HRA Latest 27 January 2022: Making transparency happen, improving information for research participants, celebrating the HRA community and more

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NHS Health Research Authority

HRA Latest – 27 January 2022

Professor Matt Westmore, next Chief Executive of the HRA

Welcome to HRA Latest, with all the latest updates for those working or involved in health and social care research.

People should be at the centre of health and social care research and we’re looking at how we can improve participant information about studies and how our Research Ethics Committees review it. Read more in a blog from Leni Sivey, Public Involvement Manager.

This month we celebrated the tenth anniversary of the HRA. We used this opportunity to see how far we’ve come and look forward to the future. We were delighted to welcome Chief Medical Officer Professor Sir Chris Whitty who thanked our staff, volunteers, and community members for the difference they make.

As always, for regular updates and the latest news, you can follow us on Twitter @HRA_Latest.

Matt Westmore, Chief Executive

Make It Public Blocks

Making transparency happen

In the last few months, we’ve introduced new requirements for final reporting and automatic registration for Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs), and next week new rules on deferring registration come into effect. This change is all part of Make it Public, our commitment to research transparency.

In this new blog Naho Yamazaki, Head of Policy and Engagement looks at the difference Make it Public is making.

A group of cartoon people with speech bubbles above their heads

Improving information for research participants

Think Ethics puts participants and ethics at the heart of health and social care research. This month we’re looking at how we can make sure people invited to take part in research receive clear and concise information which has been designed with and for participants. Read Leni Sivey’s blog. 

A waist up picture of a man and a woman smiling side by side and looking at each other



New combined review service for CTIMPs

Combined review with the Medicine and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) is the way all sponsors and applicants seek approval for new Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs). 

In a joint blog, our Senior Development Manager, Catherine Blewett and Head of the MHRA Clinical Trials Unit, Martin O’Kane talked to MedCity about streamlining approvals and the benefits to the research community.

Read the blog

Our people make us

Celebrating the HRA Community

The HRA turned 10 on 1 December 2021. We’ve marked this by taking stock of how far we’ve come and looking to the future.

Our organisation is a community made up of our staff, Research Ethics Committee and Confidentiality Advisory Group members, the Public Involvement Network, technical assurance advisers and many others who work with us on a range of issues.

The vast majority of the HRA community are volunteers, so it was important to all of us to celebrate and thank the community for their work over the last ten years.

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Consultation on clinical trials

We’ve been working with the MHRA on proposals we hope will improve and strengthen UK clinical trials legislation. We want to help to make the UK the best place to research and develop safe and innovative medicines. Read more in this blog from Dr Janet Messer, Director of the Approvals Service

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