The spring term provider briefing is taking place on 30 January from 10.00am - 12.00pm, live on Microsoft Teams. Come along to find out what is happening in the world of early years. Book your place here or email eyworkforce@portsmouthcc.gov.uk.
 We're exhibiting at the Teach Portsmouth Jobs and Opportunities Fair 2024, Portsmouth Guildhall on Monday 26 February 2024, 10.00am - 2.00pm.
Provide us with information on any job vacancies you have, and we can take your adverts to the event to promote them at our stand. We will also be promoting ‘becoming a childminder’. Email eydelivery@portsmouthcc.gov.uk for a vacancy advert form.
Don’t forget we can advertise your job vacancies on our website for free! Check any current job vacancies we have on there for your setting and let us know if you have filled the position or need the application deadline extending.
You can have your own stand at the event for a fee. Email TeachPortsmouth@portsmouthcc.gov.uk. Share details of the event with parents and carers in case they are looking for work or a change of career. The event is free to attend but they will need to register for a ticket.
 Tuesday 6 February is Safer Internet Day! This raises awareness of needing a safer and better internet for all, and especially for children and young people.
 As many of you will recall, our Portsmouth Safeguarding Children's Partnership developed 'the 5Cs of safeguarding' which was well received and widely used by safeguarding partners. This is also routinely included in their PSCP training. As always they have continued to review and reflect on this approach and the 5Cs have now become 6. The addition being 'civility' - Be CIVIL to others. Research demonstrates that incivility hinders communication. Civility contributes to more timely and effective decision making. Civility is much championed in health services.
 Contact (a UK charity for families and disabled children) are running two online workshops specifically for Portsmouth parents and practitioners on:
Wednesday 21 February, 9.30am - 12.00pm: Working with Under-Represented Groups
Monday 25 March, 09.30am - 12.00pm: Welcoming and Including Families
These workshops are designed for a variety of people to be involved including early years settings managers, parents, health practitioners and early years decision makers. Please sign up for your place using the link in the attachment or via the QR code. It would be helpful if you are able to attend both workshops.
 The DfE are offering free training and support for early years providers during the Summer Term. Many of these programmes are coming to an end after Summer Term 2024 so don't miss out…
Early years professional development programme: Last chance to access this free qualification and receive back fill funding for yours or your practitioners time. Next course starts April 2024. Please visit their website and see the flyer and brochure attached for further information. Register your interest now!
Childminder mentor programme: Applications for childminders to take part in the programme during Summer Term 2024 are now open! Details of the programme and how to apply are here. Let us know by Monday 5 February 2024 if you are interested in taking part. Complete your request for support form by 17 March 2024.
Expert and mentors programme for group settings: Last chance to take part in this programme. If you wish to benefit from working with a DfE Early Years Expert and access free training for your team via a DfE Early Years Mentor during Summer Term 2024, please consider signing up for this programme. Full details can be found here. You must complete a request for support form by Monday 5 February 2024.
Let us know if you are interested in accessing any of the programmes listed and we will ensure you are included in our information for the DfE.
 Digital story training for early years settings - Thursday 14 March, 9.30am - 11.30am, Conference Room A, Floor 2 Core 5, Civic Offices. This training is free! Book your place by emailing the Educational Psychology Service Business Team.
 Cases of measles are rising across England. Take a look at The Education Hub blog post where they explain everything you need to know about the rise in measles cases, from getting children vaccinated, to when to keep them off of school or their childcare setting.