Hopefully, you have had a chance to look at your SEND Profile and found this a useful and interesting exercise.
The data that DCC use to produce the graphs on the types of SEND in your setting is taken from the January Census. Having spoken to many schools about their SEND profiles and how they are categorising need, it is clear that there is some inconsistency between schools around how best to do this, especially regarding the use of the NSA category.
To support with this, Devon have produced a guidance document which will hopefully ensure a more consistent approach is taken by all mainstream primary and secondary schools. With Christmas fast approaching, now is the time to analyse your SEND registers and ensure every child is correctly categorised according to their primary area of need, using the guidance. Please ensure you work with your Head Teacher and school administrators to ensure you central school records are up to date ready for the January Census.
If you would like any further support with this, please contact Hannah.chamings@devon.gov.uk
Best wishes
SEND advisory teams – Digital Request for Access (RfA) launch live 20th Nov 23
Following feedback from SENCos and the advisory teams, we have updated, amended and reformatted the SEND Request for Access (RfA) form to an online format.
Amendments include requesting more specific details around current needs and provision, which will support our triaging process and ensure the most effective support is given to schools.
If your RfA needs to be redirected to a different team or agency to meet the needs and outcomes you’ve outlined, we will signpost you to, and connect you with, the team or agency best placed to support you.
Please use this new online request for access form with immediate effect and discard and delete all old paper or web versions.
Rest assured there are ‘save’ and ‘print’ functions, allowing you to return and store your submission. The ‘save’ function will generate a link to return to your RfA, but be aware this link may go into your ‘junk’ folder.
Following RfA submission and triage by SEND advisory teams, all team engagement models remain unchanged.
We hope you too feel the benefits of a more efficient and effective RfA system. You can feedback your experience via email
Brilliant keynote speakers Natalie Packer and Mikey from Mikey's Wish will join us to share strategic, informative and inspiring messages for you to take back into your school.
Bring your Headteacher for half price!
We are excited to share our special offer enabling you to book both your SENDco and headteacher to attend the 2024 SEND conference, with your headteachers cost being just half price.
The morning of the conference has a strong leadership focus with keynote speaker Natalie Packer sharing key SEND leadership topics and strategies, supported by a selection of workshops which will develop knowledge and understanding across a range of topics and support greater joined up working between schools and other services.
We understand the time pressures of stepping away from school for a full day, so this offer is designed to enable your headteachers to join us for the morning keynote, workshop sessions and networking opportunities during lunch, and be able to return to school for the afternoon, should they wish to.
SEND Conference 2024 | DES (devoneducationservices.co.uk)
The educational psychology service would be grateful if SENDCos could complete this brief survey https://forms.office.com/e/AebSXJZYYq so that we can understand your school's priorities related to ‘Cognition and Learning’ and how you would prefer to be supported with this area.
This information will be shared with education teams at Devon Council, so that we can work in partnership to support staff development in Devon schools.
The deadline for completion is Friday December 1st 2023. Please contact Dr Carrie Gould, Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist (Cognition and Learning) at carrie.gould@devon.gov.uk or Dr Aimee Morgan, Specialist Senior Educational Psychologist (Early Years) at aimee.morgan@devon.gov.uk should you have any further questions.
The importance of targeting Tier 2 vocabulary
Explicit vocabulary instruction can often focus principally on topic-specific vocabulary. The work of Beck and McKeown presented the three tier model of vocabulary and we know that many pupils will need to be taught those tier 2 cross-curricular words, which are arguably the most useful, and particularly important for understanding the language of exam questions. This TES magazine article explores tier 2 vocabulary teaching for KS2 SATS.
Tier 2 vocabulary posters can be helpful as part of classroom displays if they are explicitly referenced as part of teaching input. The picture example alongside this article was made using Widgit Online.
The Learning About Neurodiversity at School (LEANS) resource pack is a new, free tool for mainstream primary teachers to introduce neurodiversity concepts to classes of pupils aged 8-11 years.
Sorry to mention Christmas in November but here is a list of BSL Christmas events
Storytime with Father Christmas, BSL support from the Elf
Where: Saltram House Tickets on their website
When: Saturday 16th December 13:30 – 14:15, Thursday 21st December 13:30 – 14:15, Friday 22nd December 13:30 – 14:15
Deaf Father Christmas in the Grotto
Where: Powderham Castle
When: 17th December & 21st December
More information can be obtained about dates and ticket info by emailing christmas@powderham.co.uk An interpreter will be there for those who don’t sign. This has been organised by the castle in conjunction with the Deaf Academy.
Pinocchio Show
Where: Theatre Royal
When: 21st December 3.00pm or 7th January 11.00am. www.theatreroyal.com
More accessible panto events around the county can be found here
Download a free BSL advent calendar from Let's Sign here
Contact your local Teacher of the Deaf for more festive resources!
CFHD virtual Stakeholder event
Following a redesign of Children & Family Health Devon (CFHD) services, CFHD are hosting a virtual event for partners, professionals, service users and communities to attend and learn more about the newly designed pathways of care around specialist services for physical and mental health to children and young people across Devon.
When: DATE: 7th December 2023 TIME: 11:00am-12:30pm LOCATION: MS TEAMS
Email cfhd.communications@nhs.net for a link to attend
Learning Disability Annual Health Checks.
Did you know that anyone aged 14 or over with a Learning Disability is entitled to a free Annual Health Check at their GP surgery? The Annual Health check is a full physical check covering all areas of health, including lifestyle advice and screening, questions about mental health and relationships, medication review and offering vaccinations.
Anyone on the Learning Disability Register will be invited every year. If you or someone you know with a Learning Disability has not been invited, then please check that you are on your GP’s Register by contacting your surgery. More information can be found at https://www.mencap.org.uk/advice-and-support/health/annual-health-checks or download the leaflets below.
2nd request (due to no responses!) from Public Health Nursing re Medicine Management and training in school
Please can you support the completion of this questionnaire (9 brief questions and will only take 5 minutes) so the Public Health Nursing service can get a better understanding of the training received, or needed, in education settings in relation to medicine management.
Please click on the link below to access the form.
Look out for the last SEND Update of the year: 4th December 2023. If there are any topics you would like covered, especially to help your in your valuable role. Please get in touch.