Early Years Bulletin 23.09.2019

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Early years bulletin

23 September 2019

Bilingual support from Portsmouth EMAS


If you have a child with English as Additional Language (EAL) in your setting who you feel would benefit from bilingual support (see our referral pathway), please fill in the referral form below and return to EMAS as soon as possible. 

As you might be aware, EMAS is commissioned to work with children in nursery settings and schools up to the age of 16 so the demand for bilingual support across the city is very high and it might therefore not be possible to immediately meet the needs of the child/ren in your settings. However, we endeavour to support you in the best way we can; either through regular support or one-off visits. Also, due to limited funding, we have to concentrate our support on children in their last year before they start school. However, in certain circumstances, we might be able to offer one-off support to younger children to settle a child and/or explain routines and procedures to parents/carers.

Referral Form

Parent Consent Form

EAL/EMS Guidelines

Home-Start's Big Hopes Big Future project

EY Bulletin

If you’re worried that a child may not be ready for school next September and you feel the family might benefit from someone visiting them at home please consider referring them to Home-Start Portsmouth’s Big Hopes Big Future project.

Big Hopes Big Future (BHBF) is a ‘school readiness’ programme which aims to support some of the most disadvantaged children prepare for the transition to school.

Specially trained Home-Start BHBF volunteers support children in becoming ‘school ready’ by helping them to develop early literacy skills (e.g. mark making, looking at books, singing nursery rhymes), improve learning behaviour (e.g. playing games, taking turns, sitting still) and increase self-confidence (e.g. encouraging them to talk about their week, initiating activities), as well as supporting the parents to recognise the importance and value of a positive home learning environment. 

Volunteers offer a 12 week intervention, visiting families in their own home, once a week, for up to two hours.

The project has been running since April 2017 and feedback from parents, nurseries, schools and volunteers has been extremely positive. Suzy Gage at Home-Start Portsmouth is the project co-ordinator and meets every family that is referred.

Please consider children who start school in September 2020 and could benefit from this intervention. If you would like to discuss a potential referral or have any queries please contact Suzy Gage on 023 9273 4400 or email office@hsportsmouth.org.uk.

Completed referrals (with parental signature) can be scanned and emailed securely to snhs.homestartportsmouth@nhs.net or sent to Home-Start Portsmouth, 17 Lake Road, Portsmouth PO1 4HA. Further information can be found on the Home-Start website. 

Download a referral form

Contact us...

The Early Years and Childcare Service have a dedicated telephone number to be used if you need to speak to a member of the team. Contact us on 023 9284 1974.

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