 In the event of a major incident, it may be some time before the emergency services can help you. It is important that you and your family make preparations to take care of yourselves.
What To Do In An Emergency
- Try to remain calm, reassure others and think before acting
- Make sure 999 has been called if people are injured or if there is a threat to life
- Do not put yourself or others in danger and follow the advice of the emergency services
- Don’t forget about your pets, their equipment and pet food.
- Have a prepared kit for when an incident occurs.
- When you are told that it is safe to return home, open windows to provide fresh air before arranging for gas, electricity and water supplies to be reconnected.
As an individual, household or family, agree on a plan in advance.
Download the form using the button below, complete it and keep it safe.
Sugggested Emergency Kit Checklist Items
- A radio with spare batteries or a wind up radio
- A torch with spare batteries or a wind up torch
Candles and matches
- A First Aid kit
Copies of important documents like birth certificates, insurance policies and this plan
Bottled water and ready to eat food (tinned food), with a can opener if required. Enough for 3 days if trapped at home.
- Toiletries, sanitary supplies
- Prescribed medication
- Playing cards, games/some form of entertainment
- Any special equipment for infants or the elderly
Mobile phone and charger
- Cash/credit cards
- Spare clothes/blankets
- Home/car keys