Finding out what matters most to people in research
Over the past few months we've been meeting charities and patient representative organisations to find out about research issues that matter to people.
We met with representatives from Alzheimer’s Research UK and members of Huntington’s Disease Voice, an organisation hosted by the Huntington’s Disease Association.
The conversations were invaluable and we will use them to inform how we can make a difference to improve people’s experiences of health and social care research.

Celebrating South Asian Heritage Month
To celebrate South Asian Heritage Month (SAHM), our Inclusion Manager, Lou Silver, has blogged about the importance of culturally adapted mental health support for British South Asians.
SAHM celebrates and commemorates the cultures, histories, and heritage of people with origins in South Asian countries. The theme this year is, 'free to be me'.
 The future of environmentally sustainable research
We're committed to supporting sustainable practices in our daily business, as set out in our environmental strategy. We are also working to better understand what role we may play in encouraging sustainable research.
Sarah Grimshaw, Chair of our staff Green Team, blogs about attending a workshop on supporting sustainable research and highlights work already taking place at the HRA and elsewhere to encourage change.
The HRA Green Team is a staff led network who assist the organisation in promoting and facilitating environmental sustainability.

Integrated Care Boards and the role of the CAG
Dr Paul Mills, our Confidentiality Advice Service Manager, has written a blog about the Confidentiality Advisory Group (CAG) building relationships with Integrated Care Systems.
Earlier this year, Paul spoke to staff from Integrated Care Boards across the country about the use of confidential data and how the CAG fits into the information governance landscape.

HRA at the Patient Engagement Open Forum
Our Public Involvement Manager, Barbara Molony-Oates, joined experts from around the world at the Patient Engagement Open Forum in May.
The event was held to champion and support patient engagement in the health and social care research sector.
News from across UK research
Below are some updates you may have missed about health and social care research in the UK: