Combined review with the MHRA is now the way all sponsors and applicants seek approval for new Clinical Trials of Investigational Medicinal Products (CTIMPs). A single application for both Clinical Trial Authorisation and Research Ethics Committee (REC) opinion is made in a new part of IRAS, with a single communication to confirm the final decision. To support applications for CTIMPs that involve ionising radiation, we’re running a free, live webinar on Monday 31 January to:
- help you to understand the changes and the application process for CTIMPs that involve ionising radiation
- help you to check the impact of the changes on your own organisation and any internal processes or procedures that might need to be updated
- guide you to available resources providing further information and support.
The webinar will be recorded and a version will be made available for anyone who cannot attend a live session.
How to book
Please log onto our Learning Management System (LMS) to book your place. It is free to register. We look forward to seeing you soon!