Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Early Childhood Service Weekly Broadcast

Part of Integrated Prevention and Earliest Help (IPEH)

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Wednesday 7 June 2017

Please note that the article below that appeared in yesterday's broadcast has been amended

2. Important Messages for Parents plus 30 hours Promotional Materials 

We will be sending out Extended Free Entitlement (30 Hours Free Childcare) promotional items for settings to promote the scheme to parents. Each Free Entitlement setting will be able to access the following items from their local Children and Family Centre from June 26 onwards:

  • 30 Hours Postcards x 50 each for Setting (Day Nursery/Pre-School Playgroup) (10 for Childminders)
  • 30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare flyers x 30 for each Setting (10 for Chilminders)
  • A4 30 Hours poster x 1 for each FE provider

Please contact your local Children and Family Centre prior to collecting to check that your pack is available. Find your local centre: www.westsussex.gov.uk/cfc

Each of the 30 Hours and Tax-Free Childcare flyers should be inserted into the FIS FE leaflet. If you require more FE leaflets or more allocation of 30 Hours promotional items, please contact free.entitlement@westsussex.gov.uk specifying how many you require.

Please remember to encourage eligible parents to apply as soon as possible. Only applications approved by HMRC before 31 August 2017, if the child is also age appropriate, will start receiving Extended Free Entitlement at the beginning of the Autumn term. If parents (who would be eligible from Autumn term) apply after this date they will not receive funding until January 2018 (Spring term).