Welcome to 50 things to do before you're five in Portsmouth!
We are excited to do a first launch of our new project that will support communication and language development of our under 5's in the city.
 This is a national project that provides a range of learning experiences in the home environment and in the community for families to explore together. This February half term, we are encouraging you and your families to explore 5 of the 50 experiences and feedback to our early years team so that we can develop the remaining 45 things ready for the big launch in March, just before the Easter holidays.
 So, grab your phones or tablets and scan the QR codes above to download the app. You can also visit the website and have a go at the following 5 experiences.
 Your baby will benefit from having a close, loving relationships with the grown-ups in their life. Getting to know your baby is helped when you use lots of eye contact. Babies are ‘wired’ to respond to your face, developing their communication and practising early sounds with you.
You can give your baby a flying start by singing to your bump - baby can recognise your voice as early as 24 weeks. Infant massage, lots of eye contact and gentle talking or singing help your baby to remain calm and to get to know you, baby has lots to learn from you!
 Young children show a great deal of curiosity. They love to make a noise and see the reaction it gets. Help everyone from babies upwards to channel their musical genius with everyday household items, or even make some 'musical instruments' of your own.
 Your little one will delight in trying out the noises they can make themselves and exploring the different places they are in and how they sound. A loud sound in the garden sounds different to the sounds we can make in the pedestrian subway in town. They will be able to 'feel' a whisper close to their ear as well as hear the sound of the whisper.
 Visit your local wood or park. We have Foxes Forest in Hilsea, where you can explore and run wild! Or any of our parkland spaces - try Wimbledon park in Southsea or Victoria park in the city centre. Collect leaves, pine cones, sticks and conkers. Stomp through the leaves and splash in any puddles you see. Stand still and listen. What can you hear? What can you see? Did you spot the kingfisher by the waters edge in Foxes Forest or the train go past when you stand on the bridge? Explore and discover exciting nature, wildlife and adventure in lovely, local woodland areas.
 Take a walk and follow the millennium promenade trail from Clarence Pier to The Hard. The trail takes you along 3 kilometres of Portsmouth's historic waterfront. As you walk along, look out for the different buildings around you. Look out to sea and spot the different kinds of boats that you see.
We have included experiences for a range of ages in our first 5 and also opportunities to learn at home ('Get To Know You' and 'Making Music') or get out and about in Portsmouth ('Shout and Shhh', 'Woodland Wandering' and 'Millennium Miles').
So whatever the weather, whatever you are in the mood for, there should be something that you or your families might want to try out over the half term holiday.
We have got a simple leaflet explaining what 50 things to do before you're five is all about that we would like you to share with parents before half term so that they can take advantage of sampling the new app or website.
Look out for our social media posts on 50 things to do before you're five. It would be great if you could share these with families too. Click the buttons below to visit our social media pages.
After you or your parents try these, feel free to get in touch to share your feedback about the experiences or suggest places in Portsmouth that could go in the local links section for that 50 things to do before you're five experience. Email eydelivery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk. Use #50thingsportsmouth on social media.