Tourism Industry Update
Minister for Social Partnership
Following the recent changes to the Welsh Government’s Cabinet, Hannah Blythyn MS has said:
"I am really pleased to have been appointed by the new First Minister as the Minister for Social Partnership, with key responsibilities that include tourism, hospitality and the creative industries within the broader Economy portfolio.
“I wanted to take this early opportunity to reach out and introduce myself to the many tourism and hospitality businesses, attractions, events, organisations and individuals working in this important sector.
"Like you, I know what a wonderful country Wales is with so much offer – a place of adventures, outstanding landscapes, exceptional experiences, fabulous food and drink and much more. As a Senedd Member from north Wales, who grew up in the area I now live and represent and spent many a holiday at the family caravan on Ynys Môn, I’ve seen and supported this first hand.
“I look forward to visiting a wide range of places and speaking to people right across Wales over the coming months - working together in our collective interest and ambition for our country.”
More information about Welsh Government Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers is available at: Cabinet Secretaries and Ministers | GOV.WALES
A campaign tailored to tails!
Are you a dog friendly business? Do you go the extra mile to ensure our four-legged friends are welcomed? If so, this is your opportunity to be part of our early summer marketing campaign where we’ll be targeting dogs (and their owners) to choose Wales for their short breaks and holidays.
Did you know that 31% of UK households own a dog, making dog-friendly holidays and breaks a significant market. There has been a surge recently with “needy” dogs — pandemic pooches that don’t want to be left alone or booked into a kennel — meaning dog owners are increasingly taking their pets on holidays with them. Google trends has identified “dog friendly hotels” as a breakout search term (Jan 2024) and engagement with pet friendly content on has increased over 20% year on year and searches for pet friendly products by 155% year on year.
 We’re capitalising on these opportunities by planning a targeted campaign to resonate with dog owners, especially those who are most likely to holiday in the UK with their pets. Pet content is among the most popular types of content on social media too, so massive opportunity to gain traction for Wales as a pet friendly, welcoming destination.
The campaign will be driving traffic to and we’ll provide more details in the coming weeks. In the meantime, to maximise on these marketing opportunities, please take a few minutes to ensure your product listing page is up-to-date:
- Log into the product listing admin tool, check the details under each heading.
- To tag your “dog friendly” listing, scroll down to "Facilities" and tick the "Pets Accepted" box.
- Click "Save".
- Your listing will then appear in the search results when the end-user ticks the ‘Pets Accepted’ sub-category of the Search filter.
Did you know we have a Pets Welcome Award? To find out details about our Welcome Awards, please go to: Star quality grading | Business Wales (
Do you provide any special facilities, treats or welcome hampers especially for dogs? Let us know what makes your business special, we’ll be incorporating the best and most innovative examples within the campaign, email us on
Welsh visitor levy: Administration costs survey
The Welsh Revenue Authority has developed a survey to estimate the costs to your businesses of administration tasks associated with a visitor levy. Please use this opportunity to provide your knowledge of the impact to your businesses and the sector. The deadline for survey responses is 5pm on 19 April 2024: Welsh visitor levy: Administration costs survey (
For more information about proposals to introduce a visitor levy go to: A visitor levy for Wales | GOV.WALES
Domestic GB tourism statistics (overnight trips): October to December 2023
Estimates for the volume and value of domestic overnight trips to Wales for October to December 2023 are now available. Domestic overnight tourism statistics will now undergo a methodological review. To find out what this means for published estimates and planned reports, please see the Domestic tourism statistics: statement on methodological review | GOV.WALES
Wales Tourism Week 2024
Wales Tourism Alliance has announced Wales Tourism Week will take place 15-19 July. Watch out for more details at : Wales Tourism Alliance - The Voice of the Tourism industry in Wales (
Businesses to benefit from Welsh Government £20m Future Proofing Fund
Grants of between £5,000 and £10,000 will be available to eligible businesses in the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors. The eligibility checker will open week commencing 15 April and applications will open in May 2024. Find more details at: Up to 2,500 businesses to benefit from Welsh Government future proofing fund | Business Wales
Wales Coast Path: Business Survey 8 April–24 June
Calling all businesses and organisations - If you're located near the Wales Coast Path or National Trails in Wales (Glyndŵrs Way and Offa's Dyke Path), this survey is for you. Natural Resources Wales want your thoughts to help them understand what future support businesses and organisations need to take full advantage of the opportunities the paths provide.
For more information and to register your interest visit Wales Coast Path / Business Survey 2024.
You can subscribe to the Wales Coast Path business newsletter here: Wales Coast Path / Subcribe to our newsletter. You can also follow Wales Coast Path on social media: Wales Coast Path | Facebook and @Wales Coast Path.
Reminder: Workplace recycling, let's get it sorted
From 6 April 2024, it became law for all businesses, charities and public sector organisations to sort their waste for recycling. This includes:
- Hospitality and tourism - restaurants, bars, pubs, bed and breakfasts, hotels, campsites and caravan parks, holiday accommodation, and licensed premises
- Showgrounds, entertainment and sports venues including leisure centres
- Transport - bus stations, railway stations, seaports, airports, and heliports
- Education - universities, colleges, and schools
- Heritage buildings, libraries and museums
- Places of worship
- Outdoor markets and festivals
The Welsh Government introduced this law to improve the quality and quantity of how we collect and separate waste: Workplace recycling | GOV.WALES
Further guidance is available at: The Business of Recycling Wales Guidance for all workplaces (
In its role as regulator, Natural Resources Wales (NRW) is on hand to help workplaces comply with the new regulations and manage their waste in the right way: Natural Resources Wales / Separated waste collections for workplaces
Keep Wales Tidy - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair #CaruCymru
Keep Wales Tidy are encouraging businesses and organisations to eliminate litter and waste and pledge their commitment to four Rs: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Repair. Find out more about #CaruCymru and access advice and resources to help you make a change here: Business Support - Keep Wales Tidy - Caru Cymru
Remembering Alyn Wallace
 © Alyn Wallace Photography
Everyone here at Visit Wales is incredibly sad to have learnt of the passing of the hugely talented @alynwallace and we send our deepest condolences to family and friends.
Alyn was a spectacular astrophotographer and his expertise and work has helped put Wales on the world map. He was a fantastic ambassador for us and gave so much pleasure to all those who viewed his images and editorial advice, that he was kind enough to share through our channels.
Bee Friendly Scheme
The Bee Friendly Scheme encourages organisations to undertake positive actions for pollinators. This is important because they provide food for us and wildlife - wild pollinators include bumble bees, solitary bees, butterflies, moths and other insects.
Enhancing the natural environment helps pollinators and can make places more interesting for visitors and add to their sense of wellbeing. For ideas on how your business can get involved check out the Action Guide. Full details on the scheme are available at: Wales Biodiversity Partnership - Bee Friendly (
Do you use professional plant protection products (PPPs), also referred to as pesticides to control weeds?
The Welsh Government encourages all pesticide users to consider whether it is necessary to control weeds and to only use chemical control methods where necessary. Our policy aim is to minimise the effects of pesticide use on people, and the environment while ensuring pests, diseases and weeds are effectively controlled. To help achieve this, organisations are encouraged to adopt alternative methods, such as mechanical means or companion planting.
If you use PPPs in a professional capacity you are required to register with the relevant competent authority. Full details are available here: Plant protection products (PPPs): register as a professional user - GOV.UK (
UK Visas and Immigration - eVisa
UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) are developing a digital immigration system. This means replacing physical documents with an online record of immigration status. This is known as an eVisa. updated information is available on Online immigration status (eVisa) - GOV.UK (
Business Wales news updates
Make sure you never miss the latest news and blogs from Business Wales - go to: News and Blogs | Business Wales ( Some of the latest articles include:
Please subscribe to the Business Wales newsletter at Welsh Government ( – once signed up, you can sign in and manage all your Welsh Government subscriptions in one place.
Stay up to date with tourism industry news
View previously published Visit Wales industry newsletters and bulletins: Tourism Newsletter/Bulletin | Business Wales (