Latest news and updates from Safer Housing at Nottingham City Council
Nottingham and Nottinghamshire will move into Tier 3 Very High Alert level from tomorrow, Wednesday 3 December.
Tier 3 means:
- No mixing of households indoors or outdoors apart from support bubbles. The Rule of Six applies in some outdoor public places, for example parks and public gardens
- Hospitality will close except for sales by takeaway, drive-through or delivery
- Retail and personal care businesses can all open
- Avoid travelling out of the area, other than where necessary for work, education, youth services, medical attention or because of caring responsibilities
- Avoid overnight stays outside of the local area, unless necessary for work, education or similar reasons
- Exercise classes and organised adult sport can take place outdoors, but should avoid contact. Organised activities for elite athletes, under-18s and disabled people can continue
You can see the full restrictions for tier 3 here.
If you need to carry out work in your property during COVID-19, please follow the latest Government guidance here.
You can find the latest COVID-19 general guidance for landlords and tenants here.
Information on making Christmas bubbles with friends and family can be found here.
The Government has updated it’s guidance for landlords and tenants as all eviction cases are suspended until at least the 11 January 2021.
They have updated this new legislation to prevent enforcement of evictions in England during any period of national restrictions and over the Christmas period.
You can read this information here.
EMPO Landlord Association also recently hosted a residential landlord possession webinar in partnership with David Smith, Partner at JMW Solicitors LLP.
In the webinar David provides an overview of the new possession process, talking about the potential issues and how to navigate the process.
You can watch the webinar on Youtube here.
Teams from the Selective, Mandatory and Additional Licencing teams have been out in wards across the city looking for any issues with properties.
One of the complaints we get from the public is about the poor condition of the outside of homes on their street.
Here is a list of the top 10 most common problems we identify at properties –
- Damaged bins
- Bulky Waste
- Contaminated Bins
- Full Bins and side waste
- Gardens or yards untidy and/or overgrown
- Damage to the exterior of the property
- Untidy exterior walls and defective guttering
- Lacking security glazing
- Damage and Defective walls and fencing
- Damaged utility boxes
We will be continuing these walks in more wards across the city, and Landlords of properties with issues will be contacted by letter.
You can see a full breakdown of problems identified here.
The HHSRS guidance on the expected standards for privately rented singly occupied dwellings can be found here.
Nottingham City Council has a system called Report it, where you can report a number of issues in neighbourhoods.
This could be:
- anti-social behaviour,
- pest issues
- Noise complaints
- bins and waste issues
- street or road issues
- Fly-tipping
- overgrown hedges
- plus many more
So, if you notice any issues on the road where your property is or in the local neighbourhood, you can report these in one place and this will then passed onto the relevant team in the council to deal with.
We held the second Managing Agents Liaison Group meeting the other week.
As these are new meetings, each one is a learning curve for both parties so we will be looking at changing up the way they work and liaison group members have told us they would like to lead more.
You can see the agenda, minutes and actions from the Agents meeting under the November section on this link.
The next Landlord Liaison Group meeting is being held in January.
Are you worried about your tenant’s relationship?
Anyone, regardless of gender and background can experience abuse in relationships, and everyone deserves relationships which are safe and respectful.
If your tenant was experiencing domestic abuse, would you know what to look for? If you're concerned that someone you know may be experiencing abuse, here's how to spot the warning signs and where to get support:
To get all the latest information, tips, advice and updates from the Safer Housing team, follow us on social media.
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