.
Please note, payments can take 3-5 working days to show in your account.
If you completed the ‘COVID-19 Headcount’ form to let us know about children in attendance on a temporary basis up to 1 June, please be advised that you will be notified of outcomes shortly. Adjustment payments are being processed to ensure you have not lost funding in cases where FE places were provided that were not covered by your existing funding. Thank you for your ongoing patience whilst we work hard to process these additional payments.
The Online Provider Portal is now closed for Summer term submissions, but you can still log back in to view your payment summary. Please refer to the guidance available to show you how to check www.westsussex.gov.uk/ecsportal. If you have any queries please email free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk.
Updated Safe Working guidance
The guidance Safe working in education, childcare and children’s social care settings, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) was updated on 16 June.
The main changes to the guidance are to:
- reflect recent changes on eligibility and access to testing;
- clarify that there are no additional PPE requirements because of COVID-19 for first aid, or for non-symptomatic children who present behaviours which may increase the risk of droplet transmission or who require care that cannot be provided without close hands-on contact; and
- only refer to cleaning non-healthcare settings guidance in relation to cleaning following a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 and not in relation to regular, routine cleaning as part of an effective hierarchy of controls.
Ten minute shake ups
Change4Life and Disney have teamed up again to bring you new Shake Up games inspired by Toy Story 4, Incredibles 2, The Lion King and Frozen. A useful resource for settings to do with children to keep active, these 10-minute bursts of fun will really get kids moving.
Please inform the Family Information Service if your current operating status changes. Email family.info.service@westsussex.gov.uk and include your setting name, Ofsted URN, the date you intend to close/open, and any changes to your operating hours. If you inform us of re-opening, you will be reinstated on the public list and appear on our website www.westsussex.gov.uk/fis.
If you are unable to re-open at this time, please complete a Recovery Plan and send a copy by email to family.info.service@westsussex.gov.uk with your setting name and 'Recovery Plan' in the subject. This is so that we can look at the barriers you have identified and support you to re-open as soon as practicable.
All providers please complete a short online survey, once a week. The link to the survey is different each time. A link will be provided in each Monday broadcast, and the survey will be open for three full days each week from Monday to Wednesday, closing at midnight on the Wednesday. The latest link to the survey is also available on our website.
If a family you know are struggling to ensure they have food for their family, collect medication, or are in need of any additional support, contact West Sussex County Council Community hub.
#53 15 June (Numbers currently accessing, ICON, recovery plans, CJRS)
#52 12 June (Maternity/Paternity furlough, HPS, notifying DfE, Business recovery webinar, PFA)
#51 10 June (CJRS deadline today, statement re OOS provision, transitions booklet, infant mental health awareness)
#50 8 June (updated FAQs/guidance, PPE, EH Services, family activities, insurance)
#49 5 June (Responsibilities, Recovery Plan template, Inclusion, OSC, protective measures, Discretionary Fund)
We have a range of online training available for you to access for your staff to ensure they have the most up to date information to support them in their role:
- 15 June - Summer Term FE Actuals payments released (week commencing)
- 22 June - Autumn Term FE Estimates submission open
- 03 July - Autumn Term FE Estimates submission close
- 13 July - Autumn Term FE Estimates payments released (week commencing)